Bedtime Hunger

I started my weight loss journey on July 1st, and I am using the recommended caloric intake from MFP (I think it's about 1500 calories plus workouts). Generally I feel full throughout the day with 3 meals and a snack, however, I start to get really hungry right as I get into bed (around 1030). I can't eat this late, even a snack, because of heartburn issues. Is there something I can do to help balance this? Do I need to eat more calories? Eat when I am not hungry? I feel like my dinners are pretty rounded, and I do feel full after I eat. Thanks.


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    I have to time my last meal to be within three hours of my bedtime or else the same thing happens to me.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    can you have a glass of milk or something similar before bed. or tea?
    i often have a float
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    Have you tried just going to bed hungry? Or does it keep you up? For me, I get a little hungry before bed when my calories are lower on most nights. But, once I go to sleep it goes away.
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    Perhaps try to increase your calories a bit during the day? Maybe your deficit is too aggressive.
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    Maybe a planned snack an hour before bed?
  • aeb5
    aeb5 Posts: 7 Member
    Have you tried just going to bed hungry? Or does it keep you up? For me, I get a little hungry before bed when my calories are lower on most nights. But, once I go to sleep it goes away.

    Yes, I have, but some nights it will keep me up.
  • aeb5
    aeb5 Posts: 7 Member
    edited July 2018
    Perhaps try to increase your calories a bit during the day? Maybe your deficit is too aggressive.

    That's what I was wondering. I was just going through and doing some calculations, and it seems like I am on target but I also don't want to be feeling hungry all the time. I wonder if upping my calories at snack time (between lunch and dinner) would help.
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    If you find your deficit isn't too aggressive, consider looking at your protein and fiber intake too. If I am low on protein, I find I have a larger appetite even if I am getting enough calories. This might be something to analyze as well.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Eat a bit more for your last meal or have a snack as late in the evening as possible. Have you tried experimenting with different foods and how they affect you? I like a cheese stick or a few spoons of yogurt for a late snack. Or hard boiled egg.

    Are you eating at the same times as you did before you started your weight loss journey?
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    edited July 2018
    eat dinner later maybe? save a snack for an hour before bedtime or something? I find that going to bed hungry isn't that bad because I don't feel hungry while I'm sleeping lol
  • aeb5
    aeb5 Posts: 7 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Eat a bit more for your last meal or have a snack as late in the evening as possible. Have you tried experimenting with different foods and how they affect you? I like a cheese stick or a few spoons of yogurt for a late snack. Or hard boiled egg.

    Are you eating at the same times as you did before you started your weight loss journey?

    I am eating at the same times as before. I generally will have a snack around 3 or 4 and dinner around 7 or 8, bed around 1030. I find the hunger hits right at 10.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    My mom likes something like a cheese stick. Would that give you heart burn? I usually just pop a tums when this happens to me, but its usually in the middle of the night/early morning when it wakes me up.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    cut out the snacking maybe and eat a higher protein/ fat meal?
  • kellytheisen75
    kellytheisen75 Posts: 1 Member
    I have had the same issue. I ended up drinking a glass of water half an hour before bed and that has helped me. My calorie intake is also higher (1800). The method I use is 60-80oz water through out the day with breakfast around 8 am snack at 10:30 lunch at 12:30 snack at 3:30 then dinner between 6:30-8 and bed at 10-10:30. If I feel like I need something between dinner and bed it is something small or just water. For me I am trying to change many years of bad habits so my mind will try to fake me out which is why I try to just stick with water.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I have acid reflux and I have found I can usually have 4-6 saltines with a cup of water right up to bedtime without repercussions when I need it. My "dinner", however, is not much more calories than a snack for most people so that might give me additional leeway.
  • RadishEater
    RadishEater Posts: 470 Member
    what about gum causing heart burn? That is my go to evening "snack" it keeps me from munching on things in the kitchen while I clean up then read before bed
  • Dakase83
    Dakase83 Posts: 2,524 Member
    I find drinking a full 8oz of water before bed helps.
  • Mithridites
    Mithridites Posts: 595 Member
    cup of chamomile tea or almond milk, or chamomile tea with almond milk :smile:
    makes me sleepy too! B)