ChaLEAN Extreme Buddies



  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    So I screwed up the order of the DVD's as of yesterday. I did circuit 3 instead of the interval dvd. I really wish I would have done it though because I may not have time to squeeze in an hour of exercise tonight. I can chance it and see if my son goes to bed at a reasonable time or I could run and do it in the morning. I just want to see results! I want to be tone dang it! is anyone else doing a combination of exercises and still seeing results or just the CE?
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    Feeling some soreness today: butt, outer thighs, and top of back (shoulder blades). Not bad, but I guess even the light-ish weights did something. Hooray!

    Today is technically a rest day, but I'm considering doing a Turbo Fire cardio class. We'll see how I feel when I get home. I have a Wedding and a friend's 40th Birthday party this weekend, so I wanna do whatever I can this week to look my best.

    I may try the bands tomorrow on Burn Circuit 2, just to see if there's a big difference???
  • vold94
    vold94 Posts: 256
    So i've been skimming the forums looking for a thread on CE.. I started it yesterday and would definitely like to join!

    I also have just started. I've done 2 days of it, but I already love it. Definitely need to get a set of heavier weights. I don't care for using the bands! what do you think?
  • vold94
    vold94 Posts: 256
    So I screwed up the order of the DVD's as of yesterday. I did circuit 3 instead of the interval dvd. I really wish I would have done it though because I may not have time to squeeze in an hour of exercise tonight. I can chance it and see if my son goes to bed at a reasonable time or I could run and do it in the morning. I just want to see results! I want to be tone dang it! is anyone else doing a combination of exercises and still seeing results or just the CE?

    I do combination. I do the calendar of scheduled CE dvd's then I also still hit the gym! Just got back from turbo kick class tonight after doing burn circuit 2 this morning, so I burned over 1000 calories per HRM today!
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    Burn Circuit 2 - done!

    I used heavier hand weights this morning and really surprised myself. Was using 15lbs on all the squat, lunge, deadlift rows and still was still making it to 12 reps. Time to go shopping I guess, 15lbs is the heaviest we've got.

    I didn't feel like I was gripping too tight with my hands but they started cramping up and feel all tight and funky now. Guess I've got to pay more attention to that. My pinkies and outer sides of palms are not happy right now.
  • GeekGirlOnAQuest
    GeekGirlOnAQuest Posts: 84 Member
    I used the bands last week because the heaviest weight I had was 5lbs, but I was too focused on positioning the bands and couldn't get my form right. I guess they take some time to get used to.
    I did get my new weights (SelectTechs) and it was sooooo much better! I'm on week 2 of Burn and today I did burn circuit 2 - it felt great to really be able to challenge my muscles. I'm doing my own cardio, abs and yoga for this month at least though.

    Hope everyone is doing well with it!!
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    Burn Intervals & Abs - done!

    The first 10 minutes of Burn Intervals I was like pffft... this is nothing, easy peasy... then it shut me up and shut me down. Daaaaaaaaaang that was some tough stuff, I couldn't do all the reps on the plyometrics stuff (only 10 burpees and 15 lunge jumps on each leg) my muscles were hanging on by a string of spit - shakin like bacon. Hopefully I'll get it all done next time. And I'm so glad I had 3lb weights, cuz I was dying on the triceps and shoulders - wishing I had 1lb'ers even! At least I know I'll get use out of my lighter weights now.

    I did get 20lb and 25lb weights tonight and my husband is gonna do Burn Circuit 3 with me tomorrow - YAY!
  • vold94
    vold94 Posts: 256
    Burn Intervals & Abs - done!

    The first 10 minutes of Burn Intervals I was like pffft... this is nothing, easy peasy... then it shut me up and shut me down. Daaaaaaaaaang that was some tough stuff, I couldn't do all the reps on the plyometrics stuff (only 10 burpees and 15 lunge jumps on each leg) my muscles were hanging on by a string of spit - shakin like bacon. Hopefully I'll get it all done next time. And I'm so glad I had 3lb weights, cuz I was dying on the triceps and shoulders - wishing I had 1lb'ers even! At least I know I'll get use out of my lighter weights now.

    I did get 20lb and 25lb weights tonight and my husband is gonna do Burn Circuit 3 with me tomorrow - YAY!

    I totally hear ya there, I was huffing and puffing more with the burn intervals than I do with turbo fire or turbo jam! But it was awesome, felt the burn! I'm doing the relaxation day today last day of week 1, have been slowly increasing my weights, can't believe how much I'm actually able to do considering my upper body is pretty weak compared to lower body! Abs definitely kill me! Love Chalene Johnson!
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    I'm on my second week of the burn circuits. I absolutely love it so far. Today is supposed to be rest day but I'm going to go home and run after work. Tomorrow is circuit 2. The interval DVD is killer! I was sweating up a storm and loved every minute of it. The heaviest weights I have been using are 8lbs. I went and bought 10's and 15's. Man they're expensive! They were out of 20's so I'll see how these do for now. I'm not sore today from yesterday circuit so i definitely needed something heavier. I do not like the abs dvd very much. Its not hard enough for me. So, that being said, I think I will replace it with the P90X ab ripper one. That one is insanely great! How's everyone else doing? Does everyone like it so far?
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    I am supposed to do "Burn it Off" and "Recharge" today but have and issue with a crick in my neck/shoulder blade. I got a 1 hour deep tissue massage yesterday to help. I was soooooooooooo tight!!!! After 14 weeks of Turbo Fire and then starting CLX, I needed it and it hurt so good!!!!

    My crick is better, but not 100% healed - still painful and my range of motion in turning my head is limited. Should I do Burn if Off?
    Is it going to make things worse? Recharge sounds like stretching so I think that'd be fine. Or should I make today my rest day and let my body heal? This is my first week and I'm not sure what to expect or if I'll screw up the schedule too bad.

    Any advice?
  • GeekGirlOnAQuest
    GeekGirlOnAQuest Posts: 84 Member
    Maybe just do the recharge and do burn it off tomorrow if your neck feels better? I have been doing my own mix of cardio and yoga and usually only take one full rest day a week and I have been losing pounds and inches steadily in the two weeks since I started. My official weigh and measure is tomorrow but I've lost over 2 pounds this week and can tell I lost inches just by how my body feels, can't wait to see how much tomorrow!

    Hope your neck feels better!
  • vold94
    vold94 Posts: 256
    Well today starts Week 2 of Burn cycle! I really like Chalean Extreme, can feel the results happening. Looking forward to retaking my measurements after week 4 and retaking pics!
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    I'd like to join the group...... I planning on doing CE soon.
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    Burn It Off & Recharge - done!

    And that concludes Week 1 - hooray. Here's what I've decided:
    1. I don't really like "Burn Intervals" and I HATE "Burn It Off". I'm going to replace these with Turbo Fire cardio and maybe throw in "Burn Intervals" every now and then cuz I do like the intensity, it's just not as fun as TF.

    2. I LOVE "Recharge" and plan on trying to that at least twice a week. And I want to add in Turbo Fire's "Stretch 40" once a week (at least the last 20 minutes of it).

    3. Working out with crick in the neck/pinched nerve sucks and want it to go away soon - I'm really at a loss as to what else I can do for it. I've gotten a therapeutic deep tissue massage, rolled all over with a foam roller, stretched, applied heat & cold, taken advil, soaked in an epsom salt bath... what else can I do except be patient??? Ugh...
  • forkeeps
    forkeeps Posts: 79 Member
    @Muffin-Sorry about the pinched nerve. That stinks!! I am getting my TF soon so I will be using that for my cardio as well. I understand it's a lot more fun.
  • euni2
    euni2 Posts: 27
    Is anyone doing a combo of the ChaLean and Turbo Fire? I have the original Turbo Jam series with Chalene also. I just love her energy!!! Her videos are a ton of fun.
  • forkeeps
    forkeeps Posts: 79 Member
    @euni-there are several people in the other thread doing a hybrid of the two. I am going to be adding TurboFire as my cardio as soon as I get my disks which should be today or tomorrow.
  • AngieMcHenry
    AngieMcHenry Posts: 36 Member
    I am beginning Week 3 of the Burn phase. So far I love the program. I started P90x with my husband at the beginning of the summer, but it was just way too intense and time consuming. I like to run, but found that I just did not have the energy. This is just right and I can already tell that my arms especially are showing the results. It's a good feeling to move to a heavier weight after a couple of weeks. I agree someone on this thread that there does not seem to be enough ab work in it, so I plan to use 90x ab ripper two or three times a week also. I have registered for my first half marathon on November 26 and I am so excited!
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    Burn Circuit 1 & Fire 30 - done!

    Took it easy on the punches in Fire 30 and my neck and shoulder blade didn't bother me at all. Then used lighter weights on the arms and went easy on the push ups and still felt okay. Oddly I think exercising made my pinched nerve/crick thing feel better - maybe something got moved around and was adjusted. I hope so. Ready to be rid of this super annoying and painful crap.

    I'm following the CLX lift day schedule but subbing/adding Turbo Fire cardio as I see fit. Not doing the hybrid, just really prefer TF cardio to CLX cardio. And I loooooooooove the Mega calorie burn from TF classes.
  • vold94
    vold94 Posts: 256
    I loooooooooove the Mega calorie burn from TF classes.

    I agree, in fact I have Turbo Fire class tonight! Did Burn Circuit 2 today! I agree & disagree with the not liking the burn intervals. I agree that turbo jam or turbo fire are more fun, but disagree in that they definitely get your HR up, last week when I did that day of intervals and ab burner, with HRM, I burned 500 calories in the 50 minutes it took to do them, that's pretty good. Although Turbo Kick class I burn 750 in 60 minutes. So there's a bit of a difference, but I like switching things up and making my body wonder!