Ripped in 30 starting week of August 14 - any takers?



  • zuzka
    zuzka Posts: 26 Member
    1 day succesfully done..been hurting from yesterday's 30DS, and also did very first workout from Oxygen (3 months long workout series) just before this...will be soooo sore tomorrow:((
    how is everybody else doing????
  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    I just completed day 24 of 30DS.. Can't wait to join yall!!! I also ran week 9 Day 1 of the c25k this morning, so I will finish that up this week as well!! I can't believe I ran 30 consecutive minutes today!! That was a big milestone for me. I will start ripped next week and also begin training for 10K.... I LOVE feeling fit!!!
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    I just completed day 24 of 30DS.. Can't wait to join yall!!! I also ran week 9 Day 1 of the c25k this morning, so I will finish that up this week as well!! I can't believe I ran 30 consecutive minutes today!! That was a big milestone for me. I will start ripped next week and also begin training for 10K.... I LOVE feeling fit!!!

    So glad you're joining us!
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    Day 2 done last night. It went pretty well. I did take a different approach to the side lunges. I think I've previously mentioned that I dropped the weights. Well, last night, I dropped the weights and put my hands on my hips. I know it's weird, but I was sort of able to feel if my hips were going where they were supposed to. I think I'm going to continue to do them like that until I am really comfortable with the form. I went ahead and did the front arm raises after circuit 3 and before the cool down so that I didn't miss the benefit of that exercise.

    I lifted this morning at the gym, so it might be interesting to see if tonight's Ripped workout hurts at all!

    Are most of you taking one day or two days off each week?
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    I finished day 5 of level 1 today. Still hate the side lunges, might try your suggestion, hnc74 and drop the weights.

    I really like how you only have to do 7 days at each level. With 30DS, I was getting pretty bored of the exercises and commentary by day 6 or 7. It will be nice to do something new soon.

    I think I am going to take one rest day in the middle of the 7 days and one day off in between levels.
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    I finished day 5 of level 1 today. Still hate the side lunges, might try your suggestion, hnc74 and drop the weights.

    Good job! I do think it helps to try to figure out the form of that lunge and then add weights. We'll just see how long it takes to figure out the form!
    I really like how you only have to do 7 days at each level. With 30DS, I was getting pretty bored of the exercises and commentary by day 6 or 7. It will be nice to do something new soon.

    I agree!
    I think I am going to take one rest day in the middle of the 7 days and one day off in between levels.

    I started on Sunday, so I think I'm going to try to take Thursdays off, so four on, one off, two on, and then start the next level. It's possible I'll take Saturdays off, too. Sadly, I'm thinking about it more in terms of my schedule rather than what my body wants/needs. That's life, I suppose.
  • MollyNan
    MollyNan Posts: 21 Member
    I just started today. I have never done a Jillian video before but found it for 1/2 price online so I watched a preview and decided to give it a try. It is much more intense than the other video that I had been using but I can tell that I will get better results as I was sweating a LOT more with this one. There certainly are several moves that I can't do but look forward to the day that I will be able to. I have decided that I am not going to stick to the 30 days but rather move to the next video as I feel that I have somewhat mastered the last - It may take me 2 months to do it!

    Glad I found this group, hoping it will keep me motivated!
  • Two days down for week 1. I'm about to do day 3. I'm also thinking of taking a day off in the middle - Thursday. So far, I like it.
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    I started yesterday and just finished L1D2. I can tell that I'm in better shape now than I was in the 30DS because I get through the workout fine with little to know modifications. That being said, my butt and shoulders are SORE. And, like most of you, the side lunge is terrible. If I'm not mistaken, that is also in the Shred (or maybe in another of her dvd's???) as I've done it before and don't like it any better this time around! I've taken my measurements and I'm eagerly anticipating the end of week 4 so I can see what the results are.
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    I'll join you, I just started another round of it yesterday. I had already completed it in June after completing 30DS in May, then in July I did 6 week/6 pack (completed that last week). After doing all those though I may decide to switch up levels or maybe do a day here and there of 6 wk/6 pk (level 2) since it really works me hard. I've found that having a thread like this to check in each day is great support :)
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    I'll join you, I just started another round of it yesterday. I had already completed it in June after completing 30DS in May, then in July I did 6 week/6 pack (completed that last week). After doing all those though I may decide to switch up levels or maybe do a day here and there of 6 wk/6 pk (level 2) since it really works me hard. I've found that having a thread like this to check in each day is great support :)
    What did you think of 6W6P? I did 2.5 weeks of it before going on vacation and I didn't notice a whole lot of change in that time...not like the 30DS. I wondered if it was the workout, or if I just needed to step it up to the next level??
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Okay, after Sunday at the amusement park forced a rest day Monday (I seriously could not do anything, even take a walk!), I finally did Week 1 Day 1. To get in the groove I even wore my peacock blue sports bra to match Jillian and the girls.

    I did take some before shots, but they are pretty crappy camera phone close angles so we'll have to see if they turn out. I'll probably have to have amazing changes to notice a difference.

    RI30 Vs. 30DS - I love how she's really concentrating on teaching form in this one. Sometimes I felt I wasn't doing it right in 30DS-she makes sure you do here. I'm not sure if it's really harder than 30DS. I did burn more but it seemed to go by a little quicker. I love the 3 20sec sets instead of 2 30 sec makes it easier to keep going just that one extra second.

    Not sure who suggested it but I like the idea of putting a break day in the middle of the week rather than at the end-we'll see how I can fit it in. I might make Monday my break days so I can still get the rest of this week in but not be too far into week 2 before I rest.

    One difference I noticed- in 30DS I was dripping sweat. Here I wasn't dripping but I was covered all over-every body part got a workout.

    Oh and I'm starting this with 5lb as my light weight. 3lb were just too light (and I gotta say I love that). I'll do my 8lb for the heavy weight.
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    I'll join you, I just started another round of it yesterday. I had already completed it in June after completing 30DS in May, then in July I did 6 week/6 pack (completed that last week). After doing all those though I may decide to switch up levels or maybe do a day here and there of 6 wk/6 pk (level 2) since it really works me hard. I've found that having a thread like this to check in each day is great support :)
    What did you think of 6W6P? I did 2.5 weeks of it before going on vacation and I didn't notice a whole lot of change in that time...not like the 30DS. I wondered if it was the workout, or if I just needed to step it up to the next level??

    I loved 6 wk/6 pk but level 1 really wasn't very challenging. Level 2 on the other hand was very challenging because it is mostly cardio yet still works your core very well. I was drenched by the end ot that workout. I may throw in one of those workouts here and there throughout this month just to keep up my endurance :)

    This morning I did week 3 of RI30. I didn't care too much for week 1.

    Have a great day everyone :)
  • MollyNan
    MollyNan Posts: 21 Member
    Well, I just woke up (after doing first day, yesterday) and man am I sore! My legs, butt, and shoulders can really feel it! Normally I might decide to skip today because of that, but I'm going for it!
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    Day 6 Level 1...ONE MORE DAY OF SIDE LUNGES!!! That is the good news. The bad news is that I previewed Level 2 and it doesn't look like a lot of fun. It just makes me more scared about levels 3 and 4.
  • sherrisloan
    sherrisloan Posts: 184 Member
    I guess I started mine about the same time, but I'm doing week one again. Feel free to add me.
  • seekimrun
    seekimrun Posts: 8 Member
    I'll join you! I actually have done two weeks of RI30 before my wedding in August but because of the partying atmosphere with out of town friends and family around, I did not adhere to any sort of diet at all. But because of RI30 (I was averaging 1,500 calories a day on nothing but junk like beer, pizza, fries, etc.), everyone said I looked so much skinnier because my arms and legs had gotten noticeably more tone.

    Can't wait to see what diet & RI30 will do!

    (Also, I really hate week 1. She goes at a much slower pace so it makes me feel so tired and I can't do real push-ups at all. I like Week 2 a lot more.)
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    Today I took some photos of myself. NOT going to share them right now. I am going to try to depend less on the scale and more on the measurements and pictures. Hopefully I will see some results in the next few weeks. If there are drastic results I will post them along with some 'afters'!
  • MollyNan
    MollyNan Posts: 21 Member
    Okay, just finished second day of week one and I am more sore now than when I first woke up! Wow, don't want to think about how I will feel tomorrow morning!
  • uniquemoves
    uniquemoves Posts: 100 Member
    i'm late but i'm in! :) I did two weeks of RI30 and then started other things.. this time i'd like to do the entire 30 days .. so here goes.. starting tomorrow :) I love the dvd..but i do feel i will need to add more cardio.. let's do this!!