Last 10-20 lbs

This is where I am and I am wondering if you did anything different to lose your last 10-20 lbs? Thanks!


  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    Be patient. I'm roughly 10 pounds from goal and if you look at my weight trend for June, you'll see it's going in the right direction - just sloooowly. If you don't already use a weight trending tool, I'd highly suggest it. Otherwise it's easy to get frustrated and assume you're making NO progress, when in fact you are.

  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Nothing different - I lost at 1lb/week all the way.
  • cinnabondelights
    cinnabondelights Posts: 121 Member
    Being patient is key. I'm on my last 8 lbs (again after gaining 10 lol) and when I was losing the last 10 lbs the first time, I didn't really change anything except exercising a bit more. Didn't change how I ate and I was able to reach my goal weight.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,889 Member
    I slowed down at the end to coast into maintenance. IIRC, I was still at 1 lb/week with 20 to go, then went to 0.5 lb/week at around 10-15. (Hard to to remember because I was adjusting goal weight then, too . . . downward.)

    Best wishes!
  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
    I ate at the same calorie level until I hit target. I didn't consciously slow down my weight loss, it just naturally happened as I lost pounds.

    I tapered to maintenance once I hit target such that I started maintenance 5 pounds below target. It was nice to have a little bit of runway to learn how to maintain.
  • susanafreundt
    susanafreundt Posts: 1 Member
    I lost 20 Lb with portion control, later I lost 32 Lb more with Keto in 6 months. I went from size 16 to size 8. I weigh more than I look, so my goal is to get to a true size 6, and I will love to reduce my stomach and waist. I have been working out for 7 months and I just maintenance my weigh, new muscles, but still in the same size. I am not doing Keto, because my LDL level got very bad. I am eating Low Carbs, Low Sugar. No Grains, No dairy.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I have 10-15lbs left to go and I found myself getting really discouraged because it seems like it’ll never end (I’ve lost 40lbs over the last 2 years). About 5 weeks ago I decided to change to maintenance and focus on fitness goals instead of scale weight. Best choice I could make for myself and where I’m at, I feel so reinvigorated to keep going. It’s only 250 cals more per day but it feels like so much extra food.

    I’m 5’3, cw is 145lbs. I eat 1680 cals as sedentary maintenance and don’t log my workout calories. I’ve been running about 20km a week, and then doing 3 heavy lift days for upper body, 2 heavy lift for legs, and 2-3 Pilates ab workouts. I had set a mini goal about 6 months ago to be able to do a full, nose to the ground plank position push up and yesterday I finally did it!
    You might find it very informative at some point to calculate your exercise calories, especially running. Also, see what MFP says your maintenance calories should be. If the ap says 1680 then you must be eating a lot more than that to maintain at their recommended maintenance calories. In the big scheme of life the more you understand about your portion size and calorie intake, the more easily you can figure out why you aren’t losing the “last 10-15 pounds”. But, I suspect you actually are eating back your exercise calories, or 1680 is too high a number. MFP gives you a number not counting exercise.
  • DaniCanadian
    DaniCanadian Posts: 261 Member
    fiddletime wrote: »
    I have 10-15lbs left to go and I found myself getting really discouraged because it seems like it’ll never end (I’ve lost 40lbs over the last 2 years). About 5 weeks ago I decided to change to maintenance and focus on fitness goals instead of scale weight. Best choice I could make for myself and where I’m at, I feel so reinvigorated to keep going. It’s only 250 cals more per day but it feels like so much extra food.

    I’m 5’3, cw is 145lbs. I eat 1680 cals as sedentary maintenance and don’t log my workout calories. I’ve been running about 20km a week, and then doing 3 heavy lift days for upper body, 2 heavy lift for legs, and 2-3 Pilates ab workouts. I had set a mini goal about 6 months ago to be able to do a full, nose to the ground plank position push up and yesterday I finally did it!
    You might find it very informative at some point to calculate your exercise calories, especially running. Also, see what MFP says your maintenance calories should be. If the ap says 1680 then you must be eating a lot more than that to maintain at their recommended maintenance calories. In the big scheme of life the more you understand about your portion size and calorie intake, the more easily you can figure out why you aren’t losing the “last 10-15 pounds”. But, I suspect you actually are eating back your exercise calories, or 1680 is too high a number. MFP gives you a number not counting exercise.

    I don’t see where I said that I wasn’t losing weight, I am. Loss at .5/ week for me is 1480 and I was tracking exercise calories. My point was that I need a different perspective to keep going and not fall completely off the wagon. Changing my focus to fitness rather than maintaining a deficit is how I’m doing that. I’ve lost 5 inches over my body since the end of may, i know how to lose weight.
  • pinksunnyrose
    pinksunnyrose Posts: 453 Member
    edited July 2018
    Thank you so much for your replies! I love the weight loss trend graph as my daily weigh in looks like an angry zig zag. I am also looking into getting a food scale although I just bought measuring cups/spoons. My bmr is low ->1186 (I’m 5”3) so what I eat really matters. I don’t exercise other than some light walking. I would be more patient but I already booked a trip for my birthday next month as motivation. :p