Only eating when you are hungry?



  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    Doesn't work for me because I'd undereat some months and overeat others.
  • vgentile990
    vgentile990 Posts: 50 Member
    I usually have 2 meals a day ... I eat when I’m hungry and eat untill my body say I’m full and stop. Usually end the day around 1600 calories but some days 1000 ... I do feel significantly better the next day when I’ve consumed 1600 to 2000 the day before. My main food sources are meat,fish,veggies ... almost no sweets and minimal fruits
  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    For years I bought into the myth about breakfast being the most important meal of the day and forced myself to eat breakfast even though I wasn't hungry. It was very freeing when I realized it doesn't really matter when you eat your calories! I don't start eating until lunch and I'm less hungry throughout the day than I was when I regularly had breakfast. I also find myself feeling a lot hungrier in the afternoons/evenings. I think this may just be because I'm so busy at work I don't notice, and then start feeling ravenous as I'm driving home. I save about 2/3 of my daily calories for dinner and that works for me.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited July 2018
    I kinda sorta do this. I wait until I'm hungry to have my first meal, and I use low hunger days to save calories for higher calorie days. But I also have days where I accept feeling hungry because my appetite would have me eating 3500+ calories to be satisfied, and days where I don't eat despite being hungry because I have something planned for the evening.

    I don't consider eating for the sake of eating a bad thing, so I do that too sometimes. I also believe that food serves many more functions than just fueling the body. It's a matter of balancing eating for hunger and eating for other purposes in a way that doesn't leave me deprived long term in any sense of the word.
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    I think this is a great way to eat. If you look at my diary, you'll see that I changed the name of my meals, it's no longer listed as breakfast/lunch/dinner as I changed it to meal#1/meal#2/meal#3/etc. I felt like having the traditional meal names kept me feeling like I needed to eat on some sort of regimented schedule. When I was younger, I routinely skipped breakfast and sometimes even lunch, it was just natural to me. And guess what? I stayed thin without trying. Once I started working a full time job, having 3 meals a day plus snacks was the "cool thing to do" LOL so I fell in to that pattern and then the weight started piling on. Now I'm trying to listen to my body and eat when hungry. Some days I eat 4 or 5 times, some days I just eat once. I'm still tracking my calories, but it makes it so much easier to stay in my allowance when I'm really focusing on listening to my body and only eating when hungry.

    I had a quick look at your diary and would think that maybe this approach is not working so well for you as there are many days when you aren't even meeting the 1200 calorie mark. You are either not logging everything you eat or you are undereating.

    Personally, I would love to be able to eat this way but know that I can't. I struggle to get enough calories in and am often forcing myself to eat towards the end of the day, just to get calories in so I don't lose more weight. I really can't work out how I ever had a weight problem to begin with. I am guessing that increasing my protein and complex carbs in place of refined carbs and foods high in sugar and fat has led to much better satiety.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I just ran across this thread. I have been on Keto since June 1 and I was hungry all the time at first. This past couple weeks, I have found myself still eating breakfast lunch and dinner. The difference now is I am eating a lot less and I am full. I am 6'2" male and I know I should be eating over 1500 kcals a day, but some days like today, I am only at 850. I slept in and didn't eat breakfast, but I did eat two chicken breasts for lunch, a pint of Halo Top ice cream for a snack and a 8.5 oz steak for dinner. A couple hours after that I had a coffee. I was thinking that I need to get more calories in just because it is what THEY say I should do. I am finding that I am only eating now when my body says, "Hey, feed me". Even with less calories over the last couple weeks, I am still full of energy and not getting headaches or dizzy. The only side affect as of right now is I am losing weight pretty fast, but I am trying to lose weight.

    Might I add I do cardio 30 mins a day 5/6 days a week. Usually burn about 600 cals. I think maybe since I have not been lifting since I partially tore my acromioclavicular joint, that might be why my appetite has decreased. Doctor says to chill out, but cardio is still ok.

    Your logging in your diary is off, the likely culprit being bad choices of entries. The 200 calories for 8 oz of chicken seems low since it's over 200 for 6 oz of chicken, as does 257 calories for 8 oz of steak - you're looking at closer to 400+ calories for that. The Halo Top is going to have 60g of carbs, even if you subtracted the 12g of fiber from that, it's still higher than 24g carbs. Halo Top is also pretty much the exact opposite of a keto friendly choice because it's purposefully low fat, whereas keto is a high fat diet.

    I would double check your entries, as you are eating much more than is logged there. But you should also be aiming for your calorie goal and eating back a portion of your exercise calories. On days you wake up late or are not that hungry (we all have those days), choose higher calorie options for meals or snacks to get you closer to goal. One off day here or there isn't a problem, but it's not something you want to make a regular thing, especially if you exercise. Undereating is a great way to get an injury.
  • Zaid_89
    Zaid_89 Posts: 2 Member
    So I’ve started to follow just one rule when it comes to eating. And that’s to only eat when I am feeling really hungry. I feel like I eat for the sake of it, it gets to 1pm and I think oh it’s lunch time I should eat some lunch etc. This is my first day of trying this out and I’ve only had 500 calories and I’m not hungry at all! My first snack was at 11.30 because I genuinely wasn’t hungry until then .. I have more energy today as well. Has anyone else tried this?
    So I’ve started to follow just one rule when it comes to eating. And that’s to only eat when I am feeling really hungry. I feel like I eat for the sake of it, it gets to 1pm and I think oh it’s lunch time I should eat some lunch etc. This is my first day of trying this out and I’ve only had 500 calories and I’m not hungry at all! My first snack was at 11.30 because I genuinely wasn’t hungry until then .. I have more energy today as well. Has anyone else tried this?

    You basically doing kinda Intermittent fasting, add black coffee and it will blunt your hunger too. Been doing that for a year and half. Will lose weight if you also stick with a calorie restriction, which i dont a lot cause i like costco pizza lol
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    This wouldnt work for me for a few reasons...

    I know I can eat a lot, and easily overeat without feeling stuffed. I'd probably stress more about controlling my intake if I was to eat intuitively compared to logging and planning.

    I don't know how I'd plan for just eating when I was hungry. I have limited opportunity to eat at work during the week, so breaks are at set times. Waiting til I was hungry wouldn't work - I might have to wait for hours after getting hungry!

    If I planned foods to take to work but then didn't feel like eating them then I'd probably waste a lot.

    I like knowing that I'm doing everything I can to achieve my goals. My goals are physique based so eating appropriate amounts is important (to me)...
  • KowboyKraka
    KowboyKraka Posts: 18 Member
    kgeyser wrote: »
    Your logging in your diary is off, the likely culprit being bad choices of entries. The 200 calories for 8 oz of chicken seems low since it's over 200 for 6 oz of chicken, as does 257 calories for 8 oz of steak - you're looking at closer to 400+ calories for that. The Halo Top is going to have 60g of carbs, even if you subtracted the 12g of fiber from that, it's still higher than 24g carbs. Halo Top is also pretty much the exact opposite of a keto friendly choice because it's purposefully low fat, whereas keto is a high fat diet.

    I would double check your entries, as you are eating much more than is logged there. But you should also be aiming for your calorie goal and eating back a portion of your exercise calories. On days you wake up late or are not that hungry (we all have those days), choose higher calorie options for meals or snacks to get you closer to goal. One off day here or there isn't a problem, but it's not something you want to make a regular thing, especially if you exercise. Undereating is a great way to get an injury.

    My measurements were off a little, but not too krazy. I found that the 8oz of chicken was 341cal and the Steak (Beef knuckle) is 348. So even adding an extra 300 cals still has me under 1200 for the day which states is the bare minimum for a male. The Halo Top I subtract the Erythritol because I know that it doesn't affect my blood glucose levels. I have tested it on myself separately to see what sweeteners cause a spike, so I know what foods I can eat with them. HT wasn't for keto, just was craving some ice cream and that was the best option available.

    Point is, I eat when I am hungry now. If I am not hungry I am not going to shove calories down my throat. I am just listening to my body. If it says eat now, then I eat. Usually though I do get hungry every couple hours.

    I have done an extreme amount of research on paleo, Keto, HFLC, so on. I like the keto approach, but even still I do a modified version of it to fit my needs. I am on military vessel and am at bay to what the cooks make. They usually work with me and put aside something a little more carb friendly, hence the beef knuckle (they made stew). It's not a prime cut of meat by any means, but it was zero carb, sooo.

    As far as my workouts, I do them at night before I go to bed and have had a full day of food in me. As soon as I wake up in the morning I am eating breakfast which usually consists of eggs and bacon.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I'm another who finds that my hunger is dictated by the foods I have eaten. If I limit my carbs, especially refined and processed, my hunger drops and I can eat intuitively. If I eat higher carb, including refined and processed carbs, I need to ignore hunger and try to rely on willpower to control my calorie intake. Not as fun.
  • SelenaMariaStewart
    SelenaMariaStewart Posts: 112 Member
    I do the same, but I'll admit I'm too far under calories some days. If it's nearing the end of my day and I'm in a big deficit I have healthy snacks to eat so my body gets the fuel it needs. But, that's only if I'm way under. Like normally I won't eat before 2 in the afternoon since my stomach is usually blarg until then.
  • fb47
    fb47 Posts: 1,058 Member
    So I’ve started to follow just one rule when it comes to eating. And that’s to only eat when I am feeling really hungry. I feel like I eat for the sake of it, it gets to 1pm and I think oh it’s lunch time I should eat some lunch etc. This is my first day of trying this out and I’ve only had 500 calories and I’m not hungry at all! My first snack was at 11.30 because I genuinely wasn’t hungry until then .. I have more energy today as well. Has anyone else tried this?

    I usually use that method if I go on vacation or I am away from home and I don't feel like tracking, I use that method in order to prevent me from gaining too much weight. For every day, I wouldn't do it. I just feel more comfortable tracking it instead of relying on my instinct.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I just ran across this thread. I have been on Keto since June 1 and I was hungry all the time at first. This past couple weeks, I have found myself still eating breakfast lunch and dinner. The difference now is I am eating a lot less and I am full. I am 6'2" male and I know I should be eating over 1500 kcals a day, but some days like today, I am only at 850. I slept in and didn't eat breakfast, but I did eat two chicken breasts for lunch, a pint of Halo Top ice cream for a snack and a 8.5 oz steak for dinner. A couple hours after that I had a coffee. I was thinking that I need to get more calories in just because it is what THEY say I should do. I am finding that I am only eating now when my body says, "Hey, feed me". Even with less calories over the last couple weeks, I am still full of energy and not getting headaches or dizzy. The only side affect as of right now is I am losing weight pretty fast, but I am trying to lose weight.

    Might I add I do cardio 30 mins a day 5/6 days a week. Usually burn about 600 cals. I think maybe since I have not been lifting since I partially tore my acromioclavicular joint, that might be why my appetite has decreased. Doctor says to chill out, but cardio is still ok.

    @KowboyKraka at first I was concerned that you were drastically undereating but I took a look at your diary and see you are using a lot of user created entries. I suggest you go to USDA database to get the syntax and plug that into MFP.

    For example, when I use "Chicken, broilers or fryers, breast, meat only, cooked, roasted" I get 374 calories for 8 oz chicken, almost double the 200 calories for the entry you used.

    I get 404 calories for 8.3 oz of "Beef, round, knuckle, tip side, steak, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, grilled", rather than the 257 calories your entry had.

    Over the course of a month, how much weight are you losing per week and how much more weight do you have to lose before you hit your goal?