Marathon Training Plans & Tips

Hey MFPeeps

I'm looking for some advice. I'm running the Paris Marathon in April next year and I want to get sorted with a good training plan.

I cycle to work every day, which is 100miles/week so I'm looking for a training plan that isn't too hardcore eg: 6 runs a week because realistically I just wont' manage it on top of everything else. I know that this probably means starting in the next couple of months so that I can get enough runs in and I'm fine with that.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I know about Hal Higdon and am planning on getting one of his books to read, but are there any others I should be checking out?


If anyone has any marathon training tips, they would be greatly appreciated! Nutrition, clothing, breathing - anything!

Thanks :-)



  • Keefypoos
    Keefypoos Posts: 231 Member
    I'm sorry but I have no tips, I just wanted to wish you well and good luck with it
  • fit_twin
    fit_twin Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Cathy,

    Congrats on your decision to run this Marathon! Good luck to you! There's a' Runner' Magazine out there that I used to pick up that's loaded with good information for runners. Everything from nutrtion to the type of shoes are best for you.

    I hoped I helped a little.

    Have a great day :-)

  • Sharonbed4d
    Here's a few sites: (they also have a free smart coach training plan)

    I've done 2 fulls and a dozen or so half marathons. Paris sounds like it would be an awesome run. My advise would be to train, fuel and have fun. Don't put too much pressure on yourself for finish time.

    Good luck!
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    With my first marathon still rather fresh in my head, my advice. Make sure you get your long runs in, and use those to really figure our your in race fueling needs.

    Other than that, just try to stay as consistent as you can during training & listen to your body.
  • ebert5150
    ebert5150 Posts: 135 Member
    I'm also training for my first marathon and suggest Jeff Galloway's books and website. I was also reading an article yesterday about the importance of eating during your long runs to not only keep from hitting the wall but also to speed recovery after the race. Here's a few of the links:
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    bumping. Going to be running my first marathon in May 2012.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I vote for Higdon. People need to remember that these plans are guidelines, not gospel. The little numbers on the spreadsheet don't know how much biking your already do.

    Long runs are important and a realistic pace/goal based on your training is even more important. Lots of people go out trying to run at some arbitrary pace (break 5:00 hours, 4:00, BQ, etc.) when in fact their training doesn't support said pace.