Unexpected abdominal distention

I am an avid cyclist riding at least 100 miles/week. I balance my cycling with 3 or 4 days of upper body strengthing and toning. This includes abdominal work also. About 2 months ago, I noticed a distention of my abdomen from just below the sternum, but I haven’t gained any weight and I am very bloated. I have done some research and found a similar case where another woman discovered this was the result of a lack of hydration and over exertion of the body which also led to a high level of cortisol. Has anyone experienced this? If so, how did you resolve this issue and return to an unbloated state?


  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    LOL. That's a good list! I'd second the recommendation to go see a medical practitioner. You could very will have a fibroid or cyst.
  • britanisky
    britanisky Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for your responses and I can now respond with more information: I am not pregnant, I am consulting with my internist, I have had an abdominal CT scan and blood work done to check Cortisol, and thyroid levels which came back normal, checked kidney and liver function which also came back clean or normal, I am feeling a little nauseas after eating sometimes. My internist and I are stumped. Any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    britanisky wrote: »
    Thank you for your responses and I can now respond with more information: I am not pregnant, I am consulting with my internist, I have had an abdominal CT scan and blood work done to check Cortisol, and thyroid levels which came back normal, checked kidney and liver function which also came back clean or normal, I am feeling a little nauseas after eating sometimes. My internist and I are stumped. Any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated

    Have food allergies been ruled out with your doctor? Allergies can be developed in adulthood so it's feasible if it hasn't been looked at yet.
  • duskyjewel
    duskyjewel Posts: 286 Member
    edited July 2018
    Do you have results from the CT yet?

    Apologies but I am a nurse and my brain immediately went to AAA (abdominal aortic aneurysm). So I'm wondering what your doc has told you about the CT.
  • no1racefan1
    no1racefan1 Posts: 277 Member
    I second the suggestion to get tested for food allergies/sensitivities. I suffered from a distended/bloated belly for the last 2 years--honestly I thought I was just getting fat and flabby. At one point I even though maybe I was pregnant even though it wasn't actually possible! I also would be very uncomfortable after some meals and thought I had just overate. I ended up getting tested for food allergies and found out I am sensitive to eggs, wheat, dairy, and soy. Since limiting those things the bloating is completely gone. I can also now tell the difference in feelings when I just am full from eating too much, or if I ate something I am sensitive to.
  • brendak76
    brendak76 Posts: 241 Member
    Ovarian cyst? I had an ultrasound come back today showing a “large” cyst. Apparently it doesn’t show up on CT scans (had that 3 months ago).
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Gastroparesis maybe? I get very bloated because of it. The diagnostic test is a gastric emptying study