I feel very angry

Its taken me since feb 17 to loose just under 3st. I have gone from a UK 18 to a UK 16.
I exercise regularly, and eat well.
I have been tracking my food and workouts.
These past 2 weeks i have only lost 1lb.
I have worked so hard, my workouts were on point and so was my food and i get a 1lb loss! I feel useless!

Now i know weight loss dont mean to much and inches is what that matters...
So cue the measuring ive GAINED an inch on my thighs and tummy!
Now im not a slim person in fact im still 3 stones obese so the gain on my inches doesnt make any sense! Surely i should be burning fat, if even i am lucky enough to build muscle.
Ive joined mfp just in case i am missing something.

I have spent 3 hours crying, i feel like giving up. I have learnt alot about food, and exercise
These plus 12 months.
Im probably doing what most of you would suggest.
I just neeeded to vent out my emotions to prevent me eating them.


  • Fernysmum1
    Fernysmum1 Posts: 1 Member
    I so feel your pain. Where are you based? could it be the heat and water retention? I sometimes feel angry too and I don't put in half as much effort as you have been doing. I don't have much else to offer you other than a big tight virtual hug! xx
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    To lose weight, you need to eat less - moving more is good, but optional, a balanced and varied diet is good, but not what creates weightloss.
    If you count calories, you have to do it right for it to work.
    As you lose weight, weight loss will slow down.
    Weight fluctuates naturally from day to day.
    You will have to tolerate not seeing a drop on the scale every week. That's how it will be every week in maintenance.
    Weighing is way more reliable than measuring. That goes for food as well as body.
  • Candyspun
    Candyspun Posts: 370 Member
    You still had a loss. You didn't gain, or even stay the same. Give the measurements time to catch up. Take any progress you make as a win. You had a win. Don't give up, you'll put all the weight on and your current losses would be for nothing. Just keep going and be patient.
  • xxzenabxx
    xxzenabxx Posts: 935 Member
    You might not be measuring yourself accurately because I was doing that too. Just use an item of clothing as your indicator it’s more accurate trust me!
  • CowboySar
    CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
    You lost that's great. It wont be linear and constant, there will be times of no loss and no gain as well as a gain. Don't sweat it keep doing what you are doing. If after a few weeks or a month it has stalled or steadily gone up. Change things up, reflect honestly on you eating and exercise. It will come patience and persistence.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    Congratulations! That's 2.3 pounds per week!

    It becomes a little more difficult to maintain that kind of loss when you get closer to goal.

    Keep doing the plan. It will pay off. You may want to readjust your expectations to a more realistic one pound per week. How much more weight do you need to lose to get into your healthy BMI range?