Exercise calories

caylre Posts: 17 Member
Ok, I know you are supposed to eat back your calories from a work-out. Here's my dilemma: I burned off around 700 calories today. Now (at 9pm) I am still 600 calories short of what it says I should eat. I feel like I've eaten all day long without stopping.
So two questions from this:
1. How do you divide your calories that you have to eat from a workout?
2. At what point in time during the day, do I need to not worry about eating? For example, do I need to quit eating at 8 pm even if I haven't met my calorie goal for the day?

Thanks in advance for your help!! I have calories on the brain and am getting too stressed about making it add up right.


  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    if I know I am going to have a hard workout with a large cal burn I eat more throughout the day so I am not left with a huge surplus at the end. If I am I stop eating when I am no longer hungry....I cant eat that many cals all at once.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    1. If you know you will be working out, try to plan your day, calorie wise. Maybe have a bigger breakfast.

    2. Time of day doesn't matter. You can eat whenever.
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    The time of day doesn't matter in the slightest. I would maybe have a snack, maybe some popcorn or nuts, but I wouldn't worry about eating all your calories if you're not hungry. I generally eat all my exercise calories, but some days I just don't want it, and I certainly don't worry about it. We're supposed to be developing a lifestyle change, and force-feeding yourself to meet a caloric goal doesn't really seem natural to me. (Don't get me wrong, I love counting calories and it's very helpful.)
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I have this problem today as well and I just plan to have another snack tonight (greek yogurt with some flax/walnuts/blueberries) and maybe a protein shake.... still leaves me about a 500 calorie deficit but I'm not hungry and I ate almost 1800 cals so I'm not going to worry about it too much. It will make up for tomorrow when I can't work out at all :)
  • Different schools of thought on eating later in the evening. I don't think it really matters what time you eat, your body is still going to do what it supposed to do. (IMHO) But you could just make it up tomorrow, higher calorie and lower workout. Try not to fixate on each day but take a look at your weekly goals and try to make it even out.
  • Good for you! Unless you lift heavy, I wouldn't worry about it. I think the only disadvantage to eating significantly below your target is if you are trying to build muscle fast. If you're trying to lose weight, an extra deficit due to exercise won't hurt. Besides, this is all approximation anyway - I figure it's better to aim a little under the goal.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I don't eat mine back. I feel like MFP over-estimates the calories burned (I use a BodyBugg to track mine), so prefer to just eat my daily allotment. I will eat a few if I'm hungry, but not all for sure.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    If you are doing a similar workout, it will be logged on a previous day...prelog that burn in the morning so you know early in the day what you have to work with and plan accordingly. I typically have a relatively large breakfast and lunch with a light snack in between...the only thing I do not pre-log is my dinner, which I tweak based on my actual calorie burn from my workout (will adjust what was pre-logged).

    I typically get within 50-100 calories or less of net zero, which is close enough for government work...if I am really hungry late and I still have a few calories, I might have a greek yogurt or a small handful of almonds or cashews.

    Pre-logging is the key...it is a trial and error process...

    Also, protein shakes are a good way to make up excess calories late...
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,324 Member
    I have been haveing this problem MAJOR, I eat when im hungry
    I try and eat as clean as possible today for example I have about
    1000 calories left to eat :noway: My net is about 150 consumed
    but i have eaten all day!!! no way i can eat anymore
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,324 Member
    If you are doing a similar workout, it will be logged on a previous day...prelog that burn in the morning so you know early in the day what you have to work with and plan accordingly. I typically have a relatively large breakfast and lunch with a light snack in between...the only thing I do not pre-log is my dinner, which I tweak based on my actual calorie burn from my workout (will adjust what was pre-logged).

    I typically get within 50-100 calories or less of net zero, which is close enough for government work...if I am really hungry late and I still have a few calories, I might have a greek yogurt or a small handful of almonds or cashews.

    Pre-logging is the key...it is a trial and error process...

    Also, protein shakes are a good way to make up excess calories late...

    Great advice :wink: thank you
  • Elle_Jamaicangirl81
    Elle_Jamaicangirl81 Posts: 418 Member
    if i'm hungry, i'll eat ... and stop when i'm not. i'm not eating my exercise calories if i'm not hungry. i make sure i get to 1200 cals... so i dont get the dreaded "you are eating too little calories"

    i'm 15 pounds down... so, you know what they say... if it aint broke...
  • sheilamo
    sheilamo Posts: 115 Member
    Oh, I'm more confused then ever......I have this problem too :grumble: