Easter Fitness Challenge Check-In Feb 16

NTBoard Posts: 363 Member
edited September 18 in Fitness and Exercise
Good morning! I'm really excited about the number of people that signed up for our challenge! I would love to see each and every one of you stick it out until the end. Beleive me, there will be days when you say 'no way! I don't want to do this anymore" but come here for support and encouragement and when Easter arrives you will have a sense of pride for yourself, will have developed freindships, and best of all you will be healthier!

Yesterday I did some walking, rode my bike for 36 min at a moderate pace, drank my waters (almost all of it after 6pm, (I was up half a dozen times last night!), and I took my vitamins & meds. My doctor changed my BP meds yesterday because it was still pretty high with what I'd been taking. Not sure if my headache this morning is from the new meds or from barely getting any sleep! Hope it goes away soon as I have a VERY long day ahead of me!

+++POSITIVE THOUGHTS+++ Everyone!!! :flowerforyou:
Have a beautiful Saturday!


  • NTBoard
    NTBoard Posts: 363 Member
    Good morning! I'm really excited about the number of people that signed up for our challenge! I would love to see each and every one of you stick it out until the end. Beleive me, there will be days when you say 'no way! I don't want to do this anymore" but come here for support and encouragement and when Easter arrives you will have a sense of pride for yourself, will have developed freindships, and best of all you will be healthier!

    Yesterday I did some walking, rode my bike for 36 min at a moderate pace, drank my waters (almost all of it after 6pm, (I was up half a dozen times last night!), and I took my vitamins & meds. My doctor changed my BP meds yesterday because it was still pretty high with what I'd been taking. Not sure if my headache this morning is from the new meds or from barely getting any sleep! Hope it goes away soon as I have a VERY long day ahead of me!

    +++POSITIVE THOUGHTS+++ Everyone!!! :flowerforyou:
    Have a beautiful Saturday!
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    I haven't sign up yet. Now I am. We are going to the coast for 4 days for Easter. We are taking the kids camping. It is my daughters first camping trip. My goal is to be able to get into the pair of jeans in my dresser. I can get them up, but, I cannot zip or button. So my goal is to zip those baby's up.
    Good luck to you all.:flowerforyou:
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    So far, so good!! (Usually is day 1 :happy: ) I got up early and did my exercise and searched on Exercise TV until I found one I could add. So I did 5 mins of 2 different workouts, couldn't keep up yet!!, then found a strength training session I enjoyed! Yay! Went over on my cals yesterday, but todays a new day and I haven't started on them yet.
  • meme2018
    meme2018 Posts: 241 Member
    I would like to join the Easter Fitness Challenge.

    My goals are:

    1. Lose 10 lbs

    2. Workout 60 min 5 days a week at the gym or home with exercise dvd

    Good Luck everyone :smile: :smile: :drinker: :drinker:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Today is spinning for an hour with my fav. teacher:heart:

    And of course, studying and drinking water and taking vitamins.:wink:

    Happy Saturday, all!:flowerforyou:
  • forestdancers
    forestdancers Posts: 146 Member
    Where do I sign up for the Easter Challenge? I find I work better if there is some competitive goals even if it is only in my head.
    Best wishes
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Where do I sign up for the Easter Challenge? I find I work better if there is some competitive goals even if it is only in my head.
    Best wishes

    Just sign up here. It's a fitness challenge, but you can add other things to it. Niccole also has drinking her waters as well as her cardio and I have putting my fork down between bites. Whatever you like.

    Yesterday I walked on an incline for a little over an hour. I got to watch "how to look good naked" on Oprah (I don't have cable). I was impressed. Sounds like a good show. Stop hating your body!

    Today I have to do weights! I will do a little cardio as well, but only after my weights!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    "Stop hating your body"

    preach it, sister!:flowerforyou:
  • vicky1
    vicky1 Posts: 236
    Didn't feel too good last nite sore throat and fuzzy head so I decided not to get up early and use the elliptical but do it in the afternoon well that hasn;t happened the jobs we had to do took longer than expected decorating and putting shelves up in my utility room but I am not gonna write it off did spend 15 mins this afternoon bouncing on the trampoline with my daughter and while dinner was on the oven spent 25 mins bouncing with my son we compete who can do the most seat drops without falling over I did 65 my son did 100 I can't find trampolining on the exercise list but googled it and it does about the same as jogging as long as you are vigorous which we were.

    I also so went for my usual walk this morning for 1 hr.

    Gonna get up early 2morrow and use the elliptical then walk.

    I also ordered 5kg aerobic weights for when I do my core strength training dvd so hopefully they should be more challenging than my 3lb homemade ones my hubby will collect them on Mon.

    Have a gr8 weekend all.
  • OK here I sit with my helmet on and music in my ears waiting for 1 last cloud to pass. I went out the other day when it was drizzling but we had a cold front come through and cold with wet riding a bike is not what I want to do. So I am watching the radar hoping to get 1 ride in before dark. Today was my scheduled day to do the Veloway (3 mile track for bicylces and skates only) and I wanted to get 18 miles in today. :sad:

    So I will go out in a few minutes for my 5 mile short run before dark. Tomorrow will be cold and clear so the Veloway here I come.

    My miles goal right now is 1500 for the year but right now I will challenge myself to be on an 1800 mile goal for the year. Finding time is difficult to add too many miles especially for a fairly fair weather gal.

    I want to be 10 lbs lighter by Easter!!

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    OK here I sit with my helmet on and music in my ears waiting for 1 last cloud to pass. I went out the other day when it was drizzling but we had a cold front come through and cold with wet riding a bike is not what I want to do. So I am watching the radar hoping to get 1 ride in before dark. Today was my scheduled day to do the Veloway (3 mile track for bicylces and skates only) and I wanted to get 18 miles in today. :sad:

    So I will go out in a few minutes for my 5 mile short run before dark. Tomorrow will be cold and clear so the Veloway here I come.

    My miles goal right now is 1500 for the year but right now I will challenge myself to be on an 1800 mile goal for the year. Finding time is difficult to add too many miles especially for a fairly fair weather gal.

    I want to be 10 lbs lighter by Easter!!


    Some people might think you're crazy saying the low 70s is cold :laugh:

  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Hi, I'm looking to lose 10 lbs by Easter. I will weigh in on Monday and make my goal 10 lbs less.
  • dawn66
    dawn66 Posts: 166
    Ok im in too...
    I would love to loose 10 pounds also.
    Had a great day so far, it is just beautiful out , so I spent 2 hours doing yardwork. Lots of raking, and it feels great....
    Good luck to everyone...:happy: :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • Hi Mary!

    You are remembering our 70's from the past several weeks. The cold front brought 43 degees which is not to bad but when you put wet rain and wind on top of it the feeling of damp and cold does not mix for me. :tongue:

    I did go out and get my 5 miles in and hope tomorrow will be clear. Cold is ok and I road in the mist the other day but the two together don't work. I think I was crazy to go out when it was damp the other day because the breaks don't work like they should wet.

    good luck everyone!!!

    Niccole you look AWESOME!!! Keep up the great work. I want to say I have lost more than 10 for all the work I am doing but I will hang tough.

    Take Care!

  • I like the challenge - 10 lbs. less by Easter. I want to break the 170 lbs. plateau.
  • I'm in too! I just have 10 lbs. so hopefully I can do this by easter. Good luck y'all!:wink:
  • Ok my weekend is done and I added another 22 miles of riding. This time it was fair weather 67-71 while I was out riding for 1 hour 45 minutes.

    I am committed to consistency of riding my bike and watching what I eat. Now that I am coming up on my 6 weeks of consistency I am hoping to see some shedding of pounds.

    Tomorrow is a holiday but I have to go into the office. I hope to be done early enough to get my 5 mile ride in before the rains come in if they don't blow the forecast again.

    While riding I was thinking about the consistency of exercise and more importantly cardio work, walking is great but it is not the same. Also keeping my calories (actual calories eaten) to my goal and if I need to go over exercise needs to make up for it. I am not eating the net calories. Today I earned more than my goal calories in extras but I want a deficiet to take the pounds off. The other thing is WATER!! More than 8 you really need it to help you lose the weight.

    Good luck everyone!! Have a great week!:flowerforyou:

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