40’s women..looking for others/accountability



  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,787 Member
    Have a great Sunday ladies!
  • bodymindmusic
    bodymindmusic Posts: 118 Member
    I am 44 with 130+ lbs to lose. Changing my life for good and It starts today! Don’t know where this journey is going but anyone feel free to friend me.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,787 Member
  • bellyfattoflat
    bellyfattoflat Posts: 24 Member
    Hello - 47 here. I have lost and gained the same 25 pounds several times over the years. I need to lose 50 but for some reason, at the 25 point, I start to relax and then slowly it all comes back. I need this to be the time it sticks and I break through. Only a week into it so still motivated and focused, but I know life happens, and stress happens, and the concentration it takes to lose gets side tracked. I’ve always ‘lurked’ in these forums but hoping if I participate- this time will be different.
    Wishing everyone a healthy Tuesday! Every choice I make is a choice towards or away from my goal. Please add me!
  • amwst
    amwst Posts: 7 Member
    Hi!! I will be 40 in a month to the day! I’ve been heavy all my life (thanks 80’s food norms) (thanks stressful childhood and all that cortisol) (thanks self-hating diet-addicted role models) (thanks genetics) (thanks poor self control)! I’ll never be a thin person but I wouldn’t mind becoming a strong bad@ss fat lady! So that’s what I’m trying to do with my eating and exercise.

    I’m working on finding a healthy balance with food and exercise - getting to do what I like (swimming and eating a variety of foods) without going off the rails. The struggle is ongoing but is better than doing nothing! I have a tendency to obsess over details (do I really NEED to weigh cucumber?? Seriously?) and struggle with moderation.

    I’d love to find some friends here who are doing the thing! I’m still figuring out how this tracking app translates into a social media experience. Friends would help with that! Add me if you want!
  • vkdeveau
    vkdeveau Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! 44 here. Losing "baby weight" 13 years after my third child. LOL. I work in a school, so I'm on summer break. So far I've been making fairly good use of my time, adding in a little exercise and trying to make better choices. I'm terrified of the backslide when school resumes. One my my biggest struggles is that I am taking care of everyone and have nothing left for myself. Three kids and an 87 year old father with Alzheimer's, along with pets and chores....they suck the life out of me some days. I'd rather read, sleep, or drink wine than clean or think about diet and exercise. I've been drinking Shakeology for years and just signed up to be a BB coach, only for the discounts, but it's been interesting skimming through their resources. I'm looking for anything to get motivated these days. I'd love to connect with MFP friends, but I can't promise I won't fall off the radar after Labor Day. :)
  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    I'm 47. I started at 207 and I've lost about 30 so far. I have 25 more to lose. I am struggling. This time of the year is so bad for me....summer days at the pool, parties, etc. Lots of drinking. And then it's the fall and the holidays. I feel like the 2nd half of the year is always so hard. But I'm trying!!
  • rachelcollier1207
    rachelcollier1207 Posts: 2 Member
    48yo here and am 4 weeks post op hysterectomy. I am 5'4" and close to 200lb. My heaviest ever. 7 years ago I lost over 50 pounds and was at 140lb for 4 years....I moved...started less active job...got married....and well...gained it back. I'm here to try again. Last time I lost 30 pounds with portion control alone...no specific diet or regular exercise...after that I lost the last 22 pounds with moderate exercise 3x week. I'm going to do the sameagain but we will see. Could use some friendship...accountability and support and offer the same to anyone looking.
  • brucejei
    brucejei Posts: 102 Member
    Hello, I'm 41, and after some health issues I'm back to square one in in my weight-loss journey. It's been hard, but I'm ready to get back into it. Feel free to add me.
  • fitfoodieQNS
    fitfoodieQNS Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I just turned 40 and today is my first day on MFP. I’ve been using a different tracker for years but it appears to have crashed, so I’m starting over here. I’m also starting over health-wise, having recently regained weight I had kept off for years (poor coping with two losses). I’d like some accountability and motivation. Please add me; I’ll add y’all too if that’s ok.
  • JanolaBarbara
    JanolaBarbara Posts: 322 Member
    I'm 49. When I was 30, I lost 60 lbs! 40 lbs have crept back on over the last 9 years, and no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to lose any weight, or I only lose 5lbs, then they rush right back on. This last year, I have been diagnosed with several food allergies: cow's milk/dairy, chicken eggs, cane sugar, yeast. (Have a gluten intolerance, too.) I'm hoping that avoiding these foods will help me reach my weight-loss goals. Also, I just lost my father in May and that sent me for a loop! Gained some lbs trying to comfort myself through the grief. Recommitted to a healthy lifestyle one week ago. Tomorrow is my first WI.

    I'm doing this on my own, and hoping some of you will help me stay on track. Thanks for listening!
  • dmyers77
    dmyers77 Posts: 3 Member
    New to 40 and my fitness. I'm here for ya. I could use the support that's forsure!
  • kmzieba
    kmzieba Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2018
    I'm 54 -- maybe too old for you all! Gained 25 lbs over 20 years, but most in the last 10. My weaknesses/bad habits involve wine, cheese, and dinners out.

    I was recently diagnosed with Celiac, so changing my eating habits has become a must.

    Started Whole 30 in May. First round was a fail (only lasted 10 days -- wanted my wine!) But my restart is going better because I learned a few "tricks." I've lost 7 lbs in 2 weeks -- ideally 13 to go, but I will be happy with half that. I track calories daily.

    My go-to foods are all about protein, healthy fats, fresh fruits and fast/grab-n-gos. (Veggies don't always inspire me.) Best bets: hard boil eggs (they travel well!). Blueberries -- I can eat a ton without much concern. Homemade mayo -- easiest thing in the world and makes a great base for creamy dressings! Precooked shrimp. Avocados or apple slices with Trader Joe's Chili-lime seasoning (it's delicious!) Make-ahead GF mini meatloaves - freeze them, slice and pan-cook like burgers. Chia pudding with mashed banana, unsweetened vanilla almond milk (Califa brand), cinammon and fresh berries or cocoa powder. Steamed or roasted veg, and a salad a day, either on a plate or as a smoothie for breakfast.

    The toughest part is eating away from home -- and I travel for work 3 of 5 days a week. So I stock up on Epic Chicken Sciracha bars and RX bars (both have no fillers/nitrates/added sugars) and keep them in the car. When I am "starving" I can eat one of those. One of each and it's a meal!

    Restaurants are pretty tough and even frustrating. I stick to grilled proteins -- no sauce, steamed veg and potato something or other when I just cannot eat another salad. Not as bad as it really sounds. At least I don't have to do dishes afterwards!

    Finally, instead of wine/alcohol I make a mocktail using flavored club sodas on ice with splash of grapefruit juice and a fresh lime squeeze. It's almost like drinking a greyhound!

    BTW: I have more energy than ever, sleep better, and even started swimming again after a nearly 40 year hiatus. This morning I saw my ankle bones for the first time in years!
  • QueenieB76
    QueenieB76 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm Mary, 42 and been on mfp since March maybe. I'm down about 23 pounds..long term goal is to rid 60 pounds or so. Aiming to be around 170. Its coming off just not as fast as I want it to of course.
    I had friends on mfp for support but they've all seemed to have disappeared. I could use all the motivation, support I can get! Feel free to add me! Let's support each other towards being healthier! 💪
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 436 Member
    vkdeveau wrote: »
    Hi! 44 here. Losing "baby weight" 13 years after my third child. LOL. I work in a school, so I'm on summer break. So far I've been making fairly good use of my time, adding in a little exercise and trying to make better choices. I'm terrified of the backslide when school resumes. One my my biggest struggles is that I am taking care of everyone and have nothing left for myself. Three kids and an 87 year old father with Alzheimer's, along with pets and chores....they suck the life out of me some days. I'd rather read, sleep, or drink wine than clean or think about diet and exercise. I've been drinking Shakeology for years and just signed up to be a BB coach, only for the discounts, but it's been interesting skimming through their resources. I'm looking for anything to get motivated these days. I'd love to connect with MFP friends, but I can't promise I won't fall off the radar after Labor Day. :)

    Hi there few things in common. My youngest is 12 going on 13 I also work at a school and I'm.om summer break. I think the hardest thing for me will be when I get back to work :/
  • joannadyer5
    joannadyer5 Posts: 4 Member
    I’m 40 and getting fatter want this to be lady diet feel free to add me
  • chicagostevens
    chicagostevens Posts: 1 Member
    48 year old looking to lose weight and get back to healthy choices. Hormones- heck yes! Lack of motivation - me too! Feel free to add me! New to community so still learning. B)
  • GroverBlue78
    GroverBlue78 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi All! I am 40 and stuggling to find my motivation. My little one is now 2.5yrs and i have put on all my baby weight and then some. I need to get healthy for me and my longevity. Chips are my weakness. I am also a vegetarian. feel free to add me.
  • alloyd815
    alloyd815 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi, I will be 40 next month and want my 40s to be better than my 30s. I have some weight to lose and I am trying to focus on getting stronger. Feel free to add me!