Social anxiety and overeating

I realized recently that I have some mild social anxiety. When I'm in social situations, even with people I'm close to, I overeat just BECAUSE. This past Sunday, I had some close friends over to celebrate my son's first birthday. I generally stay busy around the kitchen when I host events, but we had such a small group that it was possible to sit and talk. I found it so uncomfortable to SIT at the table and talk (why?! no idea - feeling pressure to be interesting? concerned that my guests would be bored?) that I ate just for something else to do. I was thinking, I wish I had some mending or knitting or something to do besides eat.

Does anyone else do this? Any suggestions? besides retreating completely into a cave forever? (My first choice) :D


  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I think having something to keep your hands busy is a good idea.
    You could hold a small fidget device or toy. If you do knit or crochet you could do that. Fold and unfold a napkin or paper. Play with a pipecleaner.
    Hold a large glass of water that you can sip.
    Chew gum if you don't want to eat.
    If your guests are not eating a meal maybe get out a game or activity so people could be engaged in something other than just talking. Move people away from the table.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    You could doodle with a pen and the napkin sitting in front of you, no one would be the wiser. Heck, they may even join you.

    It takes practice to get over social anxiety, I think a lot of people just shy. Nothing wrong with being a good listener at parties.
  • thiswillhappen
    thiswillhappen Posts: 634 Member
    I definitely have the same issue and struggle with it. I find that it's best if I just eat something before a party and tell myself the snack table is off limits. I stand away from it or in a different room if possible, drink sparkling water or diet soda. Or if I havent had time to eat before or it seems rude not to, I eat the veggie tray. If I dont think there is going to be a veggie or fruit tray, I bring one! Hope this helps. Also doing active things in social situations helps - going for walks, going dancing, etc.
  • allmannerofthings
    allmannerofthings Posts: 829 Member
    Sometimes I have a really strong peppermint. Other things don't taste right after that so I stop reaching for them.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    EmbeeKay wrote: »
    I realized recently that I have some mild social anxiety. When I'm in social situations, even with people I'm close to, I overeat just BECAUSE. This past Sunday, I had some close friends over to celebrate my son's first birthday. I generally stay busy around the kitchen when I host events, but we had such a small group that it was possible to sit and talk. I found it so uncomfortable to SIT at the table and talk (why?! no idea - feeling pressure to be interesting? concerned that my guests would be bored?) that I ate just for something else to do. I was thinking, I wish I had some mending or knitting or something to do besides eat.

    Does anyone else do this? Any suggestions? besides retreating completely into a cave forever? (My first choice) :D

    I have some mild social anxiety too. I used to "manage" it by drinking too much. Now I clear the table and wash dishes at family gatherings. It's going to be too hot tomorrow to do this so I'm going to slack off and see how that goes.

    I take a beta blocker for my heart which some people find helpful with social anxiety so when I'm anticipating anxiety I change the timing of when I take it.

    Actually anxiety meds like Xanax make me too sleepy, but YMMV.
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    I'm similar. My 6 year old son was recently diagnosed with aspergers and I had to admit I an relate to everything that was being said to diagnose him. Far from me to judge but understanding him helps me understand myself. Not sure it relates to you but the social awkwardness side sounded familiar that's all.
  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,817 Member
    I don’t have much more/different advice from the above, but this is definitely my people :lol: