The Better Than Ever Challenge!



  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member

    awesome info! explains why i'm starving every day!!! wow!
  • tanksmom104
    tanksmom104 Posts: 10 Member
    I agree that you are an inspiration. I may not be meeting all the challenges in terms of exercising, but I realize I am doing more now than I have in the past. I know it has to do with the support that I have found here and to know that I am not alone. Even if we don't meet all the goals, it is a step in the right direction!
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    @Saylerm...absolutely! i know the only reason i'm still surviving is because of all of you. i may not meet every goal every day, but i try really hard. which leads me to a thought, there is no try only do or do not. DANG!!! see what i mean, you guys inspire me even when you're not trying to!
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    Happy Thursday challengers...this challenge has been awesome for me so far AND soooooo not what I thought it would be! I thought my hardest obstacle would be committing to fitness every week. It hasn't been, the hardest obstacle has been facing the truth about why I see my fat as a security blanket. WOW! That one was truly UNEXPECTED. If you have something making you want to hold on to "the unhealthiness of it all" please know that I can completely relate. Thank you for joining this challenge. I know you didn't have to and every one of you have inspired me in one way or another. I am eternally grateful. Sending you all nothing but luv on this amazing day...
  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
    Hey GALS! I am not in this challenge but I keep reading everyday to see everyones progress! I should have joined because i can relate to a lot of what you all say! Thanks for the advice and motivation (although its not geared towards me)! It helps me each and everytime someone posts in here!
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    thank you for that...i think i speak for most of us when i say this has been a tough week! LOL!!!
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    So after 2 weeks of conquering "ourselves" I'm laying the surprise down. Yes its only Friday...but I wanted you to take a few days to digest the information. I want us to take a Dr.Oz challenge as a group!!! Below is the link...
  • RealMeSomeday
    Hi everyone!
    I have been feeling like a slacker this week. I am sticking to my calorie goals but haven't done the strength training yet. The Dr. Oz challenge looks really HARD! Though, I wonder how much of it I am doing already.
    Hey Robin! You should join! I started with these girls in the second week.
    It's never too late to be Better Than Ever!!!
    Thanks pffssas!!
  • hoponthebus
    Hi All,
    I am a late joiner to the challenge group, but I just had a Dr. appointment and should be getting my cholesterol back in the next few weeks so I thought.....this is the perfect challenge for me. I need a challenge, I have just been so blah about losing weight since I had my kids! (The oldest is almost 4!) Here's my info as a newbie:

    1. I keep getting in my own way by letting one bad eating day turn into, literally, 2 weeks of chowing down and I put back on everything that I took off! I really need to learn to stop after one bad day, or better yet, one bad meal. I will, over the next 90(-2 weeks) have bad days, but I WILL NOT let it turn into all out diet destruction. I will not throw the towel in because of a bad day.

    2. My starting weight for this challenge is 187 and my ultimate goal weight is 150-155, but for the next 90 (-2 weeks) my goal is to lose AT LEAST 10 pounds. My reward will be pulling my size 14's out from under the bed and throwing my size 16's away! I really, really want to do tha more than a shoppng spree, more than a day at the spa!

    Great to be here!
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    Welcome ladies!!! I am TRULY excited about the doctor oz challenge!!! glad you could join us!
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    Here's a site to help with the Dr.Oz challenge...(in case you need it) 10 basic stretches...i never stretch (did i just admit that?!?!) so I had to find a site...

    I'll try to gather as much info as possible to help make his challenge easier for us all!!! please feel free to post sites, comments, complaints etc.etc.etc.!!!
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    Just realized that I didn't get my cholesterol level at my last physical!!! Hmmmm guess I'm off to urgent care. DANG!!! I HATE needles...
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    Happy Sunday challengers!!! Please email me and let me know whether you'll be joining the Dr.Oz ultimate challenge!!! Already sent him an email telling him about our group, but would really like to know who's planning on participating...Thanx everyone!!!
  • 4N6junkie
    Alright Ladies! New week of the Challenge starts tomorrow!

    Pffssas and I have been talking about our weekly-mini challenges and how not everyone seems too keen on the Doc Oz challenge and so this is what we've come up with...

    Every week will we take something that one of the challengers is having an especially hard time with and we all do it with them. The following week we take the personal challenge of some one else and add it on, while maintaining the previous challenge(s).

    For example, I have a REALLY hard time fitting in vegetables into my diet. So, this week's challenge could be to ensure veggie intake for at least two (2) meals a day. If I eat out and have "side options" I'll pick a side that has veggies.. or.. if I REALLY want the less healthy side, I can have it (but maybe less of it?) then I have to add on a veggie side (being mindful of cals!) If the issue is fast food and they don't have a "veggie" option necessarily, take some carrot sticks or something and munch on those for your veggie.

    Then the following week, we still have to be good with the veggies but then, if this is a challenge for people, our mini challenge add-on could be to make sure we get the 8+ cups of water intake.

    This way, we all work on things that would probably be good for us to do ANYWAYS, we build good habits, and support other challengers with their specific struggles. This will also help us really be involved in the challenge! We CAN add elements of the Doc Oz challenge but don't think his challenge is so universal to peoples needs that we can just use it as it comes.

    Any thoughts, comments, suggestions?

    I hope you all like this idea but, supposedly this IS a democracy so if anyone does have a problem or anything, PLEASE tell us! :) We're here for you.
  • jdownes89
    thats awesome! :)
  • ckw92170
    ckw92170 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm ready for the ride!!!! I'm so tired of having this excess weight. Also, it is effecting my health. I was told recently by the doctor to lose at least 80 pounds.

    Good Luck Everyone on this Challenge!

    Here are my holds, goals and commitments!!!

    * I hold myself back by eating late at night and eating the wrong foods. I sneak to fast food places and grab something to eat on the way home from work, which is after 10pm.- i will stop eating by 8pm every evening and i will have my workout at least 15 minutes a day.
    * My Goal weight is 120 lbs., I will lose 30lbs over the next 90 days of this challenge. my reward to myself ....stay on course losing weight and working out. Also, purchase new clothes :-)

    * I am committed to consuming only 1500 calories every day this week.

    * I am committed to spending at least 15 minutes a day working out.
  • pffssas
    pffssas Posts: 128 Member
    4n6junkie you sooooooo rock!!! ladies its challenge time! we can do this!!! sending hugz to all...have a great Monday!
  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
    Okay ladies I am officially in! here is all in all about me! as one other poster put it my holds, goals and commitments!!!

    1. My holds is me, myself, and I! i try to be there for my hubby and my kids consistently therefore my own commitments tend to fall short. for instance, if my hubby is home from work earlier than usual, i will skip the gym just to spend time with him, or if teh kids have practice or something and i think the gym time will have me late for picking them up i wont go!

    2. My goals are to stop being there for everyone else, and start including me and my goals. my other goals is to maintain a healthy meal balance, not just the bad things! such as eating a sald but later on eatiing a honey bun! that so sabatoges the diet plan!

    3.My committments is to get in the gym 5 times a week even if i have to drive back out to the gym which is 30 minutes from my house! and no matter if i am alone or with my partner, make myself SWEAT!!!!!!!!!

    Umm i am not sure if i put this in another post or not but i weigh 233.2 right now, I am 5'11. I am a proud mother of a 18 y/o daughter (National Guard), 16 y/o son, and 8 y/o daughter! My ultimate goal is to weigh 185 pounds as that was what i weighed when i was the healthiest in my life! No it wasnt straight out of high school it was right before I got out of the military! If i did it then, then i can do it now!
  • futurekilousky
    One of my big holds I failed to mention earlier but strongly affects me is struggling with a mental illness. I was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder when I was 19. It was excruciating tough. I took a hiatus from college and began a painful struggle of medication and doctor roulette.

    After taking multiple medications where the number one side effect is weight gain ( I.e lithium) , i felt hopeless, overweight, and unhappy.

    I was never an overweight child but stress and emotional eating combined with my struggle towards "Normalcy" really put me far behind.

    I am finally at a point in my life where I am not ashamed or embarrassed and felt like sharing with you guys.

    On another note, I have been doing great with my water and sugar
  • jnchorn
    jnchorn Posts: 250 Member
    Hi all! I thought I would check in with my results.

    Week 1: stayed within my calories all but one day, Walked 4 times this week + worked out on my ellipitical/bike 3 days
    Week 2: stayed within my calories all but one day, Worked out on my ellipitical/bike 3 days

    Week 1: did not make my goal of 60+ minutes everyday
    Week 2: ate way too much peanut butter, only got in 2 of my 3 walks did not meet my 60+ goals

    Week 1 I lost 4, Week 2 I lost 4 again. This is week 3. When I weighed in on Monday I was up .4 which really upset me. I weighed in again this morning and was down 1.8. So I have lost almost 10 pounds since we began.

    Ok..... I need someone to talk some sence into me. I am very self critical. I never celebrate great losses and punish myself if I don't lose what I think it enough for a weeks work. I am not eatting enough right now but I have no desire to eat more. I was frustrated and discouraged on Monday morning after my small gain. Any advise is greatly appreciated. Stinkin' Thinkin' is on my biggest obstacles.

    On a positive note, if I lose 31 more pounds I have lost half of my body weight. :)