Aiming to lose 100+ lbs



  • xHungry4Healthx
    xHungry4Healthx Posts: 30 Member
    add me please!!
  • KiwiGirl91
    KiwiGirl91 Posts: 43 Member
    VUA21 wrote: »
    I'm 41, a woman, a mom. My starting weight was over 350lbs. My current weight is 171.9. If my junk food loving butt can do this, anyone can. It took me 3 years (I took a year off to do a massive recomp and let me skin catch up a bit). I'm back to lose another 5lbs at a time.

    You can do this. Feel free to FR me, pick my brain, I post weird tips and ideas that help (or have helped) me out.

    yasss i def will <3 you are proof that it can be done if we focus and keep our minds set!!
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I applaud all of you......
  • sldyke2
    sldyke2 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm also looking to lose 100+ pounds and I am feeling very overwhelmed and alone. I would love some people to talk to who are going through the same thing.
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    sldyke2 wrote: »
    I'm also looking to lose 100+ pounds and I am feeling very overwhelmed and alone. I would love some people to talk to who are going through the same thing.

    We got you! I am not going through the same thing....but for me it is all the same. It is all about the process (which is really commitment, dedication and perseverance....and the proper mindset).
  • sra455
    sra455 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm aiming to lose 190 lbs.

    Starting Weight: 332 lbs
    Current Weight: 296 lbs

    Goal Weight: 145 lbs
  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    I am right there with you. The highest my weight got to was 271. I am focusing on reaching 170 right now (it is the weight I was in high school), and then if I lose more great. My goal is to be down to that this time next year, so my husband and I can finally go to an amusement park together and go on the roller coasters. :)

    Feel free to add me, I love making new friends!
  • MiraculouslyMe
    MiraculouslyMe Posts: 1 Member
    Just started MFP today, seriously started anyway SW 271 GW 175. Had previously lost 80 lbs on WW but had a health setback and gained 50 back. At a low point and would LOVE to join your group for support with like people. PERSERVERE AND BLESSINGS TO US ALL.
  • 1foxxxychick
    1foxxxychick Posts: 4 Member
    Hey y’all! SW 237. GW 130-145 Current weight 232.8. Ive been active for about a week now. This is my first time taking my diet and exercise seriously so I am excited about my little weight loss! 🤣 Add Me
  • ChangingTami
    ChangingTami Posts: 109 Member
    I have 100+ to lose would love some friends who are willing to share their diaries. How can you support one another if you do not not want to share.
  • ChelleDee07
    ChelleDee07 Posts: 396 Member
    KiwiGirl91 wrote: »
    Way to go on taking the first step toward a new healthier lifestyle. Last year I lost more than 100 lbs in 8 months and 4 days. Set short term goals as well as your long term goal. Take frequent progress pictures... even if you are the only one to see them. Make sure to take a picture now.... you want something to compare your progress to. The pictures will help to show you progress even when the scale may be slow to do so. All of you can do this! Set your mind to it.... keep the focus. Read success stories along the way... surround yourself with others that will help to encourage and motivate you. There will be challenging days... but push through them. The hard work is worth the outcome!!

    That is super inspiring <3 100lbs in 8 months! Congrats on being so hardworking and motivated!!! :)

    Thank you!! Once I got started and seeing the results, I just wanted to see more results. Almost a year now since I lost that weight. Have done decent maintaining. It can be difficult, but it is so worth it.
  • irwin2bnamom
    irwin2bnamom Posts: 3 Member
    Please add me. Same mission. Ty
  • Iverson222
    Iverson222 Posts: 249 Member
    Hi all! I’m starting back up and would love some friends. I lost 50 a few years ago and still need to lose 100+ more. Feel free to send over an invite!
  • calexandra023
    calexandra023 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey all don’t forget me lol!I haven’t been logged on in 4 years :( my weight last time I logged in was 230 and now I’m 273.So yeah,any support is appreciated <3
  • VeeGeeMom
    VeeGeeMom Posts: 21 Member
    Same story here: SW 340 CW, after almost 11 weeks with MFP, 310. Most days I just follow the plan and the wt is coming off. But there are always some days where it is just hard work. I've been trying to focus on those hard days to understand better ways to just hang on and get to tomorrow. I don't want to stop this time and often 24 hours later it is better.
  • haleybo581
    haleybo581 Posts: 2 Member
    Im aiming to loose 120lbs.. would love some help and motivation feel free to add me
  • MovingRumsAss
    MovingRumsAss Posts: 24 Member
    I started at 265lbs, lost 67lbs, got hurt, gained back 35lbs, and now I'm down to 223lbs. At times I have a wicked sugar addiction that I'm learning to curb. At 5'3 I should be about 135lbs (that's pushing it). I'm always open to new people.
  • kwgrych
    kwgrych Posts: 2 Member
    I started a couple weeks ago. I was 237 which is the highest I have ever been. That I includes being 9 months pregnant 18 years ago. I would love to lose 100 lbs but I want to do it in sections. So my goal weight now is 170. I have lost 2 lbs already. My life is very chaotic right now. My sweet momma passed away in January. My family were living w her and caring for her the past year. We are currently selling her house and we are moving out in in a couple weeks. It is bittersweet. This summer we are planning 2 vacations. I need to stay on track with my eating. I am trying very hard to lose .5 lb a week. Thank you for listening and please keep me in your prayers.