Always Hungry!! Lowest calorie, highest bulk?

So I am having a problem with feeling hungry constantly, food is always on my brain... I have no idea if it is hormones or what but I want to eat constantly but my calorie restriction is 1200 per day which as you know isn’t a whole lot. What are some good tips for days I feel like I am starving and just need to eat more quantity without adding on the calories? I eat a lot of fresh veggies but other than that are there options I should know are available to be my crutch on especially hard days? Any and all suggestions are welcome and thank you 💖


  • sonyajohnston1006
    sonyajohnston1006 Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you so much!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    What are your stats? Is 1200 actually appropriate for you?
  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    Hunger is often a psychological state as much as it is a physical one. If that is your issue, then fiddling about with your diet will help only as much as it convinces your hindbrain that it should feel satisfied.

    I find that what helps me is small quantities of things I’m craving (then I don’t feel ‘deprived’), distraction, or going out for a walk and change of scenery (basically, distraction with added benefits :) ). Good luck!
  • CF4L
    CF4L Posts: 58 Member
    I know it's horrible for your teeth but I find when I feel 'hungry' sometimes it's less about hunger and more about the fixation of eating something. When this hits me I usually chew on ice and it helps to satisfy that fixation. Sunflower seeds (in shell) are also good too.
  • margbarco
    margbarco Posts: 128 Member
    edited July 2018
  • margbarco
    margbarco Posts: 128 Member
    Oops! I replied to the wrong thread and I don’t know how to delete.... sorry.
  • sonyajohnston1006
    sonyajohnston1006 Posts: 34 Member
    What are your stats? Is 1200 actually appropriate for you?

    I am a 5’ 28 year old woman, my doctor said 1000-1200 calories per day is actually good for me while I am losing weight, to maintain though I usually stick to around 14-1500 or so but right now I am losing-I don’t stick to 1200 every single day, I definitely go above it somedays but at least 5 days a week I need to eat around 1200 and maybe 2 days per week I can have 1500ish but I usually end up having more than that on high days like 1650 at least once a week. I try to change it up so my body doesn’t get too used to being right around 1200 I usually do 2-3 days and then spike the calories a little higher the 4th day, helps me lose weight overall faster I’ve noticed.

  • chrisbinder58
    chrisbinder58 Posts: 2 Member
    I like sesame flavored wasa bread. It is very filling and I put turkey (1 oz) on two for a 150 cal snack.
  • sonyajohnston1006
    sonyajohnston1006 Posts: 34 Member
    When I'm keeping my kcal low, I actually have more success with lower quantity, high calorie foods. (I eat out more than I should but) grabbing some chicken strips and eating a couple of their greasy deliciousness keeps me happier, fuller, and more comfortable than constantly eating apple slices and carrot sticks. You could have two eggs and two pieces of bacon for breakfast (300 kcal), 2 chicken tacos w/ avocado and some veg & salsa for lunch (400 kcal), for dinner -chicken alfredo (430 kcal). For healthy snacks between, carrot sticks (30 kcal) & a cup of strawberries or watermelon (50 kcal) . And just like that youve had a delicious day of bacon, tacos, and pasta for 1,210 kcal!

    That sounds delicious!!! I’m actually going to try this and see how my body feels-thank you!

  • BeesAreWorthSaving
    BeesAreWorthSaving Posts: 7 Member
    I find that I am not satisfied unless I have included healthy fat and protein in my meals. I usually eat one small avocado a day, and have a tablespoon of organic pumpkin protein powder mixed in a meal or smoothie. Having prepared veggie snacks (carrot, celery, etc.) in the frig helps me too. Seems to do the trick most of the time, and if not I have a bit more protein. All the best to you.
  • ZephieC
    ZephieC Posts: 162 Member
    I generally eat 1200 cal/day. I make large salads for lunch. But don't think just veggies and lettuce. I mix lettuce types and spinach. Add chopped apple, hard boiled egg/whites, shredded cheese, diced ham and top with berry balsamic can eat a seriously massive plate for 300 ish calories. Change the apple for berries, the shredded cheese for goat cheese, the ham to chicken or smoked turkey...etc. You can have lots of variety and flavor. Plus you can add tomato/cukes/celery/carrot, whatever you like. Right now I do cranberry cinnamon goat cheese with dried cranberries and pumpkin seeds. It is so tasty! I love a massive Caesar salad with grilled chicken for supper, especially on hot summer nights and bonus, so does hubby. Or I'll stir fry a massive plate of mixed veg and top with protein and add Frank's Stingin' Honey Garlic Sauce for a little zing and flavor. I generally skip the rice as I get plenty of carbs from fruit and veggies. Those are my go-to choices for the hungry days. When it is colder I make a huge pot of veggie soup and than add beans/chicken/cheese etc... by serving to switch up the flavors. You could also try adding a cup of a low cal soup to your meals to help add volume. I think the big key is to keep mixing up your flavors. You can add a lot of volume with veg but plain is so boring and unsatisfying.
  • sonyajohnston1006
    sonyajohnston1006 Posts: 34 Member
    I am loving all the responses-you are all helping me more than you know and I thank you!!!!!!
  • owieprone
    owieprone Posts: 217 Member
    Someone's already said this but drinking more might help. It depends on how much your already drinking so be careful you don't over drink (hyponatremia). High5 (or similar) does low/no carb electrolyte tablets (high5 zero) that are pretty tasty so you might want to add them to one of your drinks. I also space my meals out, so if having a meal bar i'll eat a couple of bites, drink water, go away do something, drink water, come back eat a bit more... rinse, repeat. Helps to stop me gobbling food and it being gone before i've actually tasted it.

    I also like drinking stock/bouillon as an alternative to soup.

    And, someone else has mentioned, check how much protein vs fat you're getting, try increasing the fat and reducing protein (or whatever way round you're regime is). Often it's not the calorie count that's the problem, it's what makes it up. It might take a bit of meddling to find the levels you need to stop feeling hungry without putting more calories on your plate.

    good luck

  • Nikolaijj
    Nikolaijj Posts: 11 Member
    Soup! I LOVE homemade soup, I try to eat it at least 4 times a week, if not more and closer to 6 times a week. It's so filling because of the broth and you can make it really low calorie. For a whole breakfast, I'll have a piece of tilapia, two cups of homemade vegetable soup, and half a cup (dried) noodles in said soup. It's really filling and tasty.
  • sonyajohnston1006
    sonyajohnston1006 Posts: 34 Member
    Nikolaijj wrote: »
    Soup! I LOVE homemade soup, I try to eat it at least 4 times a week, if not more and closer to 6 times a week. It's so filling because of the broth and you can make it really low calorie. For a whole breakfast, I'll have a piece of tilapia, two cups of homemade vegetable soup, and half a cup (dried) noodles in said soup. It's really filling and tasty.

    This sounds great!!! I have been making chicken soup lately but never checked the calorie count but now I’m going to see about making veggie soups and see what I can come up with-thank you!!