Question for the Busy Moms!



  • katyria432018
    katyria432018 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm a mother with two autistic kids, that are very active. My current interest are going to the gym, swimming, hiking.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    And dads too ;) ...what’s your exercise routine? Let’s be honest, I dislike workouts but I need to find something to fit into my day! I’m up at 5 and usually go to bed about 10:30/11. Work a full day at a desk job, I try to get a little walk in at lunch, I run kids to and fro all evening. I do get a second walk in around 9p. I have a yoga-Pilates class on Wednesday (my only “free” night), but I need more. I can’t get up any earlier as I’m a terrible sleeper and if I don’t get enough rest I’m a raging, depressed mess. And no family too help with the kids...I know there are more people in my situation so I need to know how you guys do it?

    Do you have a husband?

    I'm usually up around 5:30 and take my dog for a walk most mornings. I also try to get in a good amount of general movement throughout the day.

    In regards to deliberate exercise...

    Mon: Weight room after work
    Tues: 10-12 mile quick ride after work (35-45 min)
    Wed: Weight room after work
    Thurs: Rest day
    Fri: Bike commute (20 miles round trip)
    Sat: Bike commute to gym to lift (16 miles round trip)
    Sun: Free day...maybe ride, maybe hike, maybe rock climb, maybe Netflix

    None of my exercise is over an hour. My wife and I share cooking and other domestic duties throughout the week...for example, I get home later on Mon and Wed because I have a longer commute on those days and hit the weight she cooks on those days. I cook on Tues and Thurs...we usually go out of get pizza delivery on Friday and weekends are usually cookouts.

    I also take my kids to school/summer camp in the AM and my wife picks up....except for Friday when I bike commute then the rolls are reversed.

    I usually bath the kids on Mon and Weds since my wife is on kitchen duty and she bathes them on Tues and Thurs.
  • RunsOnCoffee_
    RunsOnCoffee_ Posts: 12 Member
    I have a full-time job and 3 kids. During the week I get up at 4:30 AM to run or crosstrain before work and I’m in bed before 9PM to get much needed sleep. On weekends I try to squeeze in a workout when my youngest naps.