Why aren’t I losing weight

I’m so angry and upset, I’ve been working my butt off sticking to my calorie, making healthy choices doing everything right and I’ve lost next to nothing. I feel like giving up cause it feels like what’s the point.


  • FLDebbie66
    FLDebbie66 Posts: 14 Member
    I completely understand where you're coming from. I've right there too. You have to remember that while the weight loss is certainly what you want, it's not the only thing you should be doing this for. You are working out, eating well, and getting healthier as a result. That's worth sooooo much more than the number on the scale. Give it time and keep your mind open to results that might not be what you're expecting. For me, while my weight and measurements have stalled lately, I've noticed I'm more flexible than I have been in the past. My body is changing and I need to let it do its thing.

    You also might want to make sure you're training and eating a healthy amount for your body too. Too much or too little of either are both bad for health.
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited July 2018
    I would suggest that you start over. Going balls to the wall takes so much emotional energy that many people burn out and quit. Slow loss over time adds up to eventually reaching your goal.

    Start from your comfort zone and then make incremental small changes that you are willing to live with forever. Build your own sustainable way of eating that keeps you at a calorie deficit and that you can keep using as you transition into maintenance. I aim for 80% of my calories from nutrient-dense foods and 20% from treats.

    Log your normal way of eating for a couple of weeks to gather some data. You can then look back through to see where you might eat smaller portions of calorie-dense food and/or make satisfying substitutions.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I’m so angry and upset, I’ve been working my butt off sticking to my calorie, making healthy choices doing everything right and I’ve lost next to nothing. I feel like giving up cause it feels like what’s the point.

    In what time period have you lost 'next to nothing'?
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    How much is 'next to nothing' and in what time frame?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    edited July 2018
    What does "next to nothing" mean? Weight loss is a slow process...people watch dumb *kitten* shows like the biggest loser and think that's "reality"...it isn't...most people just need to have more realistic expectations of how this all goes down. It's slow...and it's even slower if you don't have a metric ton of weight to lose.
  • strongerbytheday
    strongerbytheday Posts: 116 Member
    We need more info to help you. Please anwser the above questions!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    That's the spirit :D
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    We're talking about the entirety of life. Start thinking waaay into your future for the rest of your life. Quick and rapid weight loss is for the birds. They don't like it either.

    This is not a temporary fix. There's no such thing as the finish line with your overall health and wellbeing. Giving up is not an option. That's your willpower talking to you. It operates from the brain. Tell that brain to just shut the hail UP. You're going on and you're not giving up.

    When we start fighting against our old thinking and patterns the brain really kicks it into overdrive. It pulls out all of the old angst and internal struggles. The greatest mountain we will ever climb is overcoming our self and the urge towards rationalization. Get right back in the saddle and keep traveling on. You'll be glad you did.
  • adotbaby
    adotbaby Posts: 199 Member
    I'm at a plateau now too, but I continue to track and monitor my activity. It's not a race, as long as I'm not gaining, it's a win. Tweaking my exercise helps too. Don't give up, we're all with you.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    The point is to lose weight and become healthier and fitter surely? Giving up is always an option but then you certainly won't get anywhere.

    How long have you been trying? What is your goal? How are you measuring your food? How long did it take you to lose the 12 pounds on your ticker?

    Give us some more information as other posters have asked and maybe we can give you some sound advice on why you are not losing.

    We all feel this way sometimes but giving up will not get you where you want to be.
  • cwsweetpea28
    cwsweetpea28 Posts: 25 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    More information is needed. How long have you not been losing weight? How much weight (total) are you looking to lose? Do you measure portions with a digital food scale? Do you eat exercise calories back?

    Weight loss is slow going (not like reality TV). Water weight can go up and down and mess with the scale big time. Sore muscles? water weight. Time of month? water weight. Higher sodium day? water weight. Even bathroom habits can mask weight loss.

    "Healthy choices" still have calorie consequences. Weight loss always requires a calorie deficit.

  • cwsweetpea28
    cwsweetpea28 Posts: 25 Member
    Yep I think I been been having a it water weight because I am swollen and bloated.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    We need more info to help you. Please anwser the above questions!

    Looks like OP went with the giving up option!