scale addict



  • KirstenJ
    KirstenJ Posts: 19 Member
    Weighing after everything you eat does sounds a bit extreme ...
    but what do you mean by "it got you into trouble last time?"
    I have a serious weighing myself addiction. I weight myself after everything I eat in a day. I'm trying to break the habbit because this is what got me into trouble last time....
    Is that a picture of you in your ticker?

    in my case when i weigh myself after every meal i get dissapointed because i gain weight, and if i have not the lost the weight before morning i start freaking out. last time i lost weight i would just eat less so when i weighed myself 6 times i day i wouldnt gain weight and i would see results faster. it became a bad habbit and i went from 185 pounds to 125 pounds in about 2 months. if you weigh yourself weekly then you wont be as focussed as much on the little changes that don't matter. if you know what i mean...for me its scary because i still weigh myself 6 times a day now and i fear that i will become sick again.

    yes that is me in the ticker.. when i weighed 125 pounds.
  • osmium
    osmium Posts: 107 Member
    I'm not a scale addict, but I can see the uses. It's been motivating to me as it gives me something to look at every day and remind me that I am going to do this. So I'm not sure that once a day is necessarily a bad thing for me.
  • gingermoon
    gingermoon Posts: 239 Member
    I used to be really addicted.
    Weigh every morning, many times during the day and weigh before bed.
    I knew what the scale would be the next morning by the number on the scale that night.

    It became like a drug and helped in the downward spiral.
    The more weight I lost, the more the scale addiction grew.
    I dropped almost 100 pounds not in a healthy way before I got my head on straight again.

    Now a few yrs later and putting about 60 pounds back on, I've finally learned to take things in stride.
    I only weigh in the mornings now.
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    I used to be addicted to the scale. I'd weigh twice a day. I'm down to twice a week and I hope to eventually only weigh once a month. :bigsmile:

    It can be done!!!

    I'm trying to measure my progress by how I feel, how I look, and how my clothes are fitting instead of by my weight because it just jumps around so much. :cry:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I am a scale junky and I swear the scale is the DEVIL!:devil:
  • I like everyone's comments..........I weigh myself everyday only to stay motivated....i know it will fluxuate some going into weighing myself.......but if it gets too out of control in the wrong direction.....I can correct it right away.......................Carol
  • completely opposite - ive been on this path for about 6 weeks and havent weighed once
    i figure if can feel the difference in my clothes thats more important than the weight itself
    that will come naturally and if im doing it right then there will be a slow transformation from in body shape, weight will alter but perhaps differently as muscle mass builds...

    anyone agree or disagree with this approach - im curious
  • niamhb
    niamhb Posts: 16 Member
    I weigh myself three times a day, in the morning before I go to work , when I come in from work and then again before I go to bed. I'm starting to see a change alright but I think I should start doing it once a week...
  • TudorRose
    TudorRose Posts: 238 Member
    I used to have serious eating problems and became a tad obsessed. These days, I keep my scales at my mum's, so I can't weigh myself all the time. And I do mean all the time. I'd weigh myself if I ate anything, then after I threw what I'd eaten back up, everytime I drank anything and everytime I went to the bathroom. I'm still hankering to weigh myself, but that's because I want to see if I've dropped anything- not to punish myself. Plus, I weigh myself in the morning now, so even when I get to my mum's, I have to wait anyway. Much better system, for me anyrate. Just remember if you do weigh yourself everyday to look for the longer term results. Sure, you may weigh more tomorrow than you do today but fluctuation is normal. So long as your averages keep going down, the day to day shouldn't trouble you. (No doubt I'm preaching to the choir, but it's something I used to forget all too often)
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    The best scale for me is my mirror. I don't weigh myself at all. I used to weigh myself and became frustrated. This led to even more drastic measures...not eating enough, overtraining, micro-managing everything. Now, I just plug in my food and exercise numbers into MyFitnessPal, sit back, and enjoy the fitness journey!
  • I weigh myself every day (it takes a lot of willpower to leave the darn thing alone!) and I think my scale is conspiring against me. I weighed myself one morning last week, and it told me one thing, then I picked it up and moved it someplace else in the bathroom (still on the tile floor, mind you) and it told me I was a pound heavier than I was 30 seconds ago! :mad: I'm half tempted to get a new one. (This one is an electronic scale, and our bathroom floor gets really hot since the heating pipes run under our floor- makes for a nice toasty bathroom experience but it probably doesn't help the scale at all)
  • I too am a scale addict !!! I weigh all the time first thing in the morning and right before the shower cause then I have no clothes on!! Sometimes the scale makes me happy others like today I want to throw it out the door !! I too have asked hubby to hide it but it still sits there screaming STAND ON ME !!! My weight hasnt dropped drasticly lately but I ve notice major body changes... Like I was in a size 14 and the other day I put my pre baby jeans on and they were comfy not tight at all..... 3 months ago I wouldnt have been able to put my thigh in them!!

    I guess the first step is admitting we have a problem! So what is the next step???
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    I used to weigh myself every morning. First thing in the morning. If I'm too busy and I miss a day, it's fine. Not a biggie.

    Now, since joining a weight loss group here, Crazy Canucks Canadians Group, we weigh in every Wed................I only weigh myself once a week on Wednesday morning. I don't miss it.

    I'm actually very curious what my efforts during the week brings me. It's the mystery and curiosity that keeps me off the scale.

    Maybe, joining a weeekly weigh in group would be of benefit. Not sure, if this would help all. It's worth a try.

    For those needing to weigh in 2 or 3 times a day, not sure what the solution would be. I emphasize though, it must be hard not to step on there to find out. Good to talk about it. Maybe, someone will read this posts and give some other ideas to remedy the situation.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Hello my name is chrissy and I am a scale junky....
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    Man it feels good to know I'm not the only one. I'm horrible! I have gotten better though - used to weigh myself at least 3 times a day. Now I'm down to once. Most of the time, once, anyway. I try to do it only weekly, but then, I'll have a fat day and just have to see what I'm weighing...or I'll feel really skinny and wanna see that I'm back down a pound or two. UGH!
  • What a relief that i am not the only one who can't stay away from the scale. When I started this new diet, I told myself that i was only going to weigh myself and take measurements once a week. After one day on the diet, I went to the bathroom and weighed myself before I jumped into the shower (you have to weigh yourself before the shower because obviously you weigh more wet than dry:laugh: and I have really long hair that holds a lot of water) I guess I just need the constant feedback - oh well, it could be worse.
  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    Just wanted to add my two cents...when i was younger, I lived at home with my parents and was the same, would weigh myself every 5 minutes....Last year I got married,moved out and didnt buy a new scale...then in January when I started this weight loss journey, I was at my mom's so we did our first weigh in there. I ALMOST went out and bought a scale, but didnt and I realize that's best for me. It's like anything else I had to deal with...if it's in the house, I'll use it. I got rid of my junk food because, if it's in the house I'll eat it. Now I dont own a scale, I weigh myself 1 a week when I go to my moms. I think it was the best descision ever!! Sometimes I'll be at home and think, if I only had a scale and realize I can't because I dont have one. It's been such a relief for me to rid myself of it. I don't think I'll ever buy one now!!
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    Just wanted to add my two cents...when i was younger, I lived at home with my parents and was the same, would weigh myself every 5 minutes....Last year I got married,moved out and didnt buy a new scale...then in January when I started this weight loss journey, I was at my mom's so we did our first weigh in there. I ALMOST went out and bought a scale, but didnt and I realize that's best for me. It's like anything else I had to deal with...if it's in the house, I'll use it. I got rid of my junk food because, if it's in the house I'll eat it. Now I dont own a scale, I weigh myself 1 a week when I go to my moms. I think it was the best descision ever!! Sometimes I'll be at home and think, if I only had a scale and realize I can't because I dont have one. It's been such a relief for me to rid myself of it. I don't think I'll ever buy one now!!

    I am the same way with junk food. If it's there, I'll eat it. And sometimes, though not ALL the time, I eat the whole thing. So I only keep healthy things in my pantry (or 100 calorie packs). If I really just feel the need to eat something horrible and decide it's worth it, I'll go outside, walk to my car, and drive to the store. Usually, the thought of having to make a seperate run keeps me from getting what I thought I needed in the first place.
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