In need of friends...

My dieting and fitness plan is back on track, however I am caught in the abyss of depression. I've spent the last 7 years mostly in solitude, and it's starting to get to me in a big way. Staying positive has become increasingly difficult. The silence is deafening. The loneliness crushes. I really could use some friends to talk to. I'm on Kik and my username is the same as it is on here.


  • Moonlitriver17
    Moonlitriver17 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm in the same boat with the loneliness. Youre not alone!
  • Moonlitriver17
    Moonlitriver17 Posts: 46 Member
    Im not on KIK.
  • Fursian
    Fursian Posts: 536 Member
    None of those 50 will give you the time of day?
  • import_soul
    import_soul Posts: 23 Member
    edited July 2018
    Apparently not. I permanently deleted my Kik account today. It's taking alot out of me to not permanently delete myself the Bourdain way.
  • kam26001
    kam26001 Posts: 2,794 Member
    Apparently not. I permanently deleted my Kik account today. It's taking alot out of me to not permanently delete myself the Bourdain way.
    Have you spoken with a therapist before? I think you should explore that if you haven't already. Go see your doctor ASAP for assessment.

    (If you're in the U.S.)

    Hang in there, man. I sent you a friend request... I'll listen to you.
  • import_soul
    import_soul Posts: 23 Member
    kam26001 wrote: »
    Apparently not. I permanently deleted my Kik account today. It's taking alot out of me to not permanently delete myself the Bourdain way.
    Have you spoken with a therapist before? I think you should explore that if you haven't already. Go see your doctor ASAP for assessment.

    (If you're in the U.S.)

    Hang in there, man. I sent you a friend request... I'll listen to you.

    I spoke regularly with a therapist a few years ago, for about a year. I'm trying to do what she suggested, but the bandaids aren't big enough for the wounds. I've regressed back to the same depressive state.
  • Vonny198334
    Vonny198334 Posts: 178 Member
    Just saw this pal, so sorry, I'd no idea!

    I've not been as present as usual regarding posting etc & I apologise for that. Please know that my inbox is always there if you're ever needing a wee chat though

    Keep trooping <3