Are you ever jealous of others successes?



  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    edited July 2018
    Maybe you can use this jealousy as extra motivation to reach your goals, and without the negative effects of surgery. Jealousy is a tough emotion. We all feel it. And I work very hard to try to remove the jealousy and only focus on my own life because it's what I can control.
  • JBApplebee
    JBApplebee Posts: 481 Member
  • cammiecane
    cammiecane Posts: 62 Member
    NikaIris wrote: »
    I am SO jealous.
    But not of the people who work really hard to stay slim - because technically I could do the same. It seems we're in the same boat. Same chances and everything.

    I am however super jealous of all the slender people who don't have to put in any effort to stay slim. Like, they "forget" to eat when stressed?? They "just don't care that much about chocolate?" They have "difficulties gaining weigt?"
    How envieable is that!

    Sometimes I try to imagine a life where all of my thoughts don't circle around food and weight constantly and wow ... it seems awesome. I really envy people who are free like that.

    This! My entire mom’s side of the family, who I grew up around, could eat anything and stay tiny. All of my cousins are size zeros or double zeros naturally, except one who is so tiny she had to shop in the kids section. I was like that until I hit puberty. Then I started getting bigger and bigger. I used to try to dress like my cousins but my mom wouldn’t let me, saying it only looked good on thin people like my cousins. I wanted to look like them more than anything! Lol.

    Nowadays, my husband can eat a whole huge pizza, whatever desserts he wants, anything, and he’ll never gain weight unless he’s actively trying to gain muscle. He can also not work out for months and then just jump back into advanced fitness stuff. So jealous!
  • Starliya
    Starliya Posts: 8 Member
    Yes...But I will take it positively now to motivate me to work harder to achieve success like them!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,099 Member
    Are you ever jealous of others successes?

    No ... because I have my own life, my own work, my own educational accomplishments, my own cycling accomplishments and with regard to MFP, I am in control of my weight.

    Others have their lives, accomplishments etc.
  • makkimakki2018
    makkimakki2018 Posts: 414 Member
    Yeah i get jealous but i get real competitive so if i want it ill go get it even if that means having to feel jealous at some point.
  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    edited July 2018
    NikaIris wrote: »
    I am SO jealous.
    But not of the people who work really hard to stay slim - because technically I could do the same. It seems we're in the same boat. Same chances and everything.

    I am however super jealous of all the slender people who don't have to put in any effort to stay slim. Like, they "forget" to eat when stressed?? They "just don't care that much about chocolate?" They have "difficulties gaining weigt?"
    How envieable is that!

    Sometimes I try to imagine a life where all of my thoughts don't circle around food and weight constantly and wow ... it seems awesome. I really envy people who are free like that.

    This is how I feel as well. It seems very unfair that some people just don't have to work at it all! I work with someone who is a size 2 and eats more calories for breakfast and lunch at work than I eat in 2-3 days. Her breakfast is often 2 doughnuts and she eats a dessert with every meal. She just laughs and says, "Oh yeah, I always have to have something sweet!" Doesn't work out either. In fact, most really thin people I know don't exercise.

    I'm also jealous of really tall people- it's so much easier for them because they get to eat a lot more calories, and maintaining a higher weight (that's a healthy BMI b/c they're tall) is much easier! My best friend I started calorie counting and working out together at one point. She's 5'10. Right off the bat she got 300 more calories per day than I did, to lose the same amount of weight. We both lost about 30 pounds, going from 190-160. Problem is, I'm 5'4 and 160 is still 15 pounds overweight for me. For her, 160 is healthy and she could stop there. Very unfair!
  • cowgoo
    cowgoo Posts: 58 Member
    Nope. I use others successes as motivation. I remind myself that I'm a good person and when I was thinner got a ton of compliments. I can fix the outside, but some people are not beautiful on the inside and being in shape will never change that. So my advice, hang in there and try your hardest.
  • kelsjohnst
    kelsjohnst Posts: 54 Member
    I can totally relate. I wish I had advice.
  • mrsmammahunter
    mrsmammahunter Posts: 221 Member
    Just gotta remind yourself that loosing weight is hard if they did it then they worked their tail off. Jealously is normal but you can twist it into a positive emotion like admiration for their hard work.