just joined! need some people to chat to

my names hayley, just joind the site and i need to lose about 40lb. seem slike so much, i suppose the best way to look at it is to just cheip away at that 40lb and ill get there!


  • TommyWR
    TommyWR Posts: 65
    Great attitude Haley! Add me if you like and welcome aboard!
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Hello Hayley! Feel free to add me as well, and you're welcome to join my support group if you're interested! :)
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    Welcome Haley! I have about 3 times as much to lose as you do, so its good you're taking control of it now before it just adds up! I think you'll like it here, its an awesome site!
  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    friend me!
  • ceirawillsucceed
    ceirawillsucceed Posts: 519 Member
    Hi Hayley, yes it does seem alot but just take it one day at a time. you can do it.
    feel free to add me if you like.
  • Maggiedc
    Maggiedc Posts: 49
    Hey Haley! Welcome. I have a little more than 40 to lose but feel free to add me!
  • jess9897
    jess9897 Posts: 30
    Feel free to add me! You can do it!
  • run_panda_run
    run_panda_run Posts: 14 Member
    Welcome to the site! I'm on my way to losing 40lbs, if I can do it, so can you! Feel free to add me!