add food to diary before you eat it



  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    I try to plan out my whole day worth of meals...that way if I go over then I know how many calories I need to burn at a minimum during my workout to make the daily budget. Also, if I crave a candy bar or something I can put it in and see how terrible it is and usually talk myself out of getting it.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    Yup, this is the true test on if you really want it and if it is worth the calories.
  • aclukehart
    i alwaysss plan days ahead of time, it keeps me on track and motivated to only eat what's already in my food diary:)
  • mikesnwgirl
    I do this all the time. I mainly do it in the evening after dinner when I want to have a snack. I'll play around with different things I want till I find what fits my numbers!
  • michelec64
    michelec64 Posts: 120 Member
    On weekdays I fill out my diary the night before for breakfast and lunch, since I more or less have the same things every day. That way I know how many calories I have to play with for dinner and snacks. Weekends are a little less structured and I fill out the diary as I go but I've been doing it long enough now that I know when I'm getting close to my goal; but even if I go 50-100 calories over it's not the end of the world since I stay within my goal Mon.-Fri.
  • kowens726
    I do that too. I also enter my exercises in ahead of time as kind of a motivator. If I'm feeling lazy, I input how many calories I would burn if I just spent 20 minutes on the elliptical, and that gets me up and moving, and I will usually do more.
  • ercarnes
    ercarnes Posts: 43 Member
    I plan my day and then plug it all in, that way I know exactly what I need to do and this helps me to stay on plan.
  • inlander
    inlander Posts: 339 Member
    i love how you refer to the calories as "expensive" - that's an awesome way to look at it.
  • kiwikara
    kiwikara Posts: 65 Member
    I'm such a planner, I usually try to plan out my meals and snacks that morning or even sometimes the night before!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I think it's a great idea - I enter my brekkie, lunch and dinner, then I can work out what snacks will fit in fir the day. I also allow for the exercise I have planned.
    I think it would be just too hard to eat first and then enter - this sounds like a recipe for eating way under or way over to me.
  • ncwingnut71
    ncwingnut71 Posts: 292 Member
    I usually enter everything for the day in minus dinner in the morning. That way, I know what I need to adjust for the day if need be and I can better plan for dinner. Sometimes I know what I want to have, others I play it by ear, since I work a lot of long hours.
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    On weekdays I fill out my diary the night before for breakfast and lunch, since I more or less have the same things every day. That way I know how many calories I have to play with for dinner and snacks. Weekends are a little less structured and I fill out the diary as I go but I've been doing it long enough now that I know when I'm getting close to my goal; but even if I go 50-100 calories over it's not the end of the world since I stay within my goal Mon.-Fri.

    Me too. I tend to try and cut myself a bit slack on a weekend because I've been so organised and strict during the week.
  • PreciousMissy
    I just did that this morning with a bagel I wanted to eat. Since I have my menu planned out for the day I realized I would have to start eliminating a lot of other things just to make up the difference. Turns out the bagel wasn't worth it so I stuck to my planned breakfast!