16 Miles before Sunday 8/21/11 - Mission Slimpossible - Mini

Hi Guys,
(yes I totally stole the "Slimpossible" title, but I really like it ;)

This is a continuation of a challenge I posted last week, but don't hesitate to jump in if you are new to our group. The more the merrier!

After a fantastic week last week we are continuing the mini challenge by adding a mile and a twist.

Like last week the object is just to keep moving, walk/run/hike/roll/hopscotch/crawl/bike/shimmy through 16 miles this week.

For a bonus: Add something new to the mix. Work out with a friend you have never worked out with before. Try something new at the gym, find a new route/park/area to exercise. Buy a new pair of shoes, or get a new DVD. Find at least one way this week to shake up your exercise routine.

Log your progress as you go!

I'm looking forward to hearing what new things you guys come up with!

Thanks for keeping me motivated and making this such a fun thing to do.


  • HI

  • HI sexy,

    I stole the name not realizing it was part of something larger. I won't use Slim possible in the challenge title next week. Sorry for the confusion.
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    I'm in :)
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 287 Member
    I fell short last week, but I am all in this week!
  • I would love to join your challenge this week.
  • LCDMomma
    LCDMomma Posts: 67
    I'm in.
    I already set up to work out for the first time with a good friend of mine and we are going to try some classes, which I also have never done.
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Count me in again...I'm loving the mini challenges! I didn't get to walk yesterday....my foot gave me a fit because I had already been on my feet all day. By the time we could walk I was in too much pain (I have micro tearing in the ligaments in my foot that I'm trying to work through. I got over 15 miles anyway though, so I'm good :-)
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 287 Member
    Welcome to the challenge!
  • As miserable as the weather is here right now (it's been raining all day and downpours at times), I forced myself to get on the treadmill. I'm on week 2 of Bridge to 10k and I did 5.3 miles today.
  • KierstyPants
    KierstyPants Posts: 468 Member
    I fell short a few miles last week, but I got it this week.
    I got in two miles today on the treadmill! :)
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Does the 42 miles I drove count, lol... Today is a rest day and then its game on tomorrow :)

    Welcome to the new comers glad to have you aboard!!!
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 287 Member
    2 miles down today! I am definitely starting off better than I did last week.
  • firemama
    firemama Posts: 66 Member
    I love mini challenges I'm in! Good luck everyone.
  • I did about 7-8 miles yesterday brisk walking and about 4 miles biking. It was a "free day" for me, spent the whole day outside and thought that outside and moving was better than outside and being still. I just needed to move yesterday. It allowed me to not just burn calories, but I feel I also burned off last week's work stress and came back to the office today feeling fresh and energized. Exercise clears your head as well as helps your body.
    I won't be able to accompish that much per day through the week but I'm determined to accomplish the challenge you've issued!!!!
  • 5 miles today. I went out and purchased a new DVD. I am starting c25k tonight when the sun goes down:) Keep it moving everyone!
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    2.64 Miles for me today =) Keep up the great work everyone!
  • 5 miles today. I went out and purchased a new DVD. I am starting c25k tonight when the sun goes down:) Keep it moving everyone!

    I also jogged 3 miles this evening and walked 3. I won't be doing this everyday, just on the days I have the energy to do so:)

    Keep it moving everyone!
  • firemama
    firemama Posts: 66 Member
    Aloha All,
    I did 4 miles today and my "new" thing for the week is ab exercises, I'll do 100 abercises 5x this week. Good luck and happy moving.
  • LCDMomma
    LCDMomma Posts: 67
    Monday 5.5 miles and I worked out with a friend for the first time. It was so much fun I enjoyed the burn.
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 287 Member
    2 down Sunday, 2.5 down Monday! I am a third of the way there already! Starting C25K tonight so that will definitely help the mileage.