Can't lose to save my life

I'm 6 months postpartum and no, I'm not breastfeeding. My body doesn't produce.

I've been doing low carb and calorie counting and I have been gaining weight steadily. I started 3 months ago at 231 and I'm at 235 now. I haven't been exercising but I'm still low calorie so I don't understand. I have 3 kids total, and the 6 month old keeps me up all night so I'm just too tired to exercise. I know the whole "if you care you'll make time" thing is going to come up. I get it. I have even been eating clean for the past 2 months because I thought maybe that was the problem. Literally my diet has been nuts, veggies, eggs, meat, and occasional dairy. I have cheated maybe 6 times in 3 months because I've been so damn determined. I have skipped meals at bbqs and birthday parties and I have literally nothing to show for it. Is it stress? Lack of sleep? I'm really starting to hate myself.


  • KalesBagel
    KalesBagel Posts: 20 Member
    I know how this works. Before I got pregnant I was at 180 after losing weight. Initially I started at 250. So I've lost before and this worked for me before.
  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    Just wanted to add that, if you can't get to the gym, weight lifting gives you the most bang for your buck. (it doesn't reflect on the scale, but your abs will reshape almost immediately).

    Get a kettlebell and do some swings while the baby sleeps.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    Saving my life, or at least increasing my odds of a longer, healthier life, is exactly why I lost the weight. If you are in a deficit, eating less than you burn, you will lose weight with or without exercise. Little things add up. Your oldest, and maybe both of your older kids, is probably eating sandwiches. Do you cut the crusts off and eat them? Do you ever have just a few nuts and figure it isn't enough to log? Are you finding good accurate matches for logging food? Do you weigh it? Are you sure you have an accurate estimate of how many calories you burn in a day? Something is throwing off the math.

    Yup.... same story for me..... or gastric bypass.....
  • KalesBagel
    KalesBagel Posts: 20 Member
    Hey everyone, thanks for replying. Here are some answers to questions:

    I will definitely lay off the nuts then. I measure with a meaauring cup for them and its probably not as accurate as a food scale.

    I am a stay at home mome.

    My other food is easily measured because meat always has the ounces on the packaging and eggs are pre-measured.

    I'll start weighing veggies. I was resisting it because I cook for everyone so its an extra step to also weigh it and keep it marked off so I know my portion. I will have to buckle down though.

    I started eating clean because I wasn't losing weight but I still feel better and have nicer skin etc so I'm probably going to stick with it. It's also good for the kids.

    I will drink more water. I forget to a lot.
  • KalesBagel
    KalesBagel Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for everyone's responses :)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    If you don't have time to weigh everything, start with the most calorie dense things. I don't weigh veggies real often, but fruits I do. Package weights aren't required to be spot on, they are expected to be within a weight "range."
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member