Full-time desk job, young kid at home - tips for squeezing in exercise?



  • Mrsindepenant1
    Mrsindepenant1 Posts: 196 Member
    edited July 2018
    Hi! I'm starting to get serious about eating better, and getting more exercise. My weight is creeping up, and I have no energy to play with my 6-year-old.

    I have a full-time desk job (hours are 8:30 to 4:30), a one-hour commute each way, and not enough money for a gym membership (summer day is EXPENSIVE!). On top of that, I'm dealing with plantar fasciitis in my left foot. The most exercise I get in a day is walking about a quarter mile from where I park my car to the front door of my apartment.

    Any tips for fitting in exercise?

    I have an almost 4yo. Work fluctuates between 4 hours to 12 hours a day as well as travel.
    Most days when I’m busy I struggle and have no energy, I also have chronic fatigue and a lot of pain from AS. I have found walking at night to be amazing, when it’s cool and slightly dark I seem to have a tonne of energy once I push myself out the door. But if your a single mum with no one to watch your child while you run you could go out into the back yard in the cool air at night and do laps or some basic at home workouts. Do you have a trampoline? Jump on it for 30mins with the kids, on weekends take your child to the pools and swim together, a trip to the beach and go for a long walk or even a jog, or a weekend bush walk, do you own bikes? Weekend bike rides are fun and you can get a lot of exercise in a long ride! These are all things I try and do with my son. He loves it and it’s a good way to do some relaxed workouts. If I do a workout during they day he tries to join in, he thinks it’s the best thing ever!
    We also have a dog that needs attention and we live on farm so I try and take him out for exercise. Do you have a dog that needs walking so you have no choice but to make time?
    I would be so much lazier if it weren’t for my son and our dog 😅

    Fee free to add me! I’m always keen to share my diary with fellow mums and see what improvements I can make!
  • chelseamj91
    chelseamj91 Posts: 12 Member
    I have a 9 month old baby girl and an 8 year old as well! If you go on YouTube there are TONS of “mommy and me” work outs which I love and the baby does as well.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    I have a 2yr old and a 4yr old and work full time. From the time the 2yr old was 6 months until now, I did a 30 min fitnessblender workout in the evenings after they went to bed - so around 630pm. I made that half hour me time and no one was to mess with it. As they got older the kids learned mummy exercises every day. They occasionally join in but mostly play with their toys for that time.

    However I've swapped to running so I get up at 530 am, before anyone is up to go out. It means I'm asleep by 930 each night but I actually get more time with the kids, and I get my me time in as well.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,934 Member
    Hi! I'm starting to get serious about eating better, and getting more exercise. My weight is creeping up, and I have no energy to play with my 6-year-old.

    I have a full-time desk job (hours are 8:30 to 4:30), a one-hour commute each way, and not enough money for a gym membership (summer day is EXPENSIVE!). On top of that, I'm dealing with plantar fasciitis in my left foot. The most exercise I get in a day is walking about a quarter mile from where I park my car to the front door of my apartment.

    Any tips for fitting in exercise?

    Does your building have stairs?
  • sarahthes
    sarahthes Posts: 3,252 Member
    I have a 3.5 year old and a 6 year old. I either run early (rare) or late (often). Last night I went out for a 5 mile run at 9:30 pm.

    Early or late theoretically avoids the worst of the day's heat as well...
  • gamespriteicon
    gamespriteicon Posts: 66 Member
    I'm a Mom of a 3 year old.

    Youtube workouts are great and free. There are many channels to look into.

    1.) https://www.idealraw.com/challenges/15-day-fit-mommy-challenge.list (30 min workouts)
    [this one you can sign up for free then on the link you get in your email you can save the youtube videos to a personal playlist. They also have a facebook group]

    2.) FitnessBlender - tons of weight and body weight workouts. (workout times vary from 10min - hour and a half)

    3.) JessicaSmithTV - walking videos, I'm a huge fan of her at home playlist, great for when my son is having a I need Mommy day. I can do the moves while I hold him. (walk workout time varies)

    I recently purchased the BeachBody OnDemand $99 year subscription (I did the 3 month $39.99 1st to see if I liked it or not) and have access to all their programs. The 21 Day Fix is great for Mom's 30 min. I'm also working on the 80 Day Obsession they are up to and hour so really have to work that in.

    I workout in the afternoon after dinner while my son trys the workouts too, watches tv, or plays under Mommy bridge or Mommy horse during some of the workouts.
    There are days that I have to pause and help him do a workout move with me, or help him with bathroom or snack breaks. I've also given him 2 remotes for him to use as weights.
    Every now and then it just does not happen but I'm trying not to skip more than 1 day with out a workout.

    I recommend using YouTube first and find a routine where your child gets used to Mommy is working out now. The number of times you will be able to workout without interruption is very small but the plan is to do more then skipping it. My son will ask me what are you doing when i turn the phone on to start a workout. I respond I'm going to workout. He says okay and does on his way and the next hour is set to trying to workout while keeping him good. There are also days I give him one of those "Write and Wipe" books and take breaks here and there to help him clean it.

    ~ So yes it is possible. Completing the workout or completing them without interruption will not be. Just do your best and making it a game with the kids makes it easier. I can not wake up and hour earlier to get workouts in our son goes to bed to late and I'm too sore to get out of bed so an hour after a light dinner (about 2-3 hours after we get home) is the best time. There are days I don't hit play until 8pm.

    Good luck on your journey!!
  • sweetkisses143
    sweetkisses143 Posts: 11 Member
    I have a desk job too. I work from 8AM-5:30PM M-F. I also have a 8 yr old little girl. I know it can be hard trying to fit anything in as an exercise. And forget the gym.... pssshh there is never any time to try and actually leave the house! I feel you on this so much lol I made this routine that I do at home in 10 minutes. I've lost 50 lbs so far with 70lbs to go, I don't know if you can with your foot but here it is if you want to take a look :) You do it a total of 4 times and there's different difficulties to help you. Good luck mama! https://youtu.be/Ed8yj1J-JSw