To gym or not to gym?



  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    It aint for me I have to admit.

    I've had gym memberships at a number of different places and although I always start out going regularly with full motivation, I end up paying £40 odd quid a month to never go and eventually just cancel the direct debit and ignore the 'breach of contract' letters for the next 3 months.

    I actually find them pretty de-motivating. Finishing work and then facing the prospect of driving out somewhere, getting changed, working out while feeling self conscious, showering and getting changed again then driving home. Can take hours before I get home and it gives me an easy way to convince myself to sack it off tonight.

    I also don't 'get' the whole 'ettiquette' of gyms and locker rooms. On different occasions in the past I've been ridiculed by other guys snide comments both for being naked in the shower and for not being naked in the shower. I don't get what's expected!

    Plus I get intimidated by the big burly blokes around the free weights (which are all that I really want to use) so I end up chickening out and getting a sub-standard workout on isolation machines and cardio machines doing things like running which I could do for free on the street - and I paid money to NOT get the workout I want?

    I guess if you're well socially adjusted and make friends easily then you'd find gyms easier. Or if I had a buddy to go with I may find it easier...

    For me personally, I'd rather go straight home from work and get straight into the back bedroom with my dumbells & my 6 foot projector screen where I can crank it up as loud as I want, make all the daft contorted faces and grunting noises I want, sweat as much as I want and get straight into my own shower afterwards and directly into PJ's with my dinner in the oven downstairs.

    I can understand that some people would have the opposite reaction though and people can struggle to get motivated to do gym work outside a gym...
  • notebelow
    notebelow Posts: 18 Member
    I used to be with a gym group that cost way too much for what they provided and it put me off going because it was small and smelled unclean. This time round I've joined up with The Gym. Its so clean its practically clinical and its open 24 hours so you can go whenever, and the cost is one of the lowest I've found.

    I find I go more when other people I know are going to be there too, it helps to motivate me to stay on the machine that last 5 minutes or do one more set on the weights.

    My husband however hates the gym he finds it boring and prefers something like a martial arts class which is more social and structured. Home DVDs are good as well as you can do them in your own time.

    its about finding something you like.
  • scarletfever2005
    scarletfever2005 Posts: 141 Member
    I personally could not do it without a gym. I go 4 or 5 days a week. I've got a great gym with a great staff though. They are very supportive and keep me motivated. The difference in the way my body looks and feels since joining is unbelievable. I highly recommend it.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    It aint for me I have to admit.

    I've had gym memberships at a number of different places and although I always start out going regularly with full motivation, I end up paying £40 odd quid a month to never go and eventually just cancel the direct debit and ignore the 'breach of contract' letters for the next 3 months.

    I actually find them pretty de-motivating. Finishing work and then facing the prospect of driving out somewhere, getting changed, working out while feeling self conscious, showering and getting changed again then driving home. Can take hours before I get home and it gives me an easy way to convince myself to sack it off tonight.

    I also don't 'get' the whole 'ettiquette' of gyms and locker rooms. On different occasions in the past I've been ridiculed by other guys snide comments both for being naked in the shower and for not being naked in the shower. I don't get what's expected!

    Plus I get intimidated by the big burly blokes around the free weights (which are all that I really want to use) so I end up chickening out and getting a sub-standard workout on isolation machines and cardio machines doing things like running which I could do for free on the street - and I paid money to NOT get the workout I want?

    I guess if you're well socially adjusted and make friends easily then you'd find gyms easier. Or if I had a buddy to go with I may find it easier...

    For me personally, I'd rather go straight home from work and get straight into the back bedroom with my dumbells & my 6 foot projector screen where I can crank it up as loud as I want, make all the daft contorted faces and grunting noises I want, sweat as much as I want and get straight into my own shower afterwards and directly into PJ's with my dinner in the oven downstairs.

    I can understand that some people would have the opposite reaction though and people can struggle to get motivated to do gym work outside a gym...

    I just want to express my sympathies for your gym experience! I used to belong to a gym where the weights (free weights AND resistance weights) were hogged by big muscular men who grunted at you if you dared come near "their" machines or weights. I also did not understand the fashions - people would wear the latest and most expensive workout fashions and make fun of those who simply wore old sweats and a t-shirt. Then I switched gyms for other reasons and found a much more inclusive and motivating environment. Maybe it's because my gym is part of a community centre, but there are people of all ages, shapes and sizes. Everyone is friendly and non-judgmental. i just want to say that not all gyms are created equal and sometimes you just need to find one with an atmosphere that suits your personality/lifestyle. (Of course, that's assuming you, or anyone, likes going t a gym...!)