What's Your Little "Trick"



  • cutie2b
    cutie2b Posts: 194 Member
    These are great tricks. I am going to have to try a lot of these.
  • andison
    andison Posts: 22 Member
    Cedarhurst, what a great 'new' idea!
  • jklmum
    jklmum Posts: 27
    I try to find reasons to get up from the table during the meal - pour water for kids, get napkins, etc. The longer it takes you to consume your meal the fuller you will feel and you end up eating less! I also try to make it a rule to only fill my plate once (my smaller dinner plate!)
    Lots of great ideas on here, thanks everyone
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I take my time eating, and always make my plate in the kitchen, and then eat at the table. When I'm finished eating I don't get up immediately, either. I sit and reflect on how good my dinner tasted, how much I enjoyed my dinner company, etc. Sometimes just visit with my boyfriend about nothing important. After about 10 minutes or so, I'll get up and clear the table and have another glass of water. This gives my stomach time to tell my brain I'm full, and it's been the best trick ever.

    When we do go out to eat, my boyfriend and I always split a meal.

    If I'm feeling snacky and I know it's boredom eating or stress eating, I'll find something to keep my hands busy. Painting my nails usually does the trick. I don't want to eat while I'm messing with all of the chemicals, and typically the craving is gone by the time my nails are dry.
  • SDV219
    SDV219 Posts: 106
    Honestly, I come here. For me, looking at the success stories and NSV, put me right in the mood to get off my butt and get going. Also, checking out the recipe section so I know how to cook for the night, or get some great ideas on things I can eat.

    Some things I learned here, that have been super helpful, although I'll admit, I was doubtful at first.
    I now use my kids dishes more than my own - cereal bowls, dishes, spoons ... the only think regular size is my water (24oz bottle) and my 16 oz coffee mug (can't give up everything)!!

    Also, I thought 6 meals a day was crazy ... since I started, I eat so much less, am never hungry for junk, but am always eating healthy foods. This really helped me during TOM ... snacking wasn't at all an issue bc it always seems like I'm eating!!

    Drinking lots of water. With an hour of exercise I'm good for at least 50 oz ... and then throughout the day, I always have my water bottle by my side.

    Hope you git some great ideas ... these are just what keeps me going.
  • Ashonym
    Ashonym Posts: 172 Member
    I have been ridiculously fortunate enough to not really need a trick. I have an addictive personality and immediately became addicted to MFP. After the first few days my body has responded flawlessly and I simply am not hungry (to the extent that I now pretty much eat up to 1200 just for the sake of staying healthy) as much anymore. I do not have any issues walking away from anything junky and in fact I love my exercise now! I'm not exactly sure how I morphed overnight into it but I did so I am grateful.

    My 'trick', if anything, is that my goal and my progress are on my mind 24/7. From the second I wake up through the second my eyes close at night. I never stop thinking either of what I'm eating/putting into my body or what I can do next as far as exercise goes. My journey has consumed me, and this is my strength.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    If someone hasn't mentioned this, try reading Michael Pollan's Food Rules. Great stuff about eating healthfully such as avoid foods with ingredients an ordinary person wouldn't keep in their pantry - like all the artifical additives; stop eating before you're full (as it does take our brains twenty minutes to register when we're full) - one example he gives is the Japanese saying 'hara hachi bu' - basically saying to stop eating when you are 80% full; and treat treats as treats - foods that were once time consuming to make are now prepared by other people and can be easy to buy and eat - treats should be savored as a pleasure in life (this is not referring necessarily to just sweet treats, but perhaps decadent meals that a person doesn't ordinarily prepare - like Thanksgiving Dinner). Anyway, I found it an interesting read - and it's super short.
  • TexasSunny
    TexasSunny Posts: 87 Member
    I use some of the ones mentioned, and I've posted my fattest and skinniest photos on the fridge. At one time I had a bikini hanging in my kitchen....for inspiration! LOL Maybe this time I will just post a photo of a bikini! :)
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    I cut my sandwiches into four separate parts and I wait ten min after every course so my food can digest. I want my body to tell me if I am full or not.
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    Ditch the soda completely. Drink ice water. Your body will burn a few extra calories to warm up that water.

    If I don't want to be tempted to eat something bad, then I don't have it in the house. At all.

    When I'm home wondering if I should go work out, I tell myself that no one is going to lose this weight except myself. Then I get up and go work out.

    I also rationalize that I can invest [at least] an hour towards working out, since that hour probably would have been wasted being online, surfing Facebook.
  • cedarhurst2006
    cedarhurst2006 Posts: 378 Member
    Cedarhurst, what a great 'new' idea!

    Thank you - works for us!
  • I use smaller plates and bowls and give myself 2 servings of veggies each meal. I'm one of those people who has to finish everything on my plate (thanks mom and dad for all those late night sitting/sleeping at the dinner table :laugh: love you guys), so I had to stop using those size 9 inch and up serving plates. I also used to use a "cereal" bowl that could hold 4 to 5 servings of cereal, so now I use my rice bowls and they only hold one measured out cup of cereal, so I know I'm not over doing it.

    Yup down sizing helped me with my portion control in a nut shell.
  • natali_sh92
    natali_sh92 Posts: 37 Member
    I try to track meals for the day in advance so I know where I stand during the day, and I go back and edit any changes.

    same here =)