
JennyJelly100 Posts: 9 Member
Hello, my name is Jenny and I am 100 pounds overweight. My goal is to lose 100 pounds by December of 2019. My starting weight is 228 lb. This is roughly 5-6 pounds a month. Sounds easy, right? If you or anyone you know has been in my position, please share your tips, tricks and motivation with me!


  • kelMee2
    kelMee2 Posts: 203 Member
    Hi, I started at the end of February at 204lbs and am now 177.8lbs still need to lose around 30lbs. I haven’t completely cut out any food so I’m still having chocolate but keeping a closer eye on calories and eating a lot more veg than I was. I found before when I tried to lose weight and cut out all sugar that I just craved it more and it led to failure. This time though I can take it or leave it and because I know I can have it in small amounts I don’t crave it. I also got an exercise bike as with 4 kids it’s hard to fit in going to the gym so the bike lets me fit in some exercise. Low calorie snacks have really helped me too so I make sure I have plenty in my cupboard. Hope this helps, feel free to add me.
  • skfergusrn
    skfergusrn Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone!! Today is day one for me. Starting at 180#. My goal weight is 140#. It's been a really tough year for me. I work long hours and have a family. Sometimes eating healthy takes a back seat to convenience.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,105 Member
    I began at 228lbs Jan 2016, and gave myself “2-3 years.” I lost about 12 in 2016, about 25 in 2017, and 25 so far in 2018, for a total of 62lbs down.
    That took 2-1/2 years of small behavior changes.
    I lost 4lbs a month from August 2017 through May 2018 (10 months). Since June, I reduced my goal to 2 lbs a month & in August, I plan to drop that to one pound a month. One pound a week
    Is very do-able. I was never hungry.

    I set smaller goals with more time, so I always feel successful. I feel it allowed my skin to adapt better, too. Most importantly, slower weight loss allowed me to change my attitudes & practice new mini-habits gradually over time.

    I also took some diet breaks (to prove to myself I could maintain) before losing more because I did not want to lose more weight than I could sustainably maintain.

    Finally, I wish I had begun exercising more earlier. This will reduce the loss of your lean tissue.