
Hi MFP peeps,
I’m dropping in to say hello for the first time.....hello!
And also requesting some!!

I’m really struggling to understand what I’m doing wrong, despite trialling a number of variations in my diet I remain unsuccessful in weight loss.... even though when I complete my daily diary mfp tells me I should be losing.

Using an online calculator I have worked out that my calorie intake needs to be 2400 cals. Based on recommendations I have reduced this to 1300 with a macronutrient split of 40% carbs (130g)
40% Protein (130g) & 20% fats (36g).

Over the past 2 months I have recorded everything. Initially, on advice, I split the macronutrients 50%C 30%P 20%F but this had no effect, hence why I changed the split and dropped the carbs a bit.

I really struggled to keep the fats under target initially but I’ve managed to master that now.

In the last week I’ve cut the carbs a bit more by just eating less of them but still having 100g of good carbs.

Still nothing. Have I got the figures way off?

As for Exercise, it’s limited - Stretch yoga for 60 mins, 1x 30 mins run, 1 x 45 mins cycle.
Is this the problem?

I really need to understand how this works, I don’t want to give up and go onto a food replacement programme but I know that works for me!!!! I’m currently tempted .....

If anyone has the time, I’d appreciate some genuine friendly advice.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    what are your stats? how much are you trying to lose?

    do you weigh your food?
  • liseymoo1972
    liseymoo1972 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you all for your comments and helpful suggestions.

    I am weighing my food, not all the time but in the main. Most of my food is salad or veg & fruit. The rest is protein which I am definitely weighing. I scan where possible and I am also using frilight to cook with.

    I do not recal 100% what MFP recommended my ideal calorie intake to be but it was in the 1400 region. I was eating that amount for a month before I dropped it to 1300. I trained for a 25 mile walk and actually did the walk In this period with no impact on my weight.

    I have a lot that I should lose but I really just want to focus on dropping 28lbs initially.

    I’ll add some weights to my activities and step the cardio up a bit.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Thank you all for your comments and helpful suggestions.

    I am weighing my food, not all the time but in the main. Most of my food is salad or veg & fruit. The rest is protein which I am definitely weighing. I scan where possible and I am also using frilight to cook with.

    I do not recal 100% what MFP recommended my ideal calorie intake to be but it was in the 1400 region. I was eating that amount for a month before I dropped it to 1300. I trained for a 25 mile walk and actually did the walk In this period with no impact on my weight.

    I have a lot that I should lose but I really just want to focus on dropping 28lbs initially.

    I’ll add some weights to my activities and step the cardio up a bit.

    Have you lost any weight since you started on 1400 cals?
  • pqhaattte
    pqhaattte Posts: 1 Member
    I'm not an expert, but I want to reiterate what the poster above said -- you may want to check in with your physician if you're not losing weight in spite of greatly reduced caloric intake and adding exercise. Hormones and other aspects of our health that we can't see or control have a lot of say in our metabolisms and body compositions, and unlike what fashion or fitness magazines may want you to believe, weight loss is not always entirely in our hands. It sounds like you're doing everything right, and if you're still not losing weight, I'd say get a full hormone panel. Hypothyroidism is extremely common in women, and is totally treatable. Other issues might be birth control, cortisol levels (have you been stressed out lately? are you not getting enough sleep?), or hydration. Keep doing what's right for your body and check in with a doctor if you know something isn't right.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,593 Member
    For me, your level of exercise would be a problem. I have to count calories, keep carbs low AND get a lot of exercise, including weight lifting.
    And yes to what people are saying about checking with your physician.
    Hang in there! If you are making healthy choices and feeling better,m be sure to celebrate that, even if the scale is not moving yet!
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,012 Member
    What is your height and weight?
    What was your weight 2 months ago, and what is it now?
    Would you be willing to make your diary public temporarily?
  • marksmith3774
    marksmith3774 Posts: 4 Member
    Typo .....above ground fruits should be vegetables lol.
  • lorrainequiche59
    lorrainequiche59 Posts: 900 Member
    Ditto on checking with your doc. The amount of calories you are ingesting with the amount of exercise SHOULD be showing a weight loss. Hoping the best for you.
  • liseymoo1972
    liseymoo1972 Posts: 3 Member
    Wow - thank you all so much for taking the time to give some great information!!

    In answer to some q’s:

    I have stayed the same weight for the last 2 months eating between 1300/1400 cals. I have had the odd blow out but overall have tried to create a balance.

    I’ll review my settings so my diary is visible.

    I will ensure that I weigh & log absolutely everything. I have lost previously on a food replacement programme so I’m wondering whether I’ve upset my ‘balance’ and 1300 cals is too much, especially the balance of carbs in my diet. I’ll adjust the ratio and see what happens. The minute I eat rice etc I gain weight.

    On the one plus side - my skin is glowing from all the spinach & fish!

    Yes to the stress question. I have sufferered greatly with stress over the last 18 months. It continues but is more manageable now.
    I visited my doctor and his words were - ‘you’re getting old, you won’t find it easy to loose weight’ and that was it. I did not pursue it further, hence why I am trying to work this out on my own..... thankfully you guys have helped already!

    I’m off to buy some weights!

    Thanks all 💋

  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    In answer to some q’s:
    We're also waiting for your height and weight, key elements to determine the optimal calorie intake.
    I have stayed the same weight for the last 2 months eating between 1300/1400 cals. I have had the odd blow out but overall have tried to create a balance.
    This still means you think you've been eating 1300-1400 calories per day on average. If you had, you'd still be losing weight.
    I will ensure that I weigh & log absolutely everything.
    This is great to hear, and it will ensure that you'll know how much you're actually eating. Just be aware that it's still your decision whether to stick to the new, smaller, amounts or not.
    I have lost previously on a food replacement programme so I’m wondering whether I’ve upset my ‘balance’ and 1300 cals is too much, especially the balance of carbs in my diet. I’ll adjust the ratio and see what happens. The minute I eat rice etc I gain weight.
    You haven't upset any physical balance, but deprivation does a lot of bad thing to your mind(set). Carbs/rice is not the problem. Too many calories and/or not understanding how body weight naturally fluctuates, is the problem.
    On the one plus side - my skin is glowing from all the spinach & fish!
    Excitement over anything can make you feel/look radiant. But a healthy diet is balanced and varied, not limited to a few foods.
    I visited my doctor and his words were - ‘you’re getting old, you won’t find it easy to loose weight’ and that was it. I did not pursue it further, hence why I am trying to work this out on my own..... thankfully you guys have helped already!
    It was untrue and terrible advice, good for you you've come here!
  • h1udd
    h1udd Posts: 623 Member
    ‘you’re getting old, you won’t find it easy to loose weight’
    It was untrue and terrible advice, good for you you've come here!

    It was terrible advice .... but considering the nature of the thread, it was true the Doctor was right ... she is getting old and she isnt finding it easy to lose weight