Is there something wrong with me?



  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,491 Member
    You look great.

    Seems like you had a flashback.
  • Chewbac7777
    Chewbac7777 Posts: 238 Member
    I think your body looks great teenagers are dumb anyway
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I’m the queen of teen embarrassment. I once heard a “moo” from a gaggle of teens lounging at the subway. I did a 180, put on a big grin, hand extended, and introduced myself. Got all their names. Waved them a cheery goodbye.

    Teens are humans at their most insecure. With brains and chutzpah you should always be able to turn the tables on them.

    Another pet peeve is seat hogging on the transit. My “cure” was to invade their space just enough so they moved their bag. Making space for me always earned them a gracious “Thank you”, modelling civil behaviour. Always a good skill to exercise.
  • sophieconnelly94
    sophieconnelly94 Posts: 2 Member
    So... I work in a coffee shop, and honestly teenagers will stare and laugh at anything! If I ask them what they would like I'm looked at like I'm an alien! Please don't take it to heart, you look wonderful and just keep doing you!
  • OkChargerFan2
    OkChargerFan2 Posts: 55 Member
    You have no worries.
  • juliamiskimin
    juliamiskimin Posts: 1 Member
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with your body! You are a strong, beautiful woman! Do not ever forget it! From a woman to a woman💪
  • julie_bee_123
    julie_bee_123 Posts: 25 Member
    My guess is that they were whispering about something they didn't want an adult to hear, and you were a grown up in the area. They were probably up to something shady or just teenage-boy ornery, and didn't want to get caught. They were probably checking to see if you could hear them, and once they saw you looking at them, they got nervous that an adult was on to them.

  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    You are beautiful! Who knows what they could've been talking about. It was probably something like "She looks a lot like our teacher _____!" "Is that her?" "No man her hair is too short" "IDK man sure looks like her!" "Seeing our teachers in the wild is funny!" when i was a teenager we had many conversations like this. Nothing malicious. Assume the best, and if its the worst, who cares what random strangers think?
  • kbmnurse1
    kbmnurse1 Posts: 316 Member
    Ignore all idiots.
  • Jaylello
    Jaylello Posts: 212 Member
    I have only read the first post.

    If a group of hormone driven teenage boys were looking at you it was probably more horny bravado, yoga pants on your figure + teenage boys = perving and frustration lol.

    Sorry for being crude, I blame the hormones
  • walking2running
    walking2running Posts: 140 Member
    I was sure I was being mocked. Either way, you are right it doesn't matter. In my head, I am still 240 pounds. It's been over 10 years since I've been at that weight but it sticks. I guess my past experiences with teenage boys have tainted my perception.
  • cbfaulk2
    cbfaulk2 Posts: 1 Member
    My pastor once shared that inside all of us are four people:

    The person other people think we are.
    The person we think other people think we are.
    The person we think we are.
    The person God knows we are.

    Just be the person God knows you are.
  • walking2running
    walking2running Posts: 140 Member
    cbfaulk2 wrote: »
    My pastor once shared that inside all of us are four people:

    The person other people think we are.
    The person we think other people think we are.
    The person we think we are.
    The person God knows we are.

    Just be the person God knows you are.

    As an atheist, I think you're advise is a little lost on me. But I appreciate the wisdom in it nonetheless :)
  • Breezybreeze7
    Breezybreeze7 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I work with teenagers. They were probably messing around on social media and laughing about something on their phones. If they had something bad to say about you, esp. in front of their friends, they will get loud enough yo let you hear so they can show off. But then again, even if they did, don’t let it get to you.