Cardio suggestions for at home gym



  • RadishEater
    RadishEater Posts: 470 Member
    Another vote for Insanity, it is definitely not boring.
    Shaun T is very motivating and you can go at your own intensity whether almost dieing on the floor gasping for air or just getting your heartrate up for an extended time.

    You could do the whole planned program or just pick different workouts to suit your schedule. Unless you are pretty fit I wouldn't suggest diving into the month 2 programs, but start with the first month.
  • ecjim
    ecjim Posts: 1,001 Member
    try complexes with your weights - a series of exercises done 1 right after another with the same weight - great cardio + lifting good fat burning - Google Cosgrove's Evil 8 complex for a good one ( start with light weights) there are many others to choose4 from - Eastcoast Jim
  • Jasp03
    Jasp03 Posts: 54 Member
    Speed rope and battle ropes are both excellent for cardio.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I do a video every morning. Some I have purchased, some are downloaded from YouTube, some are borrowed from the library. I lean towards kickboxing, but there's so much out there. I have Jillian, Denise Austin, The Firm, Turbo Jam and TurboFire, Shaun T, ExerciseTV, PopSugar...
  • 9DLSpades
    9DLSpades Posts: 14 Member
    I agree with the idea of investing in a rower like the Concept2 but the all time best cardio machine I have ever owned is the MaxTrainer. 20 minutes on that feels like 1 hour! You need to have some type of indoor equipment when you can't go outside because of rain or intense heat.
  • RadishEater
    RadishEater Posts: 470 Member
    9DLSpades wrote: »
    I agree with the idea of investing in a rower like the Concept2 but the all time best cardio machine I have ever owned is the MaxTrainer. 20 minutes on that feels like 1 hour! You need to have some type of indoor equipment when you can't go outside because of rain or intense heat.

    That makes sense if the person likes rowing. I would use one at the gym to see if you enjoy it regularly before purchasing one.
    I've never enjoyed doing more than 10 mins of rowing because I get bored.

    Though it is an amazing workout.
  • cbstewart88
    cbstewart88 Posts: 453 Member
    There is always the tried and true jump rope! It burns a lot of calories but you may need to start with intervals.

    I agree with this ^^^^^. Nothing better than jumping rope. And it costs next to nothing!!! :). Jumping jacks are pretty good too....
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I workout at home and outdoors.

    For cardio in my home gym I enjoy using workout dvd's such as Beachbody, Cathe Friedrich etc. and Youtube workouts such as HIIT workouts or walking workouts.

    I have a mini-stair stepper with handles, do step aerobics and I jump rope. Sometimes I would jog in place too.

    I also enjoy doing plyometrics and bodyweight work (burpees, walking lunges with heavy weights, farmer walks, jumping squats etc.) Some of these involves weights, but they get my heart rate pumping.
  • errollmaclean
    errollmaclean Posts: 562 Member
    I went with an exercise bike to replace a treadmill. Much cheaper than a treadmill. I really enjoy it, plus I can read while getting some cardio in.
  • sharonedix
    sharonedix Posts: 28 Member
    With all the great suggestions above . I just know you will find what works for you proud of you keep it up! Let nothing or no one discourage got this one day at a time . Your new friend
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Thanks for all the responses everyone. I think I’m gonna give running a try again for a while. I did the c25k up through week 5 on a treadmill a few months ago and hated it lol, but I’m gonna try running outside. I’ve had 2 runs now and I was able to run for 15 min. Straight both times and actually enjoyed it somewhat lol. (I picked a terrible time of year to start running)