Keto & IF ~ over 150 pounds to loose

Hi Everyone :) I'm new to MFP (no friends yet) and fairly new to Keto & Intermittent Fasting. I'm still learning. I'm striving to eat 20 carbs or less, 40 protein or less and 100 or over fat a day. I've got a long way to go, with 150+ pounds to loose but I'm glad to be starting to make changes. Have a great day! Teresa


  • I_M_Forman
    I_M_Forman Posts: 2 Member
    Welcome. I start started on myfitnesspal a week earlier than you. (Have been dieting for a month but guessing before that) Let me suggest you read up on nuts, especially almond. I like to pulverize mine in a mortar and pestle. Get plenty of high protein and good for the heart as well. I usually use a combination of nuts. My go to now are water, tea and coffee. I also found recipes for home made ketchup and mustard without the sugar (stevia instead) Gave up soda and sugar. Try some. Made the diabetic pain in my feet go away I will happily answer any questions.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited July 2018
    Welcome! MFP can be a gamechanger.

    If you have a long way to go, it's imperative that you choose a track you can stick to.

    If you have a long way to go, it's more or less a given that you habits are extreme and ingrained, and change will take a lot of effort and time. It's important to note that even though the change will be dramatic, your new lifestyle should not be extreme.

    To lose weight, you have to be in a true and consistent calorie deficit, for a long time. MFP tells you how many calories to eat to lose weight at an effective rate and still be safe and healthy.

    Women need at least 50 grams of protein per day just to avoid malnutrition. For satiety and muscle retention, it's advisable to eat more. 80-100 grams is a good place to start.

    Intermittent fasting is just a sneaky way to stop you from eating all the time, and by doing so, stop eating too much. You can eat whenever you want, but you have to stop eating too much.

    Keto is likewise just a sneaky way to stop you from eating too much, because more protein and fat and less carbs is supposed to make you feel more full. You still have to eat less.
  • ckwilliamsjr
    ckwilliamsjr Posts: 2 Member
    Hi My name is Chuck. I am 62 years old. I have been trying the Keto lifestyle for about 2 months now, I have lost almost 30 pounds with another 110+ pounds to go. I'm doing alot of research online about keto, I am a type 2 diabetic for the past 30 years. I have other conditions related to the diabetes. I have tried all kinds of weight loss programs, all of which were calorie restrictive. I would loose weight but would stop the diet after getting discouraged about being hungry all the time.

    For the past several months I have felt tired all the time and could not function very well. My doctor just put me on depression meds to see if it would help. I saw a small improvement for a while but not for long. I started researching on line for the many symptoms and conditions that i have, and came across the keto diet or lifestyle.
    The keto lifestyle was a new concept for me, but the main thing I got out of my research was the way insulin affects the whole body. and how the keto diet can lessen the effects of insulin on the human body by eating more healthy fats and eating fewer sugary carb foods.

    My 30 day blood sugar average according to my gluscose meter has gone from about 250 down to 139 in the last two months. My energy level has greatly increased and i'm not craving food all the time. I have not talked to my doctor about the keto diet yet, but I have a follow up appointed scheduled for my diabetes and am very interested in what my test results will show. My last A1c was 8.9 and has been running 8.5 to 9 for the last year or so.

    I also have kidney and liver function issues and hope to see improvement in the test results.

    I am hoping to use MFP to find others that are on keto and what progress they have had and get recommendations on how to improve on my Keto success.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,984 Member
    Keto is pretty restrictive but it really works. I have been following it for about 6 months now. I suggest going to youtube to find recipes. Many will direct you to their websites. All free and helpful. Keep good ingredients handy like almond flour so you can make keto friendly breads. Lots of eggs in the house. Riced cauliflower you make or buy in the freezer section really helps. Make your own zoodles with zucchini. I bought my little plastic machine for just $14.99 at a kitchenalia store that is local to me. With zoodles you can have pasta buy using a lower carb sauce. I use Victoria Marinara from Walmart because it is way cheaper than Rao's and it's delicious. You can add all the meat you like to make it a meat sauce. Alfredo sauce is even lower in carbs and you can add chicken for chicken alfredo. I also use the zoodles meatless with just a choice of the sauces, or butter and seasonings as a side dish to my meat at dinnertime. I still stay away from fat bombs because I do not trust myself yet with the sweets (even keto ones). but I use 85% dark chocolate as a go to snack if chocolate is a must. I also join the challenges on MFP. One of my favorites is Just give me 10 days. They are getting ready to start the next round (round 46) tomorrow. Just post your weight daily for 10 days. Use for accountability and inspiration/support. Best of luck to you on this journey. You are in the right place and doing the right thing. You got this!
  • majawunder
    majawunder Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you. At the moment the hardest thing for me is to stay in ketosis. My thyroid keeps interfering.
  • nasr25
    nasr25 Posts: 214 Member
    IF is more then enough ive lost 7 pounds in 14 days without doing keto just IF. I think KETO maybe too restrictive too soon.
  • SuperVG1
    SuperVG1 Posts: 1 Member
    What is IF?
  • VikkiStst
    VikkiStst Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Teresa.

    Welcome to MFP. I have not immersed myself in the keto diet or intermittent fasting, choosing instead to reduce my carb level to 20g (give/take) per day, not counting calories or keep a food diary...(I can almost feel other readers cringe) The reason being..I need a sustainable plan/lifestyle that fits my needs. My meals are satisfying and I am finding intermittent fasting occurs naturally because I am often not hungry . (which means for me a period of not eating for 12+ hours....6pm-10.30am several days a week). I am not averse to the occasional snack if the need is strong. My snack of choice being almonds,cheese, celery/carrots/cauliflower with pate or peanut butter or on their own.

    Last year I did a work place biggest loser challenge and lost 19 kg (41.8 lb) within 3 months. I took home the prize of $500 (which wasn't my motivation...I just wanted to get under 100 kgs) better still I gained realization I could achieve more than I thought possible if I put my mind to it. For the last nine months I have allowed myself to enjoy my results, more energy, new clothes and celebrated with a tandem sky dive and a few more carbs and alcohol...yes several kilos returned during this time but I didn't out grow my clothes or desire to continue my journey. LOL. I have now returned to the path I know works for me and have lost 6 kgs withing the last 3 weeks. I would like to lose 26kgs (57.2lb) in the future. But this is more than a weight loss is a search for my authentic self. Somewhere during 33 years of marriage, four children and work I lost sight of my dreams and did what I thought was right for others. This is my time to challenge old beliefs. Life is to short, so lets live the life we dream for ourselves today and not put things off until tomorrow.

    If you would like encouragement, support or just wanting to exchange recipes feel free to befriend me.

    regards Vicki

    South Island, New Zealand

  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    VikkiStst wrote: »
    I have not immersed myself in the keto diet or intermittent fasting, choosing instead to reduce my carb level to 20g (give/take) per day, not counting calories or keep a food diary...(I can almost feel other readers cringe) The reason being..I need a sustainable plan/lifestyle that fits my needs. My meals are satisfying and I am finding intermittent fasting occurs naturally because I am often not hungry . (which means for me a period of not eating for 12+ hours....6pm-10.30am several days a week).
    What makes me cringe is not that you're not using your food diary, but this:
    20 g carbs per day means ketosis.
    Intermittent fasting is a hogwash term in itself, and then the term too gets misused - the longest "feeding window" allowed on any of the plans, is 8 hours.
    Everybody needs a sustainable plan that fits their needs.
  • jmyrtle
    jmyrtle Posts: 44 Member
    Hello I have another 60lbs to lose just starting Keto week 1, feel free to add me for support and sharing I lost the first 32 w IF ...
    User name:
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    edited August 2018
    Hi Everyone :) I'm new to MFP (no friends yet) and fairly new to Keto & Intermittent Fasting. I'm still learning. I'm striving to eat 20 carbs or less, 40 protein or less and 100 or over fat a day. I've got a long way to go, with 150+ pounds to loose but I'm glad to be starting to make changes. Have a great day! Teresa

    Why such a low protein goal? Your body needs protein for muscle repair, hair skin & nail growth, along with other stuff. You've got all that extra room with the keto level carbs, I'd move a bit more of it to protein. The general recommendation is 0.6g - 0.8g of protein per lb of goal body weight.

    Just keep learning as you go, being patient with yourself if you have a bad day, and asking questions when you need to. I don't do keto, but I know it works for some folks, so if that's a way you're comfortable eating, good luck!