The oil cleansing method (for all skin types)



  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    hey arielle0489, i like that your signature is the sunscreen song lol
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Read the article last night when i couldn't sleep! I am going to buy some castor oil tonight to mix with my evoo. I'm excited to try it.

    Do you do this every day? And do you still use moisturizer or just a bit of oil? And how does it work with wearing makeup? I only wear a bit of tinted moisturizer and eye makeup..
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I've got rosacea so most creams, lotions, cleansers, etc irritate the heck out of my skin. I've only used a Norwex cloth and coconut oil on my face for quite some time and my skin has never looked better. I put the CO on before I go to bed and in the morning my skin is dewey soft. My husband has commented on how soft my skin is everywhere since I've been using the CO. I do occasionally use olive oil and brown sugar as a face scrub but for me coconut oil works best (and it smells good!)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I used extra V olive oil tonight to clean my face. I swear that my black heads on my nose are dang near gone!
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    I used extra V olive oil tonight to clean my face. I swear that my black heads on my nose are dang near gone!

    fo reals... Ima do it right now.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Read the article last night when i couldn't sleep! I am going to buy some castor oil tonight to mix with my evoo. I'm excited to try it.

    Do you do this every day? And do you still use moisturizer or just a bit of oil? And how does it work with wearing makeup? I only wear a bit of tinted moisturizer and eye makeup..

    If been using it everyday....especially because i wear makeup during most days and need to ues the oil to take it off at can use just pure evoo and put it on a cotton pad and just let it sit on your eyelashes for a moment for a eye makeup remover...but ive used this castor oil/evoo mix for like 5 days now and it workds really really well, my period acne is going away, but they raen't hard crusty lumps like usual, and my skin feels more balanced, because i would be oily on my shin and by my nose and dry on my forehead, but its all even now.

    I do need to make a brown sugar scrub though because i feel like i need to scrub away some of the dead skin every now and then, but my skin looks radiant, and my makeup goes on waaaaay smoother. In the morning before i do my makeup i rub just a tiny tiny tad bit as if it was a moisturizer, and it keep my skin hydrated all day long.
  • dawnmichelea
    dawnmichelea Posts: 112 Member
    Fascinating! Can't wait to try!
  • Jamcnair
    Jamcnair Posts: 586 Member
    I've been using coconut oil as a moisturizer and it makes my skin feel so smooth and dewy...I'll have to try out this method! Sounds amazing
  • baberuthless_
    Definitely have to try this method. Seeing nothing but good things about it, thanks for sharing!
  • WendyHJ
    WendyHJ Posts: 60
    I went to an EcoStiletto event and Elemis was there. Last I saw them I was 25 and on a cruise and I had a facial and some zapping for blackheads. Now I am turning 41 and I sat with their West Coast trainer, Zelda or something similar, and she said from now on to never use anything to scrub my face, wash at night and moisturize, and in the morning use an alcohol free toner to refresh (I use Thayer's Witchhazel), and then moisturize again. Of course they have a complete line of expensive but proven European products, and after going to one of their spa locations for a free facial (Nordstrom's), I did buy one product to use. It is a 30 day regimen of a lavender oil capsule before bed and a rose oil capsule in the morning. You use the capsules for 30 days and then don't use them again for at least 6 months. I don't use soap either, but often do use a cream cleanser by Weleda (Germany). I try to use organic or at least chemical free products whenever possible. If there is a Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy near you you should try it out. Anyway, I think I am a ways off from rubbing EVOO on mg face but i will continue to be gentler to my aging skin so I can look amazing when I am 70!
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I'm definitely going to try this. I've been using Dermalogica for years and it's worked great for my skin but I just can't afford it anymore. The cleanser I use is for very sensitive skin and does not contain any soap, so this wouldn't be much of a change. Thanks for posting this.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Great ideas here, thanks. It seems daft to spend my life striping my face then remoisturising it. It's sure the spider veins I started getting after 40 are due in part to treating my skin harshly, especially using scrubs.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    bumping to read later!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    This sounds so cool! I have definitely noticed that my skin is nicer when I don't wear makeup and don't wash my face as much. I like to wash with cold cream but it's expensive for a little jar. I will have to try this.
  • charliebird
    charliebird Posts: 168 Member
    Bump - as I struggled to find this recently!
  • Melinda77w
    bump! soo many fantastic sounding ideas here...i never knew it could be good for your hair too, how exciting! Thanks all for sharing...i'm definetely going to try it :bigsmile:
  • Melinda77w
    bump! soo many fantastic sounding ideas here...i never knew it could be good for your hair too, how exciting! Thanks all for sharing...i'm definetely going to try it :bigsmile:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    one week into using the castor oil/evoo on my face and my skin looks and feels great !
  • charlibets
    charlibets Posts: 83 Member
    This is all true. I found out about this method several years ago and had my teens try it. It works because the oil helps break down the plugged pores, which are a combo of oil and skin. Just a couple of points to keep in mind....make sure you buy the cold pressed form of castor is for external use only and is not the same thing you take as a laxative, found in most any health food store like Whole Foods. Also, it's important to remove the oil with lots of warm water. I use a hot wash cloth and just keep rinsing. If you are acne prone it can cause break outs if you don't do a good rinse. Probably a good toner afterward would help this too.

    Obviously we all want to keep our faces clean, but soap and water doesn't really help acne/breakouts because they are not caused by dirt. The biggest villain for causing pimples is dead skin, mixing with normal facial oils and creating a plug. So another good precaution for preventing breakouts is to fight dead skin by exfoliating. At the very least try not to cause more with drying soaps.