Eat Keto Diet Daily and Track - 30 Day Challenge



  • Lorrainesavvy
    Lorrainesavvy Posts: 17 Member
    I am 5 foot 4 inches and 58 years old Looks like I am on day 8 of my keto diet, Goal was 63 kg.

    I started at 65 kg (from memory) now at 63.2 kg and deep in ketosis, keeping net carbs under 20.
    I am also eating in a 6 to 8 hour window most days, maximum of 10 hours if I have to.

    Doing mainly to improve health but loving losing some fat also.

    I plan to do intermittent fasting for the rest of my life, and carbs will always be low for me as at one point I lost my son and gained so much weight I had diabetes, its gone now, but me and carbs don’t gel well.

    Was having a few hunger pangs at the usual time I used to have breakfast which is about 10 am, but now managing to go till 12 pm before I start eating and drinking.

    I plan to keep going with small tweaks once I reach 63 kg, I might up the food enough to stop me losing any more weight for 4 weeks, then head on down to my final goal of 60 kg which I would like to be at by my the time I turn 59 in October.

    No bullet proof coffees as I now know even black coffee no sweetener is stopping my fast; I always though it probably did, but recent research says it stops the fasting and reduces autophagy, so now staying more strict and only having coffee inside my 8 hour window.
  • BethySeifu
    BethySeifu Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I would love to join!!!
  • candiceanderson84
    candiceanderson84 Posts: 43 Member
    Count me in. I'm currently on my 2nd week.
  • DiamondGoddess73
    DiamondGoddess73 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in! Yesterday marked my second week and I am down 6 lbs.
  • alisonarmstead
    alisonarmstead Posts: 3 Member
    I'm on my 19th day of Keto and I've been tracking everyday. I have had a hard time tracking and adding fat to my diet so I have been adding two tablespoons of coconut oil in my coffee every morning and taking two fish oil supplements every night. So far I have lost 12 lbs.
  • sjackfit
    sjackfit Posts: 1 Member
  • fyrechild83
    fyrechild83 Posts: 4 Member
    I've been on Keto for 27 days so far and I've lose 21 pounds! I know most of it is water weight - a pound a day is nothing else - but I'm feeling great! And yes, I love planning out my day and pre-balancing everything!
  • misscaron
    misscaron Posts: 2 Member
    edited July 2018
    I would like to join as well, I didn't start keto until July 8th though
  • ABRichardson2016
    ABRichardson2016 Posts: 47 Member
    A favorite dinner I am enjoying this week is beef nachos with pork rinds instead of tortilla chips. Yum!
  • Lorrainesavvy
    Lorrainesavvy Posts: 17 Member
    Doing a happy dance passed my goal which was 63 kg, down to 62.8 kg today! yah

    Thanks for starting this thread, it helped inspire me.

    My new goal is 60 kg, was at that weight last when I was 25 years old and I am now 58 so that should be interesting.

    I hope to be 25% body fat at that weight, if not will keep working on it.
  • BakingABetterBody
    BakingABetterBody Posts: 1 Member
    I just saw this, but I'm in for the remainder...
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Doing a happy dance passed my goal which was 63 kg, down to 62.8 kg today! yah

    Thanks for starting this thread, it helped inspire me.

    My new goal is 60 kg, was at that weight last when I was 25 years old and I am now 58 so that should be interesting.

    I hope to be 25% body fat at that weight, if not will keep working on it.

    Wow! Congratulations! Great accomplishment. :)
  • Lorrainesavvy
    Lorrainesavvy Posts: 17 Member
    Pleased with my success so decided to go the full 24 hour fast, 1 hour 10 minutes to go and am posting this here because I am struggling. So want to state I will go the full 24 hours even if its tough. I can do this.
  • Lorrainesavvy
    Lorrainesavvy Posts: 17 Member
    I imagine quite a bit of it is fat or you were carrying a massive amount of water. Just wanted to say well done!
    I've been on Keto for 27 days so far and I've lose 21 pounds! I know most of it is water weight - a pound a day is nothing else - but I'm feeling great! And yes, I love planning out my day and pre-balancing everything!

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,421 Member
    I don't know if any of you saw this on Instagram but next week a bunch of people are doing zero carb Monday through Friday. I'm tempted to try, but I'll likely just do under 10 grams of carbs for 5 days. Anyone else want to join me?
  • scalivero
    scalivero Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, everyone. I'd like to join in, a little late.

    I actually started low carb (not keto) three weeks ago, with IF (3 days at 16:8) and HIIT, but didn't lose any weight. Worse (and more importantly), I was tired and lethargic and within a couple of weeks unable to exercise.

    I switched to keto this week, and I have so much more energy. 4 pounds down! I added a multi and B-vitamins and iron (I'm chronically low-iron) as well. I eased into it, considering how bad I felt the last two weeks, but I started IF again today and will add HIIT back next week.

    I'm so encouraged by all the positive check-ins here and looking forward to making this a life change.