Cross Fit

Hello all, how should I input my hour of Cross Fit 3x weekly?


  • Kohanai
    Kohanai Posts: 172 Member
    I have found that logging CrossFit in MFP is difficult, so I keep track of that through a different site (Fitocracy). I can find some exercises, but the majority are not available for choosing.

    For example, this photo is last thursday. I can find the situps and the two-arm DB row, but I can't find the hand release pushups (though I guess I could use standard pushups in MFP) or the floor handstand pushup (or pike pushup/V-up). There is an option under the Exercise tab to see how many calories you burned based on your weight and the "CrossFit" exercise option. So, if you want to keep track of your calories that way, then I assume that option is a good guesstimate. But if you're tracking mainly to keep a record of workouts, PRs, times, etc, then I'd suggest using something else.

    I am no expert of course. This is just my take from trying to keep everything in MFP, and not being able to.

  • Fflpnari
    Fflpnari Posts: 975 Member
    I have a fit bit so I just go off of the calories on that. Crossfit varies so much its hard to adjust for calories. I burn more calories of Crossfit days but go off of the weekly average to figure out daily calorie intake