Insanity Max 30. HELP MEH!!!

Hey there, I started Insanity max 30 yesterday.. I’m worried I’m not burning enough calories because I can’t do all the moves. I didn’t Insanity a couple years ago so I know I have to get stronger but I’m thinking f r now I need to keep going to the the gym to keep my workout where it needs to be so I can still lose weight.. anyone have this issue... I’m accepting any advice .. THANK YOU!!!!


  • alatham7891
    alatham7891 Posts: 18 Member
    I wouldn't think it matters if you can complete all the routines, as long as you are pushing yourself as much as your body allows, usually the instructors on the video are at peak physical shape so it makes sense you cannot keep up with them and AFAIK you loose weight by having a caloric deficit, as long as you are eating less calories than your maintenance calories then you should loose weight.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Is there not a modifier shown? If not, jog in place when you can't complete all the moves, or walk around, or even pause until you catch your breath. Is there a certain move you are unable to do, or is lack of endurance? I have trouble completing all of the frog jumps and jump jack push ups. Those are killer at the end of Insanity pure cardio. But I either pause, walk, or jog in place. Just don't stop moving!
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    You should look primarily to your diet (calorie intake) as the driver of weight loss. The difference between doing all the moves in a workout video and scaling them to your abilities may amount to 50 calories in an hour or something like that. 50 calories isn't much, and is probably within the window of daily food/exercise logging errors anyway.

    Scale the workout, do as much as you can do and gradually increase as you're able.