Intro - Is this progress?!

Hi all,
I am a 33yr old mama of 1(she's I can't blame it on baby weight haha) who started this weight loss project in March, but wasn't working out as much as I should have been. I'm 5'1, and weighed 171lbs. I'm not sure at what point my weight just continued to plummet over the last 10yrs of having a desk job...and how I didn't realize how terrible it was getting sooner. Today I weighed in at down 16lbs in 4.5 months. That feels good...but, I have a husband who started this journey at the same time and has lost 45lbs! He has an active job, and has been way better on the working out than me. I can't push myself to workout at 9pm once our daughter is in bed!
Aside from working out more, what other tips do you all have? I'm here for support, meal ideas, really anything that will help!
MFP is set at losing 2lbs/week, eating 1200 calories (I have it set at sedentary) a day. This is tough sometimes, I feel I'm hungry a i think it's a matter of finding more foods to fill me up. Is 2lbs/week really doable!?


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    If you need more food, you need more calories. No, you can't expect to lose 2 pounds per week at your weight. I guess your husband started at a higher weight?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You don't think losing 16lbs is progress?

    Comparison is the thief of joy you know...
  • Sunshi500
    Sunshi500 Posts: 5 Member
    You don't think losing 16lbs is progress?

    Comparison is the thief of joy you know...
    It totally is!!! He doesnt like to sharewhat he weighs in at now because it just gets me!
  • lyndseybear
    lyndseybear Posts: 2 Member
    Whenever my husband and I try to do weight loss together he gets massive losses. Mine are never more than 2lb, usually 1lb per week. Also though, if we have a cheeky weekend away filled with alcohol and food he'll easily gain 6lb while I may only gain 1lb. I guess if that's your body's style then you just need to ride it out. I mean you ARE losing, and it is meant to be a lifestyle change rather than a fix, so maybe just get your head into the fact that this is life now, and as long as the lbs are coming off it doesn't matter if it takes time. You could try a step counter to encourage you to move more at work? But really really well done on your progress, you should be really happy xxx
  • Sunshi500
    Sunshi500 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks Lyndseybear! Trying to stay positive. I've also been getting out on my breaks to walk .5 to 1 mile depending on how long I have.. so I think that's helping a tiny bit! I do have a Fitbit...just have to figure out how to work the darn thing!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Sunshi500 wrote: »
    You don't think losing 16lbs is progress?

    Comparison is the thief of joy you know...
    It totally is!!! He doesnt like to sharewhat he weighs in at now because it just gets me!

    It's a real shame that you can't be happy for yourself and him.
  • Millicent3015
    Millicent3015 Posts: 374 Member
    Men lose weight faster because they typically have less fat than women, and the kind of fat women have around parts of their bodies (breasts, stomach) is different. Women need more fat in certain areas to protect our reproductive parts. You've lost 16lbs in 16-18 weeks; that's about a pound a week which is the recommended amount to lose, so you're actually on track. Try not to compete with or envy your husband, you're different people with different body compositions, different dietary requirements and different levels of activity, so your weight loss will of course be different. You're doing very well. Maybe you need to manage your expectations. You've lost weight every single week consistently; it's ok to keep losing that 1lb, especially if trying to shed more is bringing you down and not letting you appreciate how far you've come. If you feel hungry have a small handful of unsalted nuts, a low carb protein bar, a piece of fruit or handful of fresh berries, a carrot, half a cucumber, or 20-30g of dried fruit (once a day only) that you can nibble on. Sugar free iced tea or no added sugar cordials topped with sparkling water can load you up so you feel full. Remind yourself often that you're doing well. Slow and steady wins the race. :)