Day food intake has been good, but, no exercise toni

This is my problem, I need to just exercise more!! By the time I get home from work & my day is done...Im pooped. Any suggestions?


  • I feel the same way! And I'm about to start taking classes to finish up my degree on top of working. I found that Jillian Micheals' 30 Day Shred is a good way to get in a good work out in only 20 minutes. Its short so I don't feel like I'm spending my whole night exercising and It also works you out good :))
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    My suggestion (which I need to follow myself) is to just start out with a really short workout. 15 minutes would be good. Once you get into that routine, it will be easier to extend that to 30 minutes and then 45 if you wanted! The 15 minutes would get everything started and help up your energy after work. I plan on getting DVDs specifically designed for 15 minute workouts :)
  • runninglol
    runninglol Posts: 44 Member
    Treat exercise like a job. Schedule it into your day. If everyone skipped their workout from being tired, they would only workout a few times a year! When I get home I know I HAVE to workout, regardless. And if I'm a little tired I remind myself it's me making an excuse. Don't make excuses! Even if it's only 20 mintues of something, do it. It will get you into the habit of incorporating exercise into your daily routine!

    It's only 20 mintues of your day. Keep telling yourself this =)
  • Timeforme714
    Timeforme714 Posts: 189 Member
    Just walk once around the block.
  • Tracy184
    Tracy184 Posts: 74
    I have this problem too. I've found that doing Zumba really helps. I hate exercise, but I discovered I can talk myself into getting up 30 minutes early to "dance." It's all psychological.
  • cowboydan43
    cowboydan43 Posts: 306 Member
    Do little things to incorporate exercise throughout your day. Park farther away, bike to work, and always take the stairs etc. If you do that plus do a quick jog around the block it will be a good start. Routine is key! Good luck!
  • can you get up and workout before you go to work? that way you are fresh and full of energy and get it out of the way before the day gets hectic.

    if your house has stairs, you could walk up/down them a few times every time you need to go to a different floor.

    at work if you can get up from the desk when you talk on the phone and walk around that time would add up.
  • casked
    casked Posts: 5
    I have the opposite "problem" - at 8:30pm, after eating all I care to, and even drinking two beers (!!) I have 1200 calories "left" - 900 of them due to calories earned from exercise.

    I don't really buy the whole thing about eating too little to lose weight (try telling that to someone who is *truly* hungry and starving and looks it) but this seems to be a perennial problem when I track food and exercise, and I don't know what effect it has.
  • Exercise was something that NEVER liked. You know those people who enjoy going to the gym?? I used to think they were crazy. The only reason I joined a gym because I needed a place to exercise where I didn't have to deal with my kids while I was doing it. For the frist week I forced myself to go. I hated every minute of it but I treated it as an act of dicipline!!
    Now that I've started going I've become addicted. Not only does it give me an hour to myself without my children but I can go as fast or as slow as I want, and the best part is I feel better after I go. It took a few days for that better feeling to get there, but now if I don't exercise for a few days I end up feeling like total poo!!
    I'm new to MFP as well and I hope it works out for you and you find some sort of exercise that works for you (cause that's what's the most important)