Looking for Veg, Vegan, Raw, etc

I joined a few years ago and lost track and contact with the site and thought it was time to start back up again! Friends are great and I'm looking forward to meeting people from all walks of life! If you are looking to add new friends...send me one! I'm also looking for those with a vegetarian, vegan, raw, yoga, crafting interested or backgrounds! Looking forward to this re-newed adventure once again! :)


  • SlowlyLosingLolita
    SlowlyLosingLolita Posts: 93 Member
    Hiya! Vegan here looking to get healthier!
    For a few years, even though I was vegan, I was eating terribly. I barely ever ate salads or any fresh vegetables or fruit.
    I basically lived on those Amy's meals, Daiya grilled cheese sandwiches, Taco Bell, and Pure Decadence Turtle Trail ice cream.
    People think being vegan means we eat grass or something. Not true! There's tons of vegan junk and I am a connoisseur of it.
    Which has led me here and made me 30lbs overweight :grumble:
    I am currently going Raw food a week as a sort of cleaning and if anyone who's raw wants to give me pointers-well, Yay!
    I hope to meet more Vegans/Vegetarians/people who are curious to learn.
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    Love your profile pic! Feel free to add me, sounds like we might have a few things in common :) I love yoga, crafts, and while I dont label myself yet I stick to a vegetarian diet and have been experimenting on the vegan side
  • adougherty10
    Hey! I'm a lacto-ovo veg here slowing making the transition to veganism! If nothing else, I am trying to watch my calories and increase my activity level to lose the weight I gained with my last baby (who is a year & a half already!) - I have almost 30 pounds to lose to get my BMI back in that "healthy" category!
  • ladybugh
    ladybugh Posts: 14
    Feel free to add me. I'm a veg - try to be vegan as much as possible. I have about 20 lbs that I would like to lose to get back to BMI healthy category. I've always been interested in learning yoga but haven't tried it yet.

    I've just gotten back into calorie counting. Very interesting looking at the nutrition levels on the daily analysis!
  • BlissfulYoga
    BlissfulYoga Posts: 88 Member
    Yeah...I have been getting lazy with the packaged and frozen veg stuff too! One of the reasons I wanted to come back here, I guess! Rear in Gear time! LOL Thanks so much for the common-ground/encouragement!
  • BlissfulYoga
    BlissfulYoga Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks so much! We DO have lots on common! That's awesome!

    Do any of you have blogs!?
    Love your profile pic! Feel free to add me, sounds like we might have a few things in common :) I love yoga, crafts, and while I dont label myself yet I stick to a vegetarian diet and have been experimenting on the vegan side
  • BlissfulYoga
    BlissfulYoga Posts: 88 Member
    We sounds like we are in the same boat! :)
    Except I haven't had any kids! LOL

    Thanks for the request and support!
    Hey! I'm a lacto-ovo veg here slowing making the transition to veganism! If nothing else, I am trying to watch my calories and increase my activity level to lose the weight I gained with my last baby (who is a year & a half already!) - I have almost 30 pounds to lose to get my BMI back in that "healthy" category!
  • raeanns
    raeanns Posts: 20 Member
    I have been vegetarian for the past 3 years, and vegan for the past month. It's really agreeing with me, and so far, I don't find it that difficult. I love to cook. I also like to knit. I have two dogs, a husband, I'm a teacher and I live in Connecticut.

    Feel free to add me too!
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    Welcome back glad you found this site again. I have only been a vegan for about a month now; but I am having loads of fun cooking new things.
  • BlissfulYoga
    BlissfulYoga Posts: 88 Member
    I'm so glad I started back in at this site again today! It's familiar from years ago but at the same time much has changed being that it's more active and accurate! I'm very excited! Thank you all so much for your friendship and encouragement! :)
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm a veg - try to be vegan as much as possible. I have about 20 lbs that I would like to lose to get back to BMI healthy category. I've always been interested in learning yoga but haven't tried it yet.

    I've just gotten back into calorie counting. Very interesting looking at the nutrition levels on the daily analysis!

    I definitely recommend giving yoga a try :)
  • BlissfulYoga
    BlissfulYoga Posts: 88 Member
  • BlissfulYoga
    BlissfulYoga Posts: 88 Member
  • CyanideCandy
    I'm a vegetarian, also trying to be as vegan as possible (:
  • CatClark
    CatClark Posts: 74 Member
    I'm vegetarian (aspiring vegan!)

    Feel free to add me, always happy to swap recipes, good links etc :D
  • eodell1
    eodell1 Posts: 14
    I'm vegan. Doing my best here to lose weight. I've lost 18 lbs. in 5 weeks. I want to lose 26 lbs. more. This site has helped considerably in tracking my calories and encouraging me to ramp up the exercise.