SAHM of toddlers, want friends, 80 to lose

Hey everyone!

I am 5’3’’ with 70-80 pounds to lose. I am a stay at home mom to two toddlers. Finding time to exercise and eat right is not always easy.

I am counting calories and exercising 6 days a week. I am trying to replace negative thoughts with positive alternatives. I am also focusing on adding more good foods, rather than focusing on restricting bad foods. I do not log food or exercise on Sundays.

I am looking to add friends to my community! Supporting others is very motivating for my own progress. I don’t have a lot of active support from my husband (although he is amazing and wonderful) he just doesn’t want to change with me right now. I need to surround myself with people who do want to change.

:) post about your journey and whatever other motivation you want! I’m ready for change!


  • leibenkat68
    leibenkat68 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm with you there !!!!!
  • Misskcm
    Misskcm Posts: 143 Member
    I sent you a friend request!!
  • RockinOilyMomma
    RockinOilyMomma Posts: 38 Member
    I couldn’t figure out how to send you a friend request. I became a SAHM when I had my 7th kid Feb 2016. She’s the 3rd I gave birth to. I have 35 pounds I still would like to lose. The kids still at home are ages 10-2. It doesn’t make getting exercise in a challenge. I am hoping I can get moving more when school is back in session.
  • jilliann_
    jilliann_ Posts: 8 Member
    I'm a SAHM of 3. My youngest is almost 2 and I started back with MFP about a week ago. Would love more mom friends!
  • wannabesmaller2017
    wannabesmaller2017 Posts: 433 Member
    I’m a SAHM to 3 kids, youngest is 2. Send me a friend request!
  • Chelsi1028
    Chelsi1028 Posts: 31 Member
    edited July 2018
    I'm a SAHM of 2 toddlers as well sending you a request! I'm also 5'3" and have 80-90 left to lose. Any others can add me too!
  • MeganReid1991
    MeganReid1991 Posts: 170 Member
    I’m a stay at home mom to a 2 year old, plus have two other children and three step kids. Let’s just say working out doesn’t happen often but I try to walk lots. Send me a friend request:) also I have 45 pounds tomlose
  • MaxT370
    MaxT370 Posts: 274 Member
    Hi! I'm not a stay at home mom but I would still love to meet other moms of toddlers who are trying to lose weight!
    I have a one year old (as of yesterday :o:o ) and I would like to meet others on the journey of motherhood and weight loss!
  • Rangerharms
    Rangerharms Posts: 77 Member
    Hi!! I’m also a SAHM of three, ages 9, 5, and 2. The older ones are at school so it’s just me and my little man. I have about 65 lbs to lose...ive lost about 50 lbs already, but have a long ways to go yet. Any friend requests will be welcome!!
  • SelenaMariaStewart
    SelenaMariaStewart Posts: 112 Member
    SAHM to a 2 year old and an 8 year old! I'm also 5'3" and started my journey at 240 lbs. I'm now 155.lbs and have used this app to lost 18 so far :) (calorie counting before dining this app got me down from 240) anyone can feel free to add me as well.
  • kchapman588
    kchapman588 Posts: 55 Member
    Yeah, I am trying to build up strength and lose 55 pounds so that I can join a kick boxing team, friends are the best kind of support.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Not a SAHM, but I have 3, youngest is nearly 3. I am 40 pounds down from my highest weight, about 40 to go. Recently back on track :) add me if you want.
  • SelenaMariaStewart
    SelenaMariaStewart Posts: 112 Member
    pbprincess wrote: »
    Not a SAHM, but I have 3, youngest is nearly 3. I am 40 pounds down from my highest weight, about 40 to go. Recently back on track :) add me if you want.

    I’ll add you :)