Tummy Tuck



  • inkedcelticcross
    inkedcelticcross Posts: 54 Member
    Congratulations on the weight loss!

    I'm curious how much they cost now. Did they give you a price range?
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member

    Here's a link to get an idea of the types of procedures, approx (!!) price and types of scars, details etc. I've often heard they sometimes remove the belly button depending on how much you're having removed. A few folks are freaked out by that...I don't know how I'd feel since I'm not that close to that point yet. Like I said I really think there will be a huge diff between someone going in for a panny and a tuck/skin removal in regards to procedures.

    Ya know the thing that bothered me most when I first thought of having it done? ROFL....get this!! You can't work out for awhile until the drains are removed (yea I now yuck!), swelling goes down and the doctor ok's you for it.

    Seems some it is monthes....scary! I like to workout several hours a day I'm not sure I could wait for months..but that's just what mind is telling me now....not a very realistic thought when I'm not even there yet.:blushing: :laugh: :laugh: But as many on the site have shared, going a day without working out or visiting the gym, is quite freaky feeling! I either feel guilty or am jumpin out of my skin when I take a rest day. LOL

    Come on now, there has to be a number of us that never thought we'd miss working out so much:blushing: :laugh: :laugh: :drinker:

  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    at which point do you think I should think about a tummy tuck . I mean i have always thought about it but after so long of exercise do you realize its not going anywhere??

    I have a consultation for a tummy tuck in October! I'm soooooooo excited! I have a lower flap that really sags and an upper one that goes over my belly button :ohwell: So there's a lot of extra skin! My stomach still looks the way it did when I weighed 270 lbs! It makes it really hard to feel great about all the hard work we put in to this!

    I asked at what point in my weightloss should I go in for the consultation and they said I should be at my goal weight when I have it. I've heard that usually it's no more than a pound of two of excess skin, but I'm convinced I must have AT LEASt 5 extra pounds in excess skin! I've decided that at 5'10", my goal weight will be 140 lbs. I think this will look like a healthy weight on me & still give me sexy curves.

    Anyways, I think anything that will help us put the finishing touches on our new hot bodies is well worth it and well deserved! Keep up the amazing work everyone!

    Awesome ART!! I'm so pleased you're getting a consult done.:drinker: :happy: You've done so great and been working so hard you deserve nothing but good things in your life Hon:flowerforyou:

    You're an inspiration to me, I can see such a huge difference in your before and afters....one day when I can see the diff in mine I'll post my pics again, currently I am stuck in an odd mindset that gives me a strange notion that I look the same in all my pics, that can't be as the scale says different, the clothes do, my body moves very differently now and others certainly notice, but in between the ears it can get confusing some days. Losing so much weight can really do a number on your head:laugh: :blushing:

  • inkedcelticcross
    inkedcelticcross Posts: 54 Member
    FC - I'm sure you will be ready when you get to your goal. You've done amazing so far. That in itself in major accomplishment.

    As far as the belly bottom, my wife's was relocated. They just made a new opening and relocate the innards. She actually said that was more discomfortable than the cut from hip to hip and the breasts. Weird huh?
  • i had a tummy tuck this past october and it was the best thing i have ever done!!! i had it done because no matter how much weight i lost after i had my daughter, i still looked prego. so after my son i decided to do it. for me it was all my stomach muscles that were completely torn from being prego(not excess skin). i had it done before i lost any weight and as im losing weight, it looks amazing!!! i was hoping to lose weight when i got it but i only lost 2 lbs. if u decide to do it, make sure u have help for atleast 3 weeks cause u will not be able to stand up strait or lift anything over 6 lbs. the pain wasnt bad at all unless i tried to lift myself out of bed....u literaly have to hang from someone as they lift u up. as long as u have help u will be fine. good luck and if u have any more questions, let me know!!!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I had a tummy tuck 1 year ago, in December 2007. It was my 40th Birthday present. Also, the reason I'm so motivated to be more active and lose some weight while I'm at it. :wink:

    Go to this site...

    click on the message Boards link and then go down to the Tummy Tuck-Abdominoplasty forum. There you will read about the good, bad and ugly of the procedure along with prices in different areas. I paid $5500 in Florida.

    Good luck with your decision.
  • :smile: I have a friend who is getting a tummy tuck in Mississippi. Her doctor gave her the estimate of 8,000 dollars. I want a tummy tuck so badly. My stomach has a flap since I had a c-section. I also want a breast reduction. I think I can get my insurance to pay for that part. That is my prize for losing my weight. and keeping it off 6 months. I hope to do both procedures at one time, that way the hospital fees are paid by insurance and the tummy tuck paid for by me!
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    I had one about 10 years ago and never regretted it. I had the full tummy tuck where he stitched my abs back together. I gained 100 lbs with my 1st and 45 with my second. (Ok, I learned my lesson the 2nd time around) I had the flap of skin that hung over my incision from my cesearan and not matter how much weight I lost or what ever exercises I was doing, it would never go away. 10 years ago it cost me $5,000.00 but it was worth every penny.

    As for the pain, I was laid up for a week. Just laying upright on the couch with a couple of little drain thingys in me to drain any excess fluid. It took a total of 6 weeks to be back to normal. Just pray you don't have to sneeze anytime during the 1st 3 weeks. Talk about pain!:noway:
  • I had one about 10 years ago and never regretted it. I had the full tummy tuck where he stitched my abs back together. I gained 100 lbs with my 1st and 45 with my second. (Ok, I learned my lesson the 2nd time around) I had the flap of skin that hung over my incision from my cesearan and not matter how much weight I lost or what ever exercises I was doing, it would never go away. 10 years ago it cost me $5,000.00 but it was worth every penny.

    As for the pain, I was laid up for a week. Just laying upright on the couch with a couple of little drain thingys in me to drain any excess fluid. It took a total of 6 weeks to be back to normal. Just pray you don't have to sneeze anytime during the 1st 3 weeks. Talk about pain!:noway:
    since, you've done both. Is it similar to the recovery of a c-section? or is it in a world of it's own. I've had two c-sections. The 2nd time the incision ripped open on one side so i was laid of for a while. I've been considering it. Did they just use your existing c scar?
  • petunia
    petunia Posts: 336 Member
    I am considering this also.. I had twins 3 years ago, and the stretch marks and loose skin from that has me really frustrated... :explode:

    I've lost quite a bit of my weight (only 12 pounds to go now).. it's gotten better, but I know it would look much much better if I had the tummy tuck..

    how long after losing the weight do you give yourself to see how good it will get on it's own?

    For me, I'm afraid of getting the surgery and something really bad happening... I'd hate to be someone who died or had really terrible complications for something that could be considered 'vain'..

    for anyone who's had the surgery, how did you weigh the risks along with the benefits?

  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Anna - ask around to get a plastic surgeon that you know has produced happy patients in the end. Ask LOTS of questions about what you'll look like after plus the typical other stuff like healing time, pain, etc....Don't forget they do this all the time and no question you ask prbably hasn't already been asked - get as much info before as you can.

    I didn't have tummy tuck but with my breast reconstruction if I would have only asked more questions I wouldn't have had a shock when the implants were first put in - I expected to come out of surgery as the new me - but that takes healing time to see final results.
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    I had one about 10 years ago and never regretted it. I had the full tummy tuck where he stitched my abs back together. I gained 100 lbs with my 1st and 45 with my second. (Ok, I learned my lesson the 2nd time around) I had the flap of skin that hung over my incision from my cesearan and not matter how much weight I lost or what ever exercises I was doing, it would never go away. 10 years ago it cost me $5,000.00 but it was worth every penny.

    As for the pain, I was laid up for a week. Just laying upright on the couch with a couple of little drain thingys in me to drain any excess fluid. It took a total of 6 weeks to be back to normal. Just pray you don't have to sneeze anytime during the 1st 3 weeks. Talk about pain!:noway:
    since, you've done both. Is it similar to the recovery of a c-section? or is it in a world of it's own. I've had two c-sections. The 2nd time the incision ripped open on one side so i was laid of for a while. I've been considering it. Did they just use your existing c scar?

    The recovery was very similar to the c-section. You have to be very careful. No sneezing, coughing and going to the bathroom was a great experience. NOT! They did cut across my existing c-section scar but that was small compared to my tummy tuck scar. That one unfortunately goes all the way across my mid section. Hip bone to Hip bone and it isn't a pretty one. My doctor was able to put it just below my underwear line. If I wear a 2 piece bathing suit it has to be a little higher than the skimpy ones that are out there but I am ok with that. :bigsmile:
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    I had to have a hystorecotmy a few years ago and I was figuring that it would be about the same. which scares me a little. That hurt so bad.

    Thanks for all the information everyone. We live no where near a big town so I will have to travel alittle to get mine done. I'm just not sure whether to go to Omaha or Denver, we're about half way in between. I know no one who has had any work done, so I really have nobody to ask if they were satisfied with their surgery or not.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    :smile: I have a friend who is getting a tummy tuck in Mississippi. Her doctor gave her the estimate of 8,000 dollars. I want a tummy tuck so badly. My stomach has a flap since I had a c-section. I also want a breast reduction. I think I can get my insurance to pay for that part. That is my prize for losing my weight. and keeping it off 6 months. I hope to do both procedures at one time, that way the hospital fees are paid by insurance and the tummy tuck paid for by me!

    Check with your insurance provider now about their requirements for a breast reduction. You'd think it would be a simple matter of measuring and determining that "hey, these are gigantic and should be reduced!" but of course it's not that simple.

    I had to show ONE YEAR of undergoing "conservative treatment" (Tylenol, heating pads, chiropractor) for the back, neck and shoulder pain. I had to get a letter from my neurologist stating that the weight of my breasts caused poor posturing, which lead to neck strain and my migraines (and yes, it was very true!). I had to construct a HUGE amount of paperwork showing years worth of complaints of pain and treatment to my doctor. OH, also had to show that I'd lost weight and that my breast size didn't decrease on their own (personal testament there.... not exactly like I had THAT documented anywhere). It took a lot of work but was WELL worth the effort.

    FYI: I had a complication after my surgery. In order to go back to work, I was taken off Vicodin and put onto 800mg of Motrin daytime for pain. I apparently had an underlying ulcer, and was trying to diet at the same time, and due to a "fluke" side effect of the Motrin, I had a perforated ulcer (my stomach acid ate a hole through my stomach). Had to be rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery. Nasty long scar on my abdomen (from bottom of rib cage to belly button). Even with this, the reduction was STILL worth it. No more pain, more normalized chest size (I'm still large, but whatever, the pain is gone!).

    Also, depending on your current breast size versus your reduced breast size, you may have substantial scarring. I cannot wear a two piece (wouldn't anyhow :laugh: ) because my scars go back under my arm, half way to my back (if that makes sense). My scars underneath the breast come up to a visible point as well.... a low cut bathing suit top and you can barely see them (but who really would be looking that closely RIGHT THERE on me???).

    Anyhow, just my two cents on the breast reduction. I am thankful for my reduction.

    I too want a tummy tuck. Trying to decide how to save the money (never gonna happen, maybe a 40th birthday gift like the lady above), and if it's worth it.... the vainity versus accepting my body how it is. Tough choices.
  • I am considering this also.. I had twins 3 years ago, and the stretch marks and loose skin from that has me really frustrated... :explode:

    I've lost quite a bit of my weight (only 12 pounds to go now).. it's gotten better, but I know it would look much much better if I had the tummy tuck..

    how long after losing the weight do you give yourself to see how good it will get on it's own?

    For me, I'm afraid of getting the surgery and something really bad happening... I'd hate to be someone who died or had really terrible complications for something that could be considered 'vain'..

    for anyone who's had the surgery, how did you weigh the risks along with the benefits?


    my doctor told me that all the swelling will take about 6 months to go down, its been 4 months for me and i think i look amazing, so i cant imagine what i will look like in 2 months!!! as for being afraid...i was terrified!!! i had never been under before and i was so afraid of being the 1% chance that had a complication and died. i was so scared that i almost changed my mind and turned back around. i cried the whole time i was laying on the table, until i was out. just make sure you research and interview lots of doctors. i found a great doctor in utah(Dr Warnock) and it was only $5500. good luck!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    my doctor told me that all the swelling will take about 6 months to go down, its been 4 months for me and i think i look amazing, so i cant imagine what i will look like in 2 months!!! as for being afraid...i was terrified!!! i had never been under before and i was so afraid of being the 1% chance that had a complication and died. i was so scared that i almost changed my mind and turned back around. i cried the whole time i was laying on the table, until i was out. just make sure you research and interview lots of doctors. i found a great doctor in utah(Dr Warnock) and it was only $5500. good luck!

    I've had numerous surgeries -- abdomenal tumor removed, c-section, breast reduction, and exploding-tummy-patching.

    It's scary, and it's normal. They understand the tears, even with elective surgeries. :flowerforyou:
  • petunia
    petunia Posts: 336 Member
    I hear ya.. I had my gallbladder removed 2 years ago, and I was a blithering idiot as the wheeled me into the O.R.. :sad: I even asked if they could do a local.. :laugh:

    at the time, of course, the surgeon told me that living with a bad gall bladder was riskier than the surgery..

    I obviously can live with my extra skin.. just would look a WHOLE lot better without it! Thanks for the advice ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    Thanks for everyones advice and stories! Good thread team!
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    Thanks for everyones advice and stories! Good thread team!

    Thanks, I know that it's a concern with alot of us out there (thank God I'm not the only one with a saggy belly). It's also nice to hear from everyone that has had it done and are so pleased with the results. I know getting it done, for me, is a vanity thing, cause nobody sees that but me and my hubby, and he doesn't really care what I look like. But really it's the only part of my body that I absolutely hate, and I think I would feel 100 times better if it were gone.
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