
trytsl Posts: 1 Member
Beginning Keto two weeks on Keto and loving it!


  • zionkymani2
    zionkymani2 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi,just started this week. My apetite has resided but I think I was eating too much protein. Any tips from your tow weeks?.
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    trytsl wrote: »
    Beginning Keto two weeks on Keto and loving it!

    Have you run into symptons of the "Keto Flu" yet? Likely about to.....key there is to increase your Electrolytes. AKA, sodium, magnesium and potassium.
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    fb47 wrote: »
    I have been doing it for the last 6 weeks. If you take protein immediately after fasting hours, the body converts it carbs to fuel it's glucose needs. And too much protein will cause flatulence and unnecessary stress on your kidneys. Best would be to evaluate your protein needs depending on your weight and daily activities - shouldn't be more than 30% of your daily nutritional value intake. Protein gets absorbed best when taken after a good workout and paired with good complex carbs.

    This is not true at all. For Pete’s sake. Where do people hear this nonsense?

    It's with bad information like that which explains why keto is so popular nowadays.

    I’m a huge Keto proponent, but that information that they tried to pass off as fact is why Keto-ers get a bad name. Ugh.

  • kelleyhelm1
    kelleyhelm1 Posts: 80 Member
    I am trying to start keto, but know little to nothing about it. Could someone take a look at my food diary today and tell me what i can tweak about it?
  • tcooper2404
    tcooper2404 Posts: 1 Member
    Excellent! Next month I will have been doing the keto diet for a year and I’ve lost 77 lbs! I’m trying to maintain my weight now but know I could lose a little more. It’s fairly easy to stick to, you just have to be consistent! If you have a “cheat day” or carb day, don’t get down, put it behind you and continue on! Log your food daily, you’ll be surprised of how many carbs are hiding in food you wouldn’t think had any!
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I am trying to start keto, but know little to nothing about it. Could someone take a look at my food diary today and tell me what i can tweak about it?

    Just replied to the post that you started.....
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I have been doing it for the last 6 weeks. If you take protein immediately after fasting hours, the body converts it carbs to fuel it's glucose needs. And too much protein will cause flatulence and unnecessary stress on your kidneys. Best would be to evaluate your protein needs depending on your weight and daily activities - shouldn't be more than 30% of your daily nutritional value intake. Protein gets absorbed best when taken after a good workout and paired with good complex carbs.

    This is not true at all. For Pete’s sake. Where do people hear this nonsense?

    I know. Really. We had some friends over recently and someone mentioned the food scale on my counter. I simply replied I used it when I was eating "super high fat" as a trial for my Dystonia (neurological movement disorder). I didn't even want to mention the "K" word and be associated with it. Keto is fine. I still eat lchf for satiety but oh the crazy things I read. :/
  • Redordeadhead
    Redordeadhead Posts: 1,188 Member
    I am trying to start keto, but know little to nothing about it. Could someone take a look at my food diary today and tell me what i can tweak about it?

    How about you Google it first? If you know little to nothing about keto, you don't know whether it will fit your lifestyle and preferences or not.

    For me, it doesn't appeal because I like to eat a lot of carbs, so you need to see if you think it is the right eating plan for you first.
  • fb47
    fb47 Posts: 1,058 Member
    edited July 2018
    I am trying to start keto, but know little to nothing about it. Could someone take a look at my food diary today and tell me what i can tweak about it?

    How about you Google it first? If you know little to nothing about keto, you don't know whether it will fit your lifestyle and preferences or not.

    For me, it doesn't appeal because I like to eat a lot of carbs, so you need to see if you think it is the right eating plan for you first.

    Problem with googling is he/she may start to believe that carbs are evil and calories don't matter....That's the problem with google, you don't always find good answers especially if the first few links that pop up on google is from snake oil salesmen.
  • kelleyhelm1
    kelleyhelm1 Posts: 80 Member
    fb47 wrote: »
    I am trying to start keto, but know little to nothing about it. Could someone take a look at my food diary today and tell me what i can tweak about it?

    How about you Google it first? If you know little to nothing about keto, you don't know whether it will fit your lifestyle and preferences or not.

    For me, it doesn't appeal because I like to eat a lot of carbs, so you need to see if you think it is the right eating plan for you first.

    Problem with googling is he/she may start to believe that carbs are evil and calories don't matter....That's the problem with google, you don't always find good answers especially if the first few links that pop up on google is from snake oil salesmen.

    plus its easier to learn from another person rather than a book(google)
  • skysmom26
    skysmom26 Posts: 61 Member
    Youtube is a great peer source without the judgement. I follow about 10 different people I could relate to.(search keto success or keto before and after) They all do it a little differently and with that Ive help shaped what is currently working for me and keto.
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    If we are honest, we all know why Keto gets a lot of bad press.

    And, this is going to sound really negative but it is is just very open dialog: most people do not "worry about the details".

    It seems to me that *most people* (okay....not sure that I can honestly say most people here...but whatever it is that number is WAY TOO high) hear someone talk about something or see the "trash rags" at the grocery store check out counter and the sensational headlines and just blindly jump off of "that cliff".

    How is that? I would suggest that there is an absolute crisis in the USA with respect to ownership and personal accountability. And the people who have an agenda are acutely aware of this and use that to their advantage. They can make outlandish claims and so many people just eagerly take what these folks say as gospel and follow blindly.

    I see posts all the time from someone who is about to start Keto or has been doing keto for XXXX days now and they have absolutely no clue as to what Keto actually is and what it does. And these people vote (okay, I could not help myself there!).

    And, for the record, I follow Keto and have for several months and absolutely love it. But you best bet that I reasearched the *kitten* out of it before I started. I *knew* all about it....totally bypassed the Keto Flu and am doing very well. But, I have taken ownership of it. I have held myself personally accountable for this. I mean, it is no one else's responsibility to educate me about the pros and cons of Keto. That is my job....I mean, I am the one who made the decision to change the way my body uses fuel (read: the fuel that my body uses) so I dang well better know as much as I can about that process before I embark on that journey, right?

    And, this is not directed at anyone specifically. It is just my experience and it frustrates the bejesus out of me. Maybe I am just being a whinny, needy old man today but this crisis (okay....admitedly my term) just does not need to be. I just do not understand how people can be such sheep and blindly follow.

    I also can not understand how people with the agenda can take such advantage of this "sheep mentality". I was raised to protect the people that can not protect themselves......not take advantage of them.

    I am sure that I am going to get lamblasted by some for being cruel and heartless. I would suggest that those people have not understood how heavy hearted my words much this pains me to see (all the stinking time).

    I will even concede the issue with "there is just so much information out do I know what to believe?". And, that (A) is a SUPER VALID POINT and (B) is one of the many reasons that something like MFP is a God-send for a lot of people. But for every person who posts a question (and, by all means, please please please post question like this one) how many people out there are not using something like MFP and just blindly jump? Far too many!

    @skysmom26 seems like the perfect example of what to do. So, props to her for taking ownership and personal accountability.