What day is your 'rest' day (no exercise day..)?

I set my rest day for Sundays, thinking that it was a good day to not exercise. But I'm finding Sundays are also my worst day when it comes to eating and drinking enough water. I totally killed my calories Sunday and yesterday, just went crazy and ate a bunch of chocolate and snacked rediculously. It was really awful and I'm paying for it today with a 3lb gain and just feeling yucky.

So I'm thinking I need to change my rest day. The weekends seem to be difficult for everyone, and maybe not having the extra cals on Sunday is making it worse...


  • abillings9
    I set my rest day for Sundays, thinking that it was a good day to not exercise. But I'm finding Sundays are also my worst day when it comes to eating and drinking enough water. I totally killed my calories Sunday and yesterday, just went crazy and ate a bunch of chocolate and snacked rediculously. It was really awful and I'm paying for it today with a 3lb gain and just feeling yucky.

    So I'm thinking I need to change my rest day. The weekends seem to be difficult for everyone, and maybe not having the extra cals on Sunday is making it worse...
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I usually change my rest days. I go for 8 days then rest. or three days then rest. Depending on how I feel.
  • MattySparky
    I dont have a rest day. Not to say that I haven't gone a day without excercise but it's not a regular thing for me to do that. I rest if I get sick though, I had a cold last week and didn't work out for 3 days. I like working out everyday. My workouts consist of mainly cardio with a bit of weights and it feels great to do it every day.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I work out and log food Monday- Friday. Those are much very structured days.

    I make reasonable food choices on the weekends but not great. I don't do planned exercising and don't log what exercise I might do (like a stroll through the park with the kiddo).
  • helkat922
    helkat922 Posts: 150 Member
    mine is usually on a Monday.. just because I run Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays and do weights Wed and Fridays. Seems to work well for me and better than the time when I also used to have Sunday as rest day.
  • MissNova
    MissNova Posts: 563 Member
    I try to rest twice a week on different days, I either workout for 3 days and rest and then 2 days and rest. I honestly try not to rest on the weekends because I also find like I have a lot of time and eat too much. Keep get back on track and see what works better for you.
  • kalamantina
    my rest day is just the day i feel like i cant take it anymore, i think it happens once every week or 10 days max....
    today for example was my rest day :frown: it was really awful... i had a huge dinner and snacked on potatoe chips, cookies, chocolate...

    rest days r supposed to make us feel better, but to be honest they just make me feel worse:cry: .. i just eat and eat and just regret it the next day... im not sure i wanna have rest days anymore

    r rest days wrong or right? im not really sure...
  • lobita44
    lobita44 Posts: 66 Member
    My rest day is Thursdays...and on my rest day I carefully plan my meal so not to go over in my food counts! I actually eat more on the weekends, but I work out more because I have the time. I do my strength training 3x a week (30 minutes), then on those days 30 min. of cardio. The other 3 days of the week I do 60 min. of cardio, usually 30 min. of step or tae bo and then 30 min. on the bike or treadmill.

    You just have to do whatever works for you. Good luck! :smile:
  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    Take your absolute busiest day and rest on that day. For me its ussually fridays, but this week it is today. I like the idea of three on one off, but if you are only working out 5 days a week you need to be killing it those 5 days :wink: Even on rest days I take a walk with my mom or go for a short jog, just to keep me from totally gorging
  • crosstitcher0563
    My rest day is Sunday too. I usually walk the dog for 45 min on Sunday, but I don't go to the gym. I'm thinking of changing it to another day, but probably won't because it's a routine now. I'm afraid to break the routine.
  • schoonmp
    schoonmp Posts: 175
    I work out and log food Monday- Friday. Those are much very structured days.

    I make reasonable food choices on the weekends but not great. I don't do planned exercising and don't log what exercise I might do (like a stroll through the park with the kiddo).

    My rest days are usually Wed's. I don't log much on the weekends either. I do walk my dogs twice a day for 30 to 45 min. every day plus the cardio at the gym. I just try to make better eating choices, but the beer usually gets me in trouble. I really need to exercise good on Fridays, but sometimes I take that day off too.
  • firewalking
    firewalking Posts: 335 Member
    I do not take a 'rest' day (even though I know I should)...

    I like my food too much to risk my progress by not adding in those extra exercise calories....

  • mstanley
    mstanley Posts: 121 Member
    I can only officially work out (go to the gym) three days a week right now because of my busy schedule and my daughter's activities, so I try to work out for an 1 - 1 1/2 hours each time I work out to make up for it. When I don't work out, I try to get in some walking around the neighborhood, or playing with my daughter, etc to help out. I'm hoping that I might be able to add in some exercise at the gym on the weekends soon too.
  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    I work out and log food Monday- Friday. Those are much very structured days.

    I make reasonable food choices on the weekends but not great. I don't do planned exercising and don't log what exercise I might do (like a stroll through the park with the kiddo).

    This is what I do, too. It's so easy to be on a schedule during the work week. I have been trying to get up and work out (treadmill at home) on Saturdays, though, just to keep my mind aware that I can't just eat anything and everything. I don't pay nearly as much attention to my food intake on the weekends but I have noticed that I don't eat as large of portions as I used to. Don't get me wrong, I don't go out and eat 6 meals over the weekend. I'll still make healthy choices at home...but I'll indulge more than I do during the week.
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    I work out and log food Monday- Friday. Those are much very structured days.

    I make reasonable food choices on the weekends but not great. I don't do planned exercising and don't log what exercise I might do (like a stroll through the park with the kiddo).

    Yup, me too.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi everybody,
    great to hear everone's thoughts on the subject because i was just discussing this last week. Right now I don't schedule a rest day because I'm trying to change the way I think about exercise - I want it to be part of my life everyday and it is becoming that.
    M-F i am doing 45-70 min of "high intensity" cardio (like kick boxing) (just added 20 min of toning on 3 of those days and 40 min strenght training the other 2 ) Saturday I am doing 90 minutes of the same. Sunday is my "lite day" I do 20 min ab work (gen aerobics) and 30 min lower body (general aerobics). It just doesn't feel right to not do something! (what a mind change there!!)

    Weekdays I'm usually pretty structured w/ the food thing. Saturdays are so busy I have to make myself eat most of my cals. Sundays are the most difficult - i think that's why I still get a workout in!
    Besides, I do love to eat!!! :laugh:
  • GIBride01
    GIBride01 Posts: 328 Member
    I do a big walk with the dogs for about an hour on Saturdays and an hour at the gym doing cardio on Sundays, just because I know I am going to be eating more those days. I don't really have a true "rest day", but Wednesdays I do a Kundalini yoga DVD at home, which is very low key and meditative more than "exercise", or something else low key like an easy dog walk, playing in the pool with the kiddo etc. I have a killer step cardio class Tuesday nights, so I am still pretty whooped the next day, and I find it easier to control the food on a weekday than a weekend.
  • abillings9
    Hmm it's interesting to see the amount of people that don't have a real rest day. I've been contemplating just working out every day and resting on whatever day my body (or schedule) tells me to.

    Thanks for all the responses, everyone!
  • kendallalissa
    Friday is my "rest" day, but not by choice. My workout classes aren't offered late on Fridays, so I have to skip it. Either that or burn up vacation time (which I've done 3 times already)!!! I figure, heck, at least I'm working out 6 days per week!!! That's enough, right? :wink:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • running4myhealth
    No rest day for me :)

    I can't imagine a day without exercise.