Stress eating over politics

Is anyone else struggling with this?


  • Xerogs
    Xerogs Posts: 328 Member
    Political climates will always be in flux, it's not worth the energy to dwell on it. Not to say you can't acknowledge the political clowns and their daft antics but dwell on what you can control in the present and vote when it comes time to do so. Since money is what motivates most politicians find out who is backing who in the elections and vote with your wallet as well. If some *kitten*-burger corporation is backing someone you can't stand then don't funnel your hard earned money towards them. If you are really struggling with politics, turn off the TV, put down the smart phone, and don't be dragged into divisive echo chamber conversations. Take a walk, breath, focus all the negative energy on something positive in your life.
  • clairedrose
    clairedrose Posts: 121 Member
    Yes I have been struggling with this. However I have decided that I have little control of the issues besides donating, calling reps and voting. I do however have control over what I eat. So I a m trying to gain some calm from claiming the control I can. It's tough though, isn't it?
  • beverlyharrison98
    beverlyharrison98 Posts: 2 Member
    Guess I’m just dealing with it a different way by protesting, etc. in addition to voting (and voting with where and how I spend money.) I wouldn’t change any of that, just need to figure out an additional way to address stress eating. It doesn’t help that my sense of taste and smell were damaged by chemo so sugar and salt are things I can actually taste and that I tend to stress eat. Alas, I’ll find my way through this.
  • bernadettemariev
    bernadettemariev Posts: 23 Member
    I've regained 40 lbs out of the 70 I had originally lost in the in the last 1.5 years. I've finally resolved that this is hurting me more than anyone in office and in order to have the energy and well being to keep going, I need to be healthy. Plus, the prospect of losing whatever health insurance I have makes me even more determined to get down to a healthy weight. It's a struggle, but you're not alone.
  • elskeleton
    elskeleton Posts: 72 Member
    Rather than stress eating, I avoid eating when it feels like contributing to an economic system I can't bring myself to humour.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    I avoid politics when I'm eating.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    If we can focus this discussion on how folks cope with stressful times, types of encouragement, etc... then this is great but this is a friendly reminder we don’t allow political discussion in our main forums. Many of our members want a community that is free from political discussion and wish to escape those debates and divisions here.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    edited July 2018
    How so? Things are better in the world than they have ever been. All negative indicators have been in decline for decades and continue along the same rates. Only difference is that we are now aware of horrible things happening worldwide where we were previously ignorant.

    If you're getting stressed by watching the news, then question the source and ask why someone would want to incite fear?