Longtime listener, first time caller.

I've been here before and fell off the planet, picked up a drinking habit and a fun heart issue. I'm looking forward to a second heart surgery in the near future. I'm here to change my life and track calories. I need all the support I can get. Lets do this skinny Pete!


  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Wow, sounds like you sure have been through alot. Welcome back!

    For more friends check out these threads which ended up gaining alot of traction.


    best wishes~
  • KingHurlbutt
    KingHurlbutt Posts: 169 Member
    Thank you!
  • vmlabute
    vmlabute Posts: 311 Member
    Welcome!! I feel off for a bit due to life. I developed high blood pressure and needing to get back on track again. Here for support and encouragement
  • KingHurlbutt
    KingHurlbutt Posts: 169 Member
    vmlabute wrote: »
    Welcome!! I feel off for a bit due to life. I developed high blood pressure and needing to get back on track again. Here for support and encouragement
    I appreciate that! I can relate.

  • mammalawrence
    mammalawrence Posts: 3 Member
    Hi guys, I am feeling this thread. I recently had to have my gallbladder removed and have had to change my entire way of eating for my health. I'm down 35lbs since February.
  • KingHurlbutt
    KingHurlbutt Posts: 169 Member
    Hi guys, I am feeling this thread. I recently had to have my gallbladder removed and have had to change my entire way of eating for my health. I'm down 35lbs since February.
    Wow that sucks, I'm glad you are doing better!
  • j2thel2ther
    j2thel2ther Posts: 1 Member

    Hi guys, I am feeling this thread. I recently had to have my gallbladder removed and have had to change my entire way of eating for my health. I'm down 35lbs since February.

    I had my gallbladder removed almost two weeks ago. I’ve lost 6 lbs because I am worried about eating anything that won’t agree with me. Small meals throughout the day, no beef, nothing fried or high in bad fats.

  • KingHurlbutt
    KingHurlbutt Posts: 169 Member
    That is challenging for sure! But life is one big challenge. And somehow we survive until we don't. :)
    Hi guys, I am feeling this thread. I recently had to have my gallbladder removed and have had to change my entire way of eating for my health. I'm down 35lbs since February.

    I had my gallbladder removed almost two weeks ago. I’ve lost 6 lbs because I am worried about eating anything that won’t agree with me. Small meals throughout the day, no beef, nothing fried or high in bad fats.
  • marikaCL
    marikaCL Posts: 276 Member

    I'm on here everyday and try to support as best as I can.

    Sounds like you have gone through a lot. Hope I can help support.

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