Aiming to lose 100+ lbs



  • PumpkinPeril
    PumpkinPeril Posts: 22 Member
    I'd love to have more friends on a similar path. I'm working on one small goal at a time on a life long path of reaching and maintaining a healthy weight. Started at 275 and currently at 264. Being 5'8" means that my long term goal will be ~160.

    One day at a time n.n
  • BrSpiritus
    BrSpiritus Posts: 190 Member
    I started out at 396 and have gone down to 377 so far, my goal is 200. Going to be a long journey I'm afraid.
  • TheRedQueen1981
    TheRedQueen1981 Posts: 258 Member
    A long journey must begin somewhere. :)
  • ljsmith1
    ljsmith1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I am ready to make some big changes and would love some help and to help others. I also have 100+ pound goal.
  • RickABR
    RickABR Posts: 2 Member
    Hey. Great to find you all

    I´m 30, SW 298, CW 246, GW 187-ish. I´m 5'10 (178cm).

    Currently working out 6x week, tracking calories and macros...

    Feel free to add. I´ll help in any way I can!
  • Sassyk35
    Sassyk35 Posts: 113 Member
    Hi I'm 38 5'2 Sw 274 cw 267 ultimate gw is to be under 200lbs. We can all do this ladies <3
  • tnkinsel
    tnkinsel Posts: 1 Member
    Would love to be apart of this group!!! Wanting to lose 100 pounds and really don’t know where to start. I used to be really active and never had a weight problem until my father passed away in 2007... I gained over 80lbs in less than a year and never got all of it off. Since then I have had 2 beautiful little girls and was placed on bed rest so I have to get this weight off of me. Anyone have any tips on where to start? What diet or excercise I should start with?
  • TheRedQueen1981
    TheRedQueen1981 Posts: 258 Member
    You could maybe try searching for the HASfit beginners aerobics routines on YouTube. I’ve been doing them and they’re great since they’re low impact and a nice way to get started.
  • aabincalif
    aabincalif Posts: 1 Member
    I’d love to join you! I just joined 2 days ago, SW is 289. My goal is 180. I would love the support. I’ve done this once before and kept it off for many years and know it can be done. But it’s easier together!
  • delaneycoelho
    delaneycoelho Posts: 1 Member
    I'd like to join!
  • Crzygrl
    Crzygrl Posts: 1 Member
    I don’t have quite 100 pound to lose. I’m currently 237.1, started at 243 and goal of 145. I’m 43 and don’t want to spend 44 this obese. I wish you all luck.
  • KiwiGirl91
    KiwiGirl91 Posts: 43 Member
    So excited to meet and friend you all xx the bigger the team the bigger the support ❤️ we’ve got this!
  • TheRedQueen1981
    TheRedQueen1981 Posts: 258 Member
    wmweeza wrote: »
    I started at 263, I'm now 199 :)
    . That’s excellent, well done. :)

  • 66aarmstrong
    66aarmstrong Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm looking to lose 200 lbs started eating right on 6/28/18 and have not lost a single OUNCE!! Having trouble balancing the carbs (too low), protein (too high), sugar (too low) etc. haven't gone over the daily calories recommended by fitness pal. Anyone have advise on what to eat to even this out. I've been eating nuts/almonds, tuna, boiled eggs, spinach, whey protein w/ milk, Canadian bacon pizza (thin crust), & broccoli...HELP!!
  • TheRedQueen1981
    TheRedQueen1981 Posts: 258 Member
    Hi 66armstromg. Give yourself some more time. I only started two weeks ago. I lost 5lbs in the first week but this second week, I haven’t lost anything —I’m bloated due to ovulation and it’s really been difficult this week but it’ll pass. Patience is key. :)
  • reflectionofme
    reflectionofme Posts: 310 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I finally braved it and stepped on the scale for the first time in years, it wasn't kind lol.
    05/28/18 MFPSW 270.8
    I would love to get down to 130
  • sseyed
    sseyed Posts: 1 Member
    I’m with you. I started on May 4 and I was 234. Now I’m 217. It is going slow. I need motivation and learn to stay away from crab. Do you guys know what are the best low crab snacks ?
  • TheDazzling12017
    TheDazzling12017 Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2018
    Hello everyone! I also have an 100 lb weight loss goal! Motivation is good for anyone.. I’ve lost 80lbs before, going from 240lbs, to 160lbs in 6 months.. I ended up eating it back on, a few months ago! 😅😁..But I know that I can lose it again.. Feel free to add me also ! 😁

  • wmweeza
    wmweeza Posts: 319 Member
    edited July 2018
    sseyed wrote: »
    I’m with you. I started on May 4 and I was 234. Now I’m 217. It is going slow. I need motivation and learn to stay away from crab. Do you guys know what are the best low crab snacks ?

    The way I keep myself motivated is to keep track of all the changes going on with my body. The scale moves like a snail, but if you pay attention you'll notice changes..even tiny ones count! I write them all down and read them to keep me going:
    Can tell I've lost weight in my feet

    My jawbone is starting to feel boney

    Can now feel my skull again at my temples

    Can feel my butt bones and have to use a cushion in the bathtub....bathtubs HURT after 5 mins!

    Can now feel my entire ribcage outline, back and front. I used to not feel my ribs, they were hidden in fat. I was actually shocked that my ribs were so high!

    My "Neck hump" of fat is gone from my neck/shoulders

    I can now cross my legs again

    My belly button is drooping from loose skin

    My knees have a new dent in the side where fat used to be

    I put on identical smaller pants to my big ones, now even the smaller ones will be too big soon ( a month or 2 ago they didn't fit, were snug)

    My elbows are boney and have empty "Dents" now where there is little to no fat.

    I've gone down 2 clothing sizes!

    Maybe you could start a running list too of all the changes. I can SEE the changes before anything shows up on the scale. I read my list every time I lose motivation or feel stuck

  • KiwiGirl91
    KiwiGirl91 Posts: 43 Member
    sseyed wrote: »
    I’m with you. I started on May 4 and I was 234. Now I’m 217. It is going slow. I need motivation and learn to stay away from crab. Do you guys know what are the best low crab snacks ?

    I found some really yummy looking snacks on :3 low carb included! If you’re interested in that? Some snacks like zucchini pizza which is a slice of zucchini with a smudge of sauce
    And cheese as a great snack for breaks etc.....
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    sseyed wrote: »
    I’m with you. I started on May 4 and I was 234. Now I’m 217. It is going slow. I need motivation and learn to stay away from crab. Do you guys know what are the best low crab snacks ?

    Ummm, why do you need to away from crab. I haven't had any really good crab in years. They sell that plastic fish at the grocery store. Artificial crab. Are you eating crab cakes?
  • ChelleDee07
    ChelleDee07 Posts: 396 Member
    Way to go on taking the first step toward a new healthier lifestyle. Last year I lost more than 100 lbs in 8 months and 4 days. Set short term goals as well as your long term goal. Take frequent progress pictures... even if you are the only one to see them. Make sure to take a picture now.... you want something to compare your progress to. The pictures will help to show you progress even when the scale may be slow to do so. All of you can do this! Set your mind to it.... keep the focus. Read success stories along the way... surround yourself with others that will help to encourage and motivate you. There will be challenging days... but push through them. The hard work is worth the outcome!!
  • JamieK84
    JamieK84 Posts: 24 Member
    I sent you a friend request! When I weighed myself a few days ago I was 259 (the heaviest I have EVER been), and my goal weight is 150 lbs, although I'll just be happy to be under 200 again. If anyone wants to add me, the more the merrier! I can definitely use all of the support I can get, and I promise to give support in return.
  • KiwiGirl91
    KiwiGirl91 Posts: 43 Member
    Way to go on taking the first step toward a new healthier lifestyle. Last year I lost more than 100 lbs in 8 months and 4 days. Set short term goals as well as your long term goal. Take frequent progress pictures... even if you are the only one to see them. Make sure to take a picture now.... you want something to compare your progress to. The pictures will help to show you progress even when the scale may be slow to do so. All of you can do this! Set your mind to it.... keep the focus. Read success stories along the way... surround yourself with others that will help to encourage and motivate you. There will be challenging days... but push through them. The hard work is worth the outcome!!

    That is super inspiring <3 100lbs in 8 months! Congrats on being so hardworking and motivated!!! :)

  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    I'm 41, a woman, a mom. My starting weight was over 350lbs. My current weight is 171.9. If my junk food loving butt can do this, anyone can. It took me 3 years (I took a year off to do a massive recomp and let me skin catch up a bit). I'm back to lose another 5lbs at a time.

    You can do this. Feel free to FR me, pick my brain, I post weird tips and ideas that help (or have helped) me out.
  • kbent1
    kbent1 Posts: 2 Member
    edited July 2018
    Hi all. I'm Kim, 35 and have attempted to lose weight many times. My highest, years ago, was 270+. Since then I've had ups and downs. I lost a lot of weight in 2014, but it crept back up and I'm looking to lose about 80lbs.

    I fell off in early 2015 and I started eating anything with sugar in it and over eating in general. I'm looking to include more vegetables and fruits into my diet and exercise at least 3x per week.

  • cactusface
    cactusface Posts: 1 Member
    I am currently at about 270 and hoping to reach my goal weight of 150. It’s a long time coming and I have steadily gained weight over the past 5-6 years due the depression and stress. I am happy to finally be starting this journey and happy to cheer you all on as well!
  • carlymmarsden
    carlymmarsden Posts: 15 Member
    I am on week 2, currently still full of motivation but I know I 2 will need a butt kick in the coming months! My starting weight was 323. If anyone would like to add me for support please do!
  • 6raham
    6raham Posts: 147 Member
    Keep working at it and take each day as it comes, I started in January at 242lbs with the aim to get to 147 by September. Come in at 162 today which has given me a boost but it has been tougher this past month. Have stuck religiously to 1200 cals a day with exercise, it can be done just keep working away.