I just want a WHOPPER!

Hey Guys!

OMG....so does anyone else just have one of those days when ALL your motivation goes out the window...and you just want to eat BAD!??!! I have been on program for just over 3 months, and have lost 30 lbs...which I am extremely proud of! I have goals...like 8 weeks till VEGAS (my first time) and I want to be down about 15 lbs (to buy new clothes) But tonight......it didn't care...I suggested eating bad like Burger King.....I really wanted a whopper with cheese. What holds me back? I know as soon as I eat it..I will beat myself up emotionally for it! Thankfully my hubby is supporting me, and said no. We opted to take the dog for a walk and then I ate some fruit and a light supper.

Tell me I'm in good company with the fact that we all deal with temptation! What do you do to kick yourself out of that "mind frame"?

I also looked at some success stories tonight...that helps!


  • Aleciajones
    Make yourself a slider sized turkey burger at home and some sweet potato baked fries?
  • janiecorona
    Yes! I am still too far from my goal so I don't allow myself too many temptations. Once I reach my goal, I'm going to learn how to balance things like a whopper, without going over. Moderation.(:
  • splashwags
    splashwags Posts: 262 Member
    You are definitely in good company and congrats to you on not giving in. Any time I think I want "fast" food, I remind myself how my stomach will feel. After eating so good, my system just does not tolerate it well anymore.
  • lexrobin2
    when my husband tries to help me I usually end up getting really pissed at him. lol. he doesnt help me anymore
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 596 Member
    I try to find an alternative to the insane craving that is healthier. Example: I really want french fries and ketchup, I make roasted red potatoes and use organic ketchup serving size amount. I want BK or other fast food, I make myself a bbq or other delicious flavored veggie burger OR Bison meat is also a great alternative (I also watch super size me videos on youtube haha). I am allergic to the proteins in dairy, and the ice cream I can eat, milk, etc are much better than what you get that contains dairy. Also, make it at home is a good rule of thumb. You want that whopper with cheese? Make one yourself at home I guarantee its less calories and will hit the spot! Hope all of this helps :-)
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I have to watch my sodium intake more than anything, but Saturday I went to a restaurant that was recommended and I ate a normal meal(but I am not supposed to eat normal meals). Anyway it felt great and I used that as an excuse to work out even more the next day.

    The key is to keep special things special and then get right back on track. When I was a kid, Thanksgiving was literally a 4 day feast. I don't do that anymore, but I do enjoy myself on holidays and special occasions.
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    nice job! I would have caved. Speaking from experience, I have caved a couple times and literally felt like crap-icky stomach. Last week after a family BBQ and too many desserts, I woke up at 11:30 p.m. and thought I was getting the flu. Thought I was going to puke. Figured out it was the desserts and the coke I drank just to "treat" myself!!! So think of that, it has helped me this week:)
  • kiminoo
    kiminoo Posts: 12 Member
    I try and remind myself of a quote I love, "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels."
  • pbajwally
    pbajwally Posts: 210 Member
    I SO know that feeling, but the biggest thing to be thankful for is not putting your stomach through complete turmoil! I know usually if I cave to really greasy fast food, I regret it in every way possible. And a Whopper with cheese... yeah. I just have to avoid it completely. Like the plague. Like Krispy Kreme. Great job on not caving! Geeeez... sometimes I feel like a drug addict!
  • Bluejay789
    Bluejay789 Posts: 176
    You made it! You did not give in to your old life style. This is a Life style change not a diet. You have met your goal by doing the exact opposite of what you used to do. Congrats to your success and over coming temptation. You are a winner in my book! claire
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Get a whopper jr. without the mayo. it is about 320 calories and 15 grams of fat.
  • hotpigg
    hotpigg Posts: 14 Member
    Olive garden Alfredo.... is my nemesis. I crave the fat saltiness. I have only given in once and I felt so bad. But im not gona cave agine. Ur not the only one who'd love to rob burger king ..leave the money and devour the burgers. Just remember we did that once now we r paying for it. Stay strong and drink lots of water when the craving gets to much. Add me if us like
  • webdiva1
    webdiva1 Posts: 326 Member
    Way to go, iron will! Good for you.

    My fave remedy for burger cravings (I used to LIVE on fast food burgers) is to make my own 6 oz. or smaller burger with lean beef, cheese made with 2% milk, lots of veggies, either no bun or a whole grain version. Still a fair number of calories, but nowhere NEAR fast food joints. And I get to control the sodium. :)
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I dont understand, i eat burgers all the time. I found frozenpatties that are 180 calories and 8 grams of fat and they are beef. I bbq them up, My son asks for them a lot, he said they are the best.
  • carmel81
    Thanks soo much for all your responses! It's great to know we have all been in this situation..and the meal idea's are awesome!! I need to make a posted on my wall that says "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"!!! :-)
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I dont understand, i eat burgers all the time. I found frozenpatties that are 180 calories and 8 grams of fat and they are beef. I bbq them up, My son asks for them a lot, he said they are the best.

    Some people are a bit more strict, either just at first or always. I have been doing this for about 5 years, and I am nowhere near as strict as I used to be. Part of it is being very close to my goal weight, and part of it is learning moderation and disassociating food with my emotions.

    My parents are on the 'paleo' diet and are very strict currently...they get on stuff like this fairly often, are way too strict, and go back to their old habits and gain back their 20-30 lbs. It really does have to be a lifestyle so you can still have a life! :)

    OP, you can have a Whopper Jr. or even an actual Whopper. Just limit the frequency and aim for healthier foods 90% of the time. One Whopper a month is not going to do any permanent harm. :) It's important to learn self-control while allowing the foods we love, not just by cutting them out of our diets until we cave in.
  • McWilkie
    McWilkie Posts: 27
    Indeed, sometimes I want to cave and eat junk too. When it comes to something like fast food, I try to make a healthier version at home i.e. choose a veggie burger or extra lean turkey burger and top it with lots of veggies and spices

    Keep picturing yourself healthy and looking fabulous while your eating your alternate food and it will taste better than that Whopper and no guilt.
    Good Luck!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    The best way I found to kick Burger King to the curb - work there! I haven't set foot in a BK for over five years since working there. I saw what those Whoppers look like coming off the grill, and how long the chicken tenders and fries sit there....not a pretty sight, in my opinion.

    Seriously, though, every time I think about something fast food bad, I think about all the fat and salt and preservatives and the fact that it's the lowest quality food the FDA will allow, and....well...suffice to say, the craving doesn't stick around for long.

    What also helps is to make your own stuff. Buy some good, lean hamburger (if you're lucky enough to live near an Amish community, I highly recommend going to them for meats, they generally put the "organic" sellers to shame), tomatoes, whole grain buns, etc., toss the burger on a grill and enjoy the real flavors of a good burger.

    If you're out and about and need to eat out for whatever reason, trade the Burger King or McDonald's level of food for something at least a little bit better, such as Chipotle, Potbelly Sandwich Works, or Subway. You still have to watch how much you eat and what exactly you put on your food, but it's a far cry better, both in quality and taste, than a Whopper.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I go for the Jr w/ cheese. Afterwards I feel ecstatic and giddy.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    You know what's just as good? Tofu and steamed veggies!

    Not really. Eat a junior or split a Whopper with your awesome husband. Then go for a nice walk.

    Banning foods all together could end up backfiring :smile: