Who was the worst teacher you ever had?



  • waytoofat3
    waytoofat3 Posts: 278 Member
    Grade 4 teacher, Mr Perry. Absolute POS. Thick glasses ,sweaty forehead and always ordering 10 yr olds in his reedy voice to "drag your ruddy carcass over here" He was on my case about being left handed and would mispronounce my last name. I corrected him once and he told me "well,I say it that way". I was a quiet kid..up until then when I replied "Ok,Mr Fairy"😂

    He loved the sound of his own voice and we couldn't leave class until he dismissed us,even after the bell. Because of this ,I once pi55ed my pants in class... couldn't hold it any longer. I could hear it splashing on the floor lol. The only saving grace was nobody noticed

    I saw him in a store recently, a runny eyed ,sway backed shell of his former self..still had the reedy voice.

    Of course it was on the way home when I thought,damn! I should have said " hey ,Mr Fairy! Move your ruddy carcass, *kitten*"

    Lol.. 38 yrs later and he still grinds my gears 😅
  • LIBOR_cat
    LIBOR_cat Posts: 197 Member
    Woman who took my virginity
  • therealmichele
    therealmichele Posts: 31 Member
    Mr. Kelly. Racist misogynists should probably not teach social studies.

    all the minority students in our class were regularly humiliated by him (one egyptian girl even changed her name from Nagwa to Crystal-- and then he made fun of her for choosing a stripper name. we were nine.). he also humiliated my vietnamese mother during a parent-teacher conference and made suggestions that she had been a bar girl in saigon and that my dad was "very generous" for having married her. he also thanked his wife, who was home on maternity leave after the birth of their first kid, for bringing him coffee during recess by pointing out her *kitten* to us as she walked away with the stroller and saying, "see? thats what happens to your body after you have a kid." again, we were nine.

    Although I have to thank him, too-- he's half the reason i became a teacher. One day I'll take the time to write him a clearly articulated note thanking him for all this inspiration to become his polar opposite.
  • AmberGlitterSparkles
    AmberGlitterSparkles Posts: 699 Member
    edited July 2018
    There were two. Second grade, can’t remember her name. Lord she was mean as a snake though. Loved to smack you with rulers. She would tell the kids gruesome stores in elaborate details about people getting their heads chopped off and so forth. She had all of these strange allergies. Including but not limited too soap, laundry detergent, chewing gum etc. and if she could so much as smell it on you she would start throwing up all over the classroom. This happened regularly. She would go on and on about how worthless we all were and that most of us would end up in prison any way. She was also very severely racist.

    The second, was a professor at Loyola pre med. our first day he told us his job was not to teach us, but to prove that we weren’t cut out for this. He then urged us to go drop his class. The first few weeks of class he spent telling us about how his mother thought he was a failure because he never because a “real doctor” and only had two doctorates. He also told us all about his therapy sessions to over come his insecurities. Most of the class dropped out.
  • therealmichele
    therealmichele Posts: 31 Member
    There were two. Second grade, can’t remember her name. Lord she was mean as a snake though. Loved to smack you with rulers. She would tell the kids gruesome stores in elaborate details about people getting their heads chopped off and so forth. She had all of these strange allergies. Including but not limited too soap, laundry detergent, chewing gum etc. and if she could so much as smell it on you she would start throwing up all over the classroom. This happened regularly. She would go on and on about how worthless we all were and that most of us would end up in prison any way. She was also very severely racist.

    wow! she sounds delightful! and not repulsive at all!
  • JDMac82
    JDMac82 Posts: 3,192 Member
    Army Lawyer teaching Constitutional Law for Military Police course. Introduced himself then said i really dont want to be here this morning so lets get started............. this was at 7am and we didnt break once till 1pm.
  • BrSpiritus
    BrSpiritus Posts: 190 Member
    LMNOP55 wrote: »
    A guest lecture at the University of Chicago Law School. He was from Kenya but acted like he knew about Constitutional Law. He then spent 8 years trying to dismantle said constitution.

    Man we need to start a thread of @LMNOP55 greatest hits
  • BrSpiritus
    BrSpiritus Posts: 190 Member
    Mrs Cross, English 102 and Journalism 101, because having her once wasn't bad enough. She was so boring she made me want to watch golf, we used to keep a tally sheet of how many times she "um" during the lecture.
  • kcs76
    kcs76 Posts: 244 Member
    Mrs. Herron, 7th grade, Pre-Algebra. She threw the textbook at me one day during class. She retired not too long after that. In her defense, I probably would have done the same thing. I was a bit frustrating at 13.
  • rdevol
    rdevol Posts: 278 Member
    My college Calculus professor began his first class by saying "Half of you will drop this class, and half of those left will fail it." Motivate much, @$$hat?
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Can't really recall a bad teacher. They were all pretty involved with the students. There were a few I didn't like, but it was probably directly proportional to how I was doing in that particular class.

    The only Instructor that ever scared me was my Drill Instructor in the Marine Corps.