How to get smaller shoulders

:s I have very broad shoulders and can t get them smaller please help 😫


  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    We really can't be of assistance without more details. What are your stats - height and weight? Are your shoulders large due to them being broad, or are you looking to lose weight, or are you looking to lean out the muscle that is there? Many things can make shoulders appear large - but we can't help without knowing what the underlying issue is.
  • Beaster_Bunny
    Beaster_Bunny Posts: 501 Member
    Chop off your nipples. Problem solved.
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    Get rid of the fat that is covering them.
    If you do they/you will look smaller and more "fit".
    I see girls at the gym,who are quit muscular, like you can tell they lift. However, they have a lot of extra fat still so their shoulders just to mention one area, are even bigger than than before.

    You can't change your bonestructure, just your diet.
  • workinonit1956
    workinonit1956 Posts: 1,043 Member
    edited June 2018
    You obviously can’t change your bone structure but you can lose fat from that area. (In conjunction with all over fat loss). My shoulders look smaller now that I’ve lost weight (I love it!!)
  • deputy_randolph
    deputy_randolph Posts: 940 Member
    If you make your butt/hips bigger...your shoulders will look smaller. Problem solved.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Having broad shoulders is can't really do anything with that.
  • ltomanek
    ltomanek Posts: 53 Member
    :s I have very broad shoulders and can t get them smaller please help 😫

    I love having more broad shoulders. Not that they are bulky or covered with insane muscles. I love the way they highlight my posture and elongate my neck. My genetics only played partially into that. I was a competitive swimmer in middle school, high school and college. Developing broad swimmer shoulders is a thing. Though you do not love them presently, I hope some day you will. I used to be self conscious about my shoulder width, but now I wouldn't change a thing.
  • pomegranatecloud
    pomegranatecloud Posts: 812 Member
    Time travel to change your genes.