High protein, low fat foods?

myurav Posts: 165 Member
Hey everyone,

I've been working on increasing the amount of protein I'm getting. My main sources are low-fat cheeses, eggs/egg whites, and meats (turkey/chicken/beef). Here's the problem I've been facing: I keep going over my fat content because a lot of the high protein foods that I eat also have a fair amount of fat.

I prefer not to drink protein shakes because I'd rather stick to natural protein, if possible. What foods do you guys eat with good protein content and low to no fat?



  • Fat is good for you, as long as it's coming from the right sources.

    Make sure your meats are organic and grass-fed (beef/lamb) or pastured (poultry). The fat from these animals will be much better for you than grain-fed animals.

    Also try meats from "wild" animals, like bison, venison, elk.
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    I've completely ignored the fat counter and haven't had any problems losing weight. Keep the sugar, white flour, processed food out of the diet and the fat intake becomes much less of an issue.

    My opinion.
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Tuna! :D
  • dannylives
    dannylives Posts: 611
    I think someone somewhere makes natural whey protein powder. Milk. Fish.
  • beatlemom
    beatlemom Posts: 250 Member
    Greek Yogurt
  • birdlover97111
    birdlover97111 Posts: 346 Member
    White fish, such as Cod, Dover Sole and Swai....Very high protein, very low fat and calories... :flowerforyou:
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Protein is hard to get without fat. You can change your diary settings mine are custom set at 10% carbs(I have mine pretty low it's the only way I can lose), 40% protein and 50% fat. I get my carbs from fresh veggies so I get a lot of veggies for those 40-50 gms of carb. I set these up with my doctor who is a specialist in weight loss so it's what is right for me.
  • Jeremy_S
    Jeremy_S Posts: 11
    Halibut, Tilapia, Tuna, boneless/skinless chicken breast, extra lean ground turkey are all high in protein and low in fat.

    Optimum Nutrition makes a 100% Natural Whey Protein. Even though it's a powder, it's still an all natural protein you can add in oatmeal, fruit shakes, scrambled eggs, and pancakes.
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    I've been doing slow carb / high protein. Cottage cheese, fish, chicken, turkey, beans and lentils. Very good sources of protein in beans with the right "slow carb" and high fiber.
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    I think someone somewhere makes natural whey protein powder. Milk. Fish.

    I use Syntrax Nectar Whey Protein Isolate, unflavored. It has 2 ingredients: Whey protein isolate (milk), and soy lecithin. Per scoop Calories: 40, Fat: 0g, Protein: 10 g

    I was having the same problem finding protein rich foods that were lower in fat and calories. I add this to my Greek yogurt/fruit smoothies and I find I'm less hungry between meals.
  • opt for lean protein deli meats, and fish is great! You can check out online and print out even which restarants raise farm fish or if they're fresh off the boat, which ones are higher in mercury etc. I'd say you're on the right track! kudos!
    p.s. stay AWAY from shakes aka boost energy etc. Their carb and sugars are way up there and you can fix a meal that's waaay more filling and better for you without those exras!
  • Try beans-also white chile is good!
  • Tuna! :D

    I agree. Salmon, too. Olive oil is also an important part of my diet. All fats, just like all carbs, are not created equal.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I know some of these have already been said, but thought I'd reiterate what others have said:

    Lentils (Black Beluga from Trader Joe's are REALLY HIGH in protein)
    Greek Yogurt

    One of my favorite things to eat is Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh meats. The rotisserie style chicken is only 50 calories for about 6 slices (51 g) and only 1g of fat!
  • ohfong77
    ohfong77 Posts: 30 Member
    Beans...beans..... and more beans. There's one thing for sure....beans are not going to give you a heart attack and clog your arteries. I'm not anti-protein. I am anti-HIGH protein if this involves an extremely high diet of fat. Beans and vegetables don't do this.

    Also, broccoli actually has more protein per 100 calories than new york strip. - check it out.

    Read "Eat to Live" by Dr Fuhrman - this explains a lot of information on nutrition - extremely helpful.

    Again - I'm not anti-protein (or anti-meat) - but we all have to be knowledeable - it's not just about losing weight - it's about protecting yourself against cancer, stroke and heart disease. America is the leading country for all these diseases - and our country is plentiful IN MEAT. There's a reason we are also number 1 in these diseases - and we need to start examining the causes instead of begging for a pill to solve it.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Beans...beans..... and more beans. There's one thing for sure....beans are not going to give you a heart attack and clog your arteries. I'm not anti-protein. I am anti-HIGH protein if this involves an extremely high diet of fat. Beans and vegetables don't do this.

    Also, broccoli actually has more protein per 100 calories than new york strip. - check it out.

    Read "Eat to Live" by Dr Fuhrman - this explains a lot of information on nutrition - extremely helpful.

    Again - I'm not anti-protein (or anti-meat) - but we all have to be knowledeable - it's not just about losing weight - it's about protecting yourself against cancer, stroke and heart disease. America is the leading country for all these diseases - and our country is plentiful IN MEAT. There's a reason we are also number 1 in these diseases - and we need to start examining the causes instead of begging for a pill to solve it.

    I eat 50% fat and my cholesterol is 151 my triglycerides are 56 so I guess your heart disease being caused by fat is totally wrong. Don't believe me?- read the research fat (except for transfats in margarine and vegetable oils like canola which when heated produce transfats) does NOT cause heart disease and has been proven by several studies by Duke, Stanford, and other universities. On the other hand sugar not fat causes heart disease because it causes excess insulin and insulin then causes inflammation in the arteries which then allows the heart disease, plaque build up to occur. The beans you are touting as very healthy are full of sugar yes sugar all carbs when they hit your intestines are turned to sugar and not to mention beans are the seed of the plant and contain harmful poisons to protect the seed so the plant can replant itself. This is even stated in books on vegetarianism which tell you to make sure you pre-soak and then precook and drain beans several times before eating to rid them of these toxins. So no thank you I will stick to my lower fat chicken that has plenty of protein and since it's natural has no toxins for me dump off while cooking.